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03-21-2006, 11:07 PM
I cant go into detail, so kind of use you imagination with this story...

A man devotes a good portion of his life to a company and watches as it starts to decline. he is pretty much powerless to help or stop because he is a small fish in the tank. This man decides to part ways with this company when he has the oppertunity, but feels he should make sure there have been some waves made to point out the problems to those much higher on the food chain....which he starts doing every so slowly and only when the situation warrants, nothing done completly out of spite. This could lead to someone loosing thier job, disceplinary actions or loss of wages/promotions etc for some involved, but this person feels it is the correct thing to do.

What do you make out of that.....should the man just quietly fade out, or should he do what he feels in his heart is right even though it may have no effect on things. Should he continue only when there is cause for such actions, or should he just smile and let everyone find out how bad it is at some point in the future?

just curious

03-21-2006, 11:09 PM
and btw....

this has nothing to do with the internet, merely searching for opinions to help offer some advice to a friend

03-22-2006, 12:10 AM
That's a very difficult situation. I know he should do what he feels is right in his heart, but what is the outcome of that? Would he hurt more people then help? I would suggest letting the cat out of the bag. A lot companies do not handle letting employees go easily. They would be better off with a big heads up. Most people live from paycheck to paycheck, and having their lives interrupted with a situation like that wouldn't be very recoverable, assuming the situation is that the company is going out of business?

If the company is going to stay in business, and only a couple people might lose their jobs, I don't think I would make waves?

03-22-2006, 05:35 AM
I may only be 17, but i have definately learned that you have to do what you feel is the right thing deep down inside you. I can recall quite a few times when i have been in a situation where i wanted to say somthing i knew would "rock the boat" and for that reason i held my toung and in most of these cases i regret it.

When it comes to making waves to point out a problem i think, thoe there might be some negitive side effects at first, doing so will hell quite a bit in the long run. As for letting employees go, i do not have any first hand experiance but i do know that my dad has had to do it on a few occations and on those days he is allways really bumbed out and when i ask him he basicall tell me "you gotta do what you gott do".

At the end of the day it comes down to what feel is right. you have to live with your dicision for most likely the rest of your life and at the end of the day you gotta be able to look in the miror and not think bad "of yourself" for what you have done or havent done.

As for this situation inperticular i think that if it is a matter of wether the company will go under or be able to stay in operation that as the owner of manager of the company it is your job to your to do what is best for the company. even if this means laying off some people. and it is much better to let them know now that there is the possibility of layoffs than to wate and tell em right before it happend.

I wish your friend the best of luck and whatever he decides to do i hope it works out for him...

03-22-2006, 05:53 AM
I say stir the pot and watch the chit hit the fan . :devil:

I've witnessed first hand how a little stirring of the pot can change a company for the better ... especially when it's employees get to see what management is doing and vice versa .

But there could always be some consequences to it . Who might lose their job?? A good friend ?? Some guy that's just trying to put food on the table for his family? Or some guy that's been lining his pockets for years ??

Just be careful of what bridges get burned in the process ... cuz who knows what might happen in the future .... your friend might need to re-cross a bridge or two to get a little help at some point !!!

03-22-2006, 06:09 AM
I would rather burn out than fade away........ And I think a broad look at today's society shows that most people are afraid to make waves at any company. So they will just do what they have to , to get by and get the paycheck every week, and not give any personal input on any issue. And I think this is a problem, we're turning into a bunch of zombies....... I would rather be me, and say things how I see them, good or bad. But I make sure I let it known that it's just my opinion and I'm sure it's wrong, but it's really good to just get ideas out there. Nobody's arm will fall off if a suggestion is made............. Just my 2 cents............:ermm: This is a tough situation though, sounds like he's screwed either way he handles this situation.....:ermm:

03-22-2006, 06:47 AM
Go with your gut instinct :)

03-22-2006, 07:55 AM
Tell him to follow his heart and make waves so the higher ups at least know whats going on it may do nothing but it might wake some people up.

03-22-2006, 11:42 AM
well here is what i would do...in this order....

1. make sure i am safe and not going to lose my job...you needa look out for yourself and your family.

2. if you are safe and it has no effect on your or your fam then do what you feel is the right thing to do...its best to get things off your chest rather than hold them in.

3. what would you like others to do if they were in your position? would you prefer the person with info come forward, or just fade out?

if it has an effect on hardworking commonfolk not making alot...and if it risks them losing their job or something ya needa weigh that into it as well...

03-22-2006, 11:50 AM
Yeah. I'd say he should do what he thinks is right unless it could hurt an innocent person. Even if it has no affect on things at least he will feel he did the right thing.

03-22-2006, 12:04 PM
If the last 14 years in the Air Force has taught me anything it is, You MUST stick to what your guts, beliefs and morals. If you waver once you stand a very good shot of being walked on the rest of your life. It may hurt a few now but could stop it from happening down the road.


red2004 TRX450R
03-22-2006, 02:23 PM
Change used to be an event. Now, Change is the business of every day.

Change used to be something that came along every once in a while. It was time consuming, expensive, and difficult, but people made it through and things settled back to business as usual. Well, those big changes haven't gone away, in fact, these days business as usual IS change. Companies are needing to change and adapt faster than ever—and their people are struggling to keep up.

03-22-2006, 04:51 PM
walk in to the top dogs office, lay it out to him, in the most respectful way possible, you basically have dedicated your life to this business, and to see it all falling apart in front of you is something no true man will stand for no matter who gets hurt things neeed to be set right , if the guy sees it your way it could alwas work to your benefit and be appreciative of the dedication to the company

03-22-2006, 05:33 PM
i was alwasy told, if you dont stand for something, then youll fall for anything

03-22-2006, 06:51 PM
I would say definitly do what could be done to help out and whats in best interest for the company and oneself, but do so in a way that would not burn any bridges for any dealings that might arise in the future ( if thats possible )