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03-14-2006, 06:48 PM
I can help but notice as I read the forums that a large percentage of the members are farily young. As in younger than me.

I am 23 and ride a 400ex. I see many much younger persons listing their rides as 400ex and more.

To me knowing the kind of power my mostly stock bike has, that is just wrong.

I know for a fact when I was 13/14/15 I thought I could handle any bike quad ect, and I now know just how wrong I was.

Unless someone (and I know there are a handfull) has been riding since they could walk, I feel alot of younger persons ride above thier capabilties, both mentally and physically.

I dont post this to start an e-brawl, but rather to get opions. My younger cousin (15) gets very mad at me for not letting him ride my 400ex. his rational is that its no different than his polaris 250, and that he can handle it.

And having seen him and his younger brother (14) ride, I feel I would be being irresponsible letting them use my quad.

To me they just do not have the motor skills, coordination and ability to handle what the 400ex is capable of.

So what are your thoughts on the matter? ( and for all your 'i can handle my quad you must be a p***y' 12 year olds no need to reply )


03-14-2006, 06:51 PM
well if they have alot of skill and know how to handle things by themselves then i would say it really doesnt matter if they ride it or not

but what do i know, im just a stupid 13 y/o

03-14-2006, 06:54 PM
it really depends on the kid. i know when i was 12, i got my first 'real' quad, a 1992 250x. i road it alot and by the tiem i was 145 had mastered the power and needed something bigger with more potential than it could offer. i did not get my 400ex till 2004, but could have had one much sooner. i do know som epeople that could not handle it even at 20, but persanally could handle a bigger quad than a 250 at 14 or 15. I do know that a dinky 90 is way to small for any 15 or 16 year old can i know, but also believe that not all can handle a 400 or bigger at that age either. I am 19, with a 400ex with decent power and already have out grown what it can offer without major work and will be lookg to upgrade or do alot of work to my bike in the future. it has to do with rider skill, type of ridng, and how they learned.

03-14-2006, 06:59 PM
I'm 15 and ride a z400 with every mod I know..lol

Here are my motor mods/power mods:

Hot Cams (both)
DID Cam Chain
Full Curtis Sparks Exhaust
Athena 434.4 big bore cylinder
Athena Piston
K&N clamp on filter kit
K&N air box lid
FCR 39mm carb

I love it!!!

03-14-2006, 07:07 PM
im 15 and ride a 450r. i got it about 1 month after i turned 14. i was on a built blaster and the 450r was my brother but he moved out and had no time to ride so he made me and my dad a deal on it. if it wasnt for that i wouldnt have had a 450 so soon. i think skill and maturity have alot to do with it. when i was 9 my dad put me on banshee's and 250r's but i would just put around and as i felt more comfortable i would go a little faster. where some kids will jump on and pin it without getting used to it and their the type of kids who shouldnt be on a fast quad. but i started riding when i was 5 and now i can handle my 450 just as good if not better than many guys older than me and im only 5 10, 120 lbs

Quad Boy 660r
03-14-2006, 08:17 PM
Originally posted by 400exXx
well if they have alot of skill and know how to handle things by themselves then i would say it really doesnt matter if they ride it or not

Thats how I see it. Im 15 years old and ride a Raptor.

03-14-2006, 08:23 PM
I am 15 and ride a 450 and have no problem with it, i have been riding for about 8 years now and i have seen a bunch of younger people that can ride way better then people from 19-35 its just the rider and dont think age has much too do with it unless you havnt been around quads much but i dont really blam you for not letting them ride it if you have seen them ride and dont think there ready then dont let them bc i know for damn sure none of my friend are riding my 450 unless i know they can handle it but even then idk!!!!!

03-14-2006, 08:57 PM
I'm 25 now and I still cant even use all the power my 450R puts out and I've had it since May 2004. It also might be that I just dont get to ride enough any more with my current job:ermm: