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View Full Version : Speeding Tickets... Fight it?!

03-07-2006, 11:25 PM
Well i was looking at a new car for the GF today and on the way home got pulled over by a bored trooper!! i was going "77" in a 65... I was driving my gf's moms car also and did not have my license with me either. He gave me a ticket for 10 over and no penalty for not having my license with... How should I fight this and acutually win?? Has anyone done this in here and won? One more question is my court date is 1 month from now do i have to let them know I'm pleading not guilty? Please no comments like "should not have been speeding" thank you. Will insurance go up its first ticket? 122 buck$$ :mad:

03-07-2006, 11:33 PM
Your stupid for taking it to court, sounds like you got off pretty cheap and also he let you off with no penalty for not having your license. If you go to court you will not win and will get chewed by the judge. " You should have not been speeding" seriously grow up..... 12 miles over the speed limit is a guaranteed ticket no matter where your at. Pay it and quit b.i.t.c.h.i.n trooper was just doing his job :grr:

03-07-2006, 11:37 PM
As I wrote dont comment by saying should not having been speeding" Maybe you cant read though too well over there.... No need for your jackass remarks! Now go back to your mother for your breast feeding mister perfect!

03-07-2006, 11:44 PM
Originally posted by wheelinforlife
As I wrote dont comment by saying should not having been speeding" Maybe you cant read though too well over there.... No need for your jackass remarks! Now go back to your mother for your breast feeding mister perfect! Did you read the rest of his post? And by the way, it's your fault for speeding;)

You got off easy, don't push your luck in court.

03-08-2006, 12:44 AM
man up and pay the ticket

03-08-2006, 01:35 AM
here what i did when i went to court for going 18 over. i went in there and plead gulity and told the judge some bs story on why money is tight and asked him if there was anyway that i could just pay the fine and not have my insurance find out and raise my premimuim and he went for it. good luck.

96lapis coupe
03-08-2006, 01:42 AM
Originally posted by wheelinforlife I was driving my gf's moms car

Originally posted by wheelinforlife
Now go back to your mother for your breast feeding mister perfect! LOL irony

03-08-2006, 02:00 AM
i would say go for fighting it. they can't charge you with anymore tickets. and the whole not having your license is a joke. as long as your license isn't suspended there isn't anything they can do. that would be like having insurance but not having the proofe when he showed you. he can look it up and see for himself. Tell the judge the truth. you were driving you girlfriends moms car and were paying more attention to road then the speedometer and it really didn't seem like you were going that fast. then ask how you were clocked, lazered, or whatever. and the last test date on the machine used. or possibly any human error that could have played a role in being a few more mph's faster than what you were doing. i got clocked doing a 162 mph's in my small block s-10 and was stupid and pulled over and waited for him. and then 4 other cars also. i got out of it also. using similar technics. alot of cops are stupid. take some awards you recieved for being a honor student or something. cuase the cop/trooper will have his with to make him look all good. good luck

seriously whoever thinks 77mph is fast needs to get a life. speed limits in florida are higher than that. it's the old FoCKS that think 77mph is fast and thats why they cuase alot of accidents. can't handle it, don't drive.

03-08-2006, 02:23 AM
Originally posted by 03pissedoff426
I Eat 440's And S@#t 450r's

u do that with a 426ex?

03-08-2006, 03:10 AM
Originally posted by prepracing
Your stupid for taking it to court, sounds like you got off pretty cheap and also he let you off with no penalty for not having your license. If you go to court you will not win and will get chewed by the judge. " You should have not been speeding" seriously grow up..... 12 miles over the speed limit is a guaranteed ticket no matter where your at. Pay it and quit b.i.t.c.h.i.n trooper was just doing his job :grr:

03-08-2006, 03:12 AM
Originally posted by wheelinforlife
As I wrote dont comment by saying should not having been speeding" Maybe you cant read though too well over there.... No need for your jackass remarks! Now go back to your mother for your breast feeding mister perfect!

Open forum is open season on a dumb a.s.s as yourself

03-08-2006, 05:33 AM
1st off ignore the immature comments that you are getting and...


If this is your 1st ticket as you say they will probably give you PBJ (probation before judgement) and a small fine to pay. This way you do not get any points on your license. I have went to court on ticket that was way worse (86 in a 50) and got off with PBJ. And it was far from my 1st ticket. IMO there is never a reason not to go to court to fight a ticket. He!!, the cop may not even show up and then you get off with nothing!!! Good luck to you.

03-08-2006, 05:46 AM
you got caught, don't be a whiner, man up and pay...

Krazy KFX
03-08-2006, 06:10 AM
that would be like having insurance but not having the proofe when he showed you. he can look it up and see for himself.

