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Regulator 250X
07-25-2002, 07:07 PM
Hey fellow exracers and riders... i have a great story for you all. I was racing this last weekend in waterloo, iowa right. Well this is my first summer racing motocross so im in the C class. Im riding exactly what a C class rider should be riding. A 250x, motor completely stock besides the exhaust, a-arms and shocks have been converted to 250R setup and the rear end is stock with a LSR axle. Ok so i got you guys setup with what i ride, and what class i race in.
Saturday night there werent to many quads there because of a fair race somewhere else. There were a total of 15 quads in my class, split up into two heats. I raced the second heat, my holeshots needless to say suck, i came in 7th place, only one rider behind me, on a 400ex. Well here is the thing I end up getting 3rd place in my heat. Yeah you read right, 3rd place. The sickest part of this all is that i passed two banshees with pretty good riders!! haha So by this time i am feeling pretty proud of my riding abilities. The main rolls around and i pull up to the line with 7 other quads, all 400exs or banshees. I stroll up on a 250x ":cool:" oh yeah. A 20 year old 230 pound, 6 foot fat college kid on a lone 250x. Can you imagine what the other riders had to be thinking!! Yeah, prolly how the **** did i get in the main??? hahaha well i managed to pull a last place holeshot not to my surprise!! 7 laps later i end up in 5th place!! hahaha, oh man i prolly sound cocky but damn i think i have some room to talk when im running a stock motor, dont i guys!!?? Just thought i would share that with you... And by the way this wasnt the only time i have beat banshees, all summer its been happening!! hahaha Tell me what you all think of this cuz i have many more to share!! Check ya later!!

MX for Life!!:cool:

07-25-2002, 08:04 PM
good job 250x! yeah those banshee's don't seem very good in mx,do they.seems like if the rider is good the quad ends up breaking and getting a big fat DNF.just what i've noticed in my short time around quads:rolleyes:

07-25-2002, 08:32 PM
hey I'm from iowa too I use to race at cattlecongress all the time back when i rode a yz80. When you were racing there do they check for you id to see how old you are and do you ever see anyone younger than 16 riding a quad? j/w because i'm 15 and I guess they won't let you ride until you turn 16.

07-26-2002, 11:05 AM
I am also from Iowa, I race at Ashland, NE, Marne, IA, Malvern IA, etc. You guys must have all the fun because down here we are lucky to 15 quads total. I usually am in a open class because we don't have enough guys to split into different classes. We once ran 17 quads at once, can you believe that? It was the stupidest thing I have ever seen. I'm pretty consistant at getting the holeshot or atleast starting in the top 3 so the first corner didnt affect me but for the other 16 guys it was a living ****. I think we had 3 rolls in just the first corner.

Regulator 250X
07-26-2002, 05:49 PM
Oh yeah you can race at the cattle congress under 16, dont know if you are supposed but there are these two kids on blasters that cant be any older than 15, they do alright because they are so light and the track is pretty small, not to many long straight aways. Anyway, where are you from Nausty? Im acutally from northeast iowa up by mason city. Its a good hour and 15 minute drive for me to waterloo. Hey sorry to hear that you guys dont get so many quads in your classes Big Thumper. But it sounds like you have more tracks to ride on. The closest competition is waterloo for me then cedar rapids which is another hour past waterloo. Well take it easy guys, what are your guys rides anyway? Later

07-26-2002, 06:05 PM
Good ridin and keep them shees behind ya.

Funny you posted this since last week a real big "older" guy was running this small track (no race just riding) on a hot looking worked shee. Well this really little looking guy is chasing him around on a 250X and catching up with him at every turn or jump etc. and the guy on the shee is looking back just as he starts a straight and just roosts the crap out of him.

Went on for like ten min and was way too funny.

07-28-2002, 01:52 PM
actually I was talking about one of my freinds before who races his 250x with nothing but pipe and nerfs and was in 1st place at birlenton iowa in the b class and the thing was is he was holding it untel he crashed and last time me and him rode he was keeping up with me on a 250x and i'm like WTF because I usually don't have any trouble on that track and untel he came up there with me one time I was always the guy to beat jumping every jump and flying around the track. I think hes selling it and getting a 400ex though which is gonna suck because hes gonna pry be racing a class on a stock 400ex. He has a 250x and trys every jump and cases some and he looks like he barely feels it I mean it looks harsh and the suspension rebounds almost launching it back in the air again. Just goes to show all this quad vs. quad stuff is bs and is all you need is skills. And it shows you DON"T need a race quad to be competitive. Oh yah and i'm loving my elka's I just flat landed a jump yesterday over jumping it I was at about 12-15ft in the air when i flat landed 1st time I did it on purpose and landing perfect which is kinda hard the way the jump launches you 2nd time I relized I was in a gear to high and landed almost as far as the 1st time but I landed all crooked and stuff and it was kinda harsh. ok i'm gonna shutup now and I am gonna race at cattle congress next weekend or whenver there next race is.

07-28-2002, 02:58 PM
good job 250x, do a little more motor work and get some more experience, and you'll kill 'em:macho

07-28-2002, 06:02 PM
You guys would love southwick. THeres was more than 40 ridres just in my class a lone. Thewre was like 300 poeple racing that day. I just wish I went racing up in jolly roger. I'm kicking self in the ***.

Regulator 250X
07-28-2002, 08:46 PM
Actually I am looking to get a 350x engine and mount that up in there. Then i would be keeping up with the 400's and definitely get better holeshots. This weekend wasnt so good in Cedar Rapids. i placed 10th out of 12 riders but the last two didnt finish the race. I would like to say however that it was probably the best race of the summer. I just cornered like a mad man and kept a 400ex behind for the whole race until the last lap and he got me in the straight away. I actually took him in the corner, then over the jump he got me. His front wheel hit mine and it turned my handlebars and cracked my wrist so i couldnt keep up with him the last lap. Oh well. I really dont have the motor to compete anyway. Later dudes.

07-29-2002, 12:41 AM
I think you would be better off with good zero preload shocks over motor work. I thought I was gonna save all my money and put it in the motor but found I could be WAYYY faster with aftermarket shocks and I am and I have a lot more confidence when it comes to jumps knowing if I over jump its not gonna be much worse than landing perfect on the landing with stock shocks:D I know one guy on this site had one tricked out 250x I havn't seen him on here but he had one sweet quad.

Regulator 250X
07-29-2002, 04:47 PM
I dunno though. Im a big guy and motor isnt real fresh, the only thing ive ever done to it since i had it was hone the cylinder and put new rings in it. So it really isnt the strongest. I have the 250R front set up and jumps dont scare me, just casing them hurts. The whoops dont bother me either i soak them right up. Its just getting the holeshot and speed in the straight aways is what i need. I definitely need the low end to get out of the corners. But i will be looking for some new shocks once i do get a new motor. Great suggestion, but whats so good about ZPS shocks? just wondering

08-01-2002, 11:44 PM
ul get some travel out of em, they sit relaly low, corner faster, ect

if u can find some 88 a-arms, u should try them, 1in forward from the 87, widin it out, handle a bit better