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View Full Version : Rear bearings

03-14-2006, 05:24 PM
How avalable are these.

I just hooped on the quad while it was sitting in the garage and was boucing on it and heard/felt lots of play.

So I threw the jack under it and grabed a tire. I have a good 1/2" of play in the rear axle.

which would explain the excess slop in my chain recently.

How much of a pain are they to replace. I havent done too much tinkering with the quad since Ive had it mechanicly.

But I have turned a wrench or two before.


03-14-2006, 06:47 PM
search the FAQ forum, i believe there is a thread in there on how to do it. it is easy to do, but the bearing can be a pain to get out sometimes.

03-14-2006, 06:50 PM
it is very easy to do go to http://www.rockymountainatv.com/productDetail.do?prodFamilyId=2054&navTitle=Bearings&webCatId=14&pageLinkUri=&vehicleType=&webTypeId=106&navType=type

but check ut axle nut firts cuz they r known for comeing lose.

03-14-2006, 08:00 PM
Thanks for the link. ~$50, not too bad.

Im not too worried about doing it, just thought, id see how much of a pita it can be.