Wrong... In the state of Iowa it is $300 fine for not having proof of insurance weather you have it or not. If the trooper show up for court you will end up paying anyway. Most of the time they do show up, like you said he was bored, so he has nothing better to do.:D

03-08-2006, 07:52 AM
You made a mistake, realize it, never do it again. Man up, and pay for your mistakes........................:grr: :mad:

03-08-2006, 07:54 AM
I hate it when people make excuses for their mistakes. More and more I'm hearing this about it being someone else's fault except their own. Nobody was making you dive 77 in a 65 zone. You were doing it yourself. I hope they throw the book at you!!!!!!!!!! And driving without your license is just plain dumb:mad: :grr:

03-08-2006, 08:41 AM
Boo f'n whoo, pay the ticket. The cop was doing his job not having nothing to do. That is BS that you are crying about getting a ticket when you know you were in the wrong. Not long now until I'm in Law Enforcement and I will gladly write you a ticket any day you come to my town.

03-08-2006, 08:54 AM
a friend of mine was doing 10 over in his subdavison and he faught it and the cop never showed, so he won...btw dress in a suit, look nice...all judges like it when a teenager/ young adult take it seriosuly and care enough to dress up

03-08-2006, 09:21 AM
Heres the only thing I fought...

On the last day of school last year, I was in the parking lot and there were 5 or so cops in the lot trying to escort all the excited students out of the lot. I saw a huge group of my friends so i drove over there, the cop came up to my window and said, "GET OUTTA HERE...NOW! IF YOU'RE HERE...YOU ARE TRESSPASSING, NOW LEAVE!!!" So I left, didnt speed off or nothing. I got down the road...turned down another road, and there was cop cop sitting in a driveway, I drove by him and he pulled me over. He goes, "Well, I got word over the radio that you ALMOST ran over Deputy Gontarski's foot." I was like, ":eek: " haha, yeah well, He gave me a $220 ticket for, "Unsafe Start." I thought that was the biggest bullcrap ticket ever, so I took it to court...and the charges were dropped! :p

03-08-2006, 09:43 AM
First off, your court date in a month is not a "trial". It's called an arraignment hearing in which you enter a plea.

The judge will read you your rights, you'll sign a form stating that you understand those rights, and then you'll either say you are guilty, not guilty, or no contest (really, the same as guilty).

If you plea "guilty" or "no contest", the judge will set your fine, and you either pay it right there or make arrangements.

If you plea "Not Guilty" the judge sets a date for a pre-trial hearing.

That's the facts, now here is my advice.

Go to the arraingment hearing and plea "guilty". You were speeding, you know it, don't try to pretend you weren't. The judge will give you a chance to explain. Do NOT try to convince him you're not guilty, they hate that. You don't plead guilty and then try to tell him that you're not guilty.

Instead, just tell the judge the truth, that you weren't paying attention. THEN (this is key), ask the judge if there is anything you can do to drop the ticket off your record so your insurance does not go up. Be nice, be respectful, and the judge will usually be nice back and give you some options.

If you plea "Not Guilty", and you make them go to trial, waste the judge's time, the prosecutors time, the court clerks time, all to try to beat a lousy speeding ticket, the judge will NOT be nice to you. Sure, there's a chance you might get out of it, but honestly, it's a slim chance. Most likely, they will throw the book at you, and you might even have larger fines to pay for court costs that you wasted taking this thing to trial.

Just go in, be nice, dress nice, say you're sorry, and ask about your options.

03-08-2006, 10:42 AM
well i guess you can tell who would be the cool people to hang out with here. and the ones who are A>S>S>H>O>L>E>S the pathetic non law breakers

03-08-2006, 10:51 AM
Originally posted by 03pissedoff426
well i guess you can tell who would be the cool people to hang out with here. and the ones who are A>S>S>H>O>L>E>S the pathetic non law breakers

You just got your only warning from me. Watch the language.

03-08-2006, 12:19 PM
Originally posted by MOFO
You just got your only warning from me. Watch the language.


Although it doesn't say specifically in the rules, there are a few subjects we are not going to tolerate. Drugs, selling stolen goods, pornography, vandalism, and breaking the law.

Before you say it, I realize most people do 5mph over the speed limit, that's not the point. The point is that if you need to break the law, destroy somebody's property, or endanger people's lives to be cool or have a good time, do it someplace else.

03-08-2006, 09:50 PM
Originally posted by 03pissedoff426
well i guess you can tell who would be the cool people to hang out with here. and the ones who are A>S>S>H>O>L>E>S the pathetic non law breakers

Originally posted by MOFO
You just got your only warning from me. Watch the language.

Originally posted by wilkin250r

Although it doesn't say specifically in the rules, there are a few subjects we are not going to tolerate. Drugs, selling stolen goods, pornography, vandalism, and breaking the law.

Before you say it, I realize most people do 5mph over the speed limit, that's not the point. The point is that if you need to break the law, destroy somebody's property, or endanger people's lives to be cool or have a good time, do it someplace else.

Third it.......

[soap box]
The crap that irritates me is not neccessarily the breaking of the law, which is bad enough and i'm not certainly not claiming to be an angel..... What really gets to me is people that b!tch about getting caught and having to pay the consequences.

Most people who have broken the law CHOSE to do so. If you're grown up enough to break the law then you're grown up enough to pay the consequences.

[/exit soap box]