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View Full Version : PA, Quad Riders

03-07-2006, 04:44 PM
If you would like to have some fun on some Saterday or Sunday OR both days ...Come on over and we'll ride all day ...I live in south western Pa, ...Trails for MILES and lots of hills ....I live between Uniontown and Brownsville ....(Fayette county Pa,)..Bring a freind ....If there any older guys that like to ride in the middle of the week , Just yell !!..Im free every day to ride ....I do have to be home around 3;15 to get my grandson off the school bus though ..Come on you pa, guys , Lets get together and ride

03-10-2006, 10:40 AM
I live down in Clarksville (near Waynesburg) in Greene County. We will have to meet up some time and go riding.

03-10-2006, 09:16 PM
Any time you want to ride ..Just yell.......I might go riding this sunday if you would like to go ....Is there a lot of trails around your house ...I have a truck and can travel ..Your only sround 40 min,s from my house

03-10-2006, 09:19 PM
Sorry your not 40 min,s from me ..I can be in Waynesburg in 25 min,s ...I used to go to Pats sporting goods to buy reloading stuff in Waynesburg

03-11-2006, 08:48 AM
We have some decent trails at my house. We can travel too. I can't ride for another 2 weeks due to ankle surgery. I'll pm you when I have a free day to go riding.

03-11-2006, 11:35 AM
How old are you ?.....What did you do to your ankle ....I used to work at Dilworth mine in Carmichaels....Ive worked at Robena mine, Cumberland mine and then Dilworth mine .......It closed a few years ago ..Im retired and On disabilaty.....Im 48 , ......I have two herniaded dics in my lower back ..I have a bad knee too !!...I take Lorcets for pain !!.....Do you have enough trails to ride all day ....My brother and brotherinlaw always come with me ...I have a Kodiak 450cc 4x4...My brother has a Polerise 500cc 4x4 and my brotherinlaw has a Honda 450cc 4x4....Anytime you want to ride just yell

03-11-2006, 11:44 AM
I am 13 years old. My dad is a very active rider. He is 42. I tore 2 ligaments and had to have surgery to repair them. We have a good many trails where I live. We do not have any neighbors that bother us either which is real nice. I have a 300ex and my dad has a dualsport. He used to race pro for honda and suzuki on a quad in the 80's and 90's. He wants a quad bad. He has not had one for years. Ever since his tricked out 250r was stolen out of our garage. He can ride very well on a quad and a bike. I don't think there is a person around that can keep up with him in the woods. He will hopefully be getting another quad pretty soon.

03-11-2006, 01:46 PM
Well one day when your ankle is better and your ready to ride we can make a date and time to get together and do some riding ..Your house or my house ....Theres miles and miles of trails around here ..You can ride all day and never see the same trail.......Maybe your dad will have a quad by then and he can come

03-11-2006, 05:46 PM
Ya that sounds awesome. I can ride in 2 weeks. We should have a lot of free weekends this spring and summer except for when I am racing which will not be too much this year. I will send you a pm some time in the future and we can go riding or you can pm me.

03-12-2006, 03:05 PM
Do you race at R&D Race track....I go there sometimes to watch all the races in the summer ...I take my grandson with me

03-12-2006, 06:42 PM
Yes I race there every weekend they have a race. I am going this weekend with my parents. My dad announces there and my mom works regestration. I am number 161 on a 300ex and a cr 85. There is a race this coming Sunday I will be at. I will probably be there at every race this summer. I usually race my quad and dirtbike but I will have to miss this race due to my ankle. I will be better for the next race though. Let me know if you will be there. I will be walking around a lot.

03-13-2006, 04:55 AM
No , not this weekend ...I really what to go quad riding this Sunday .....Do they have racing on SATERDAY and Sunday ...I was just asking someone the other day were I could get TIMES AND DATES of races at R&D race track....If I give youy my adderss would you mail me something with all the dates and times on it OR IS there some were on the internet I can get it

03-13-2006, 05:02 PM
Here is there website. www.topendproductions.com

03-14-2006, 05:31 AM
Thanks for the site .....Maybe I'll go ...I have to see if my grandson wants to go and maybe my brother

03-14-2006, 05:12 PM
Cool let me know if you go or not. I will be running around a lot so you will probably see me quite a few times if you go.

03-16-2006, 05:36 AM
My brother is coming back from Ohio to ride this sunday ...So it will be my brotherinlaw my Brother and me going out riding .....It well be a 50 mile loop If I know them , They LOVE to ride !!....I thing good about them two is they like to ride HARD and FAST...We have to go into a old rail road tunnel to get to Brownsville , It around a half mile long , pretty SCARRRY to !!!....Then up a GIANT hill to the top of Brownsville at the gas station ..The hill is straight up and down , My brother is a afrade of it ....Whooooo Wheeeeee I bet you would like to come with use huh !!!!!....ha ha ..This trip is long enough WE have to carry gas cans with us

03-16-2006, 01:47 PM
Sounds like a very fun loop. Ya I would love to come but my parents would kill me. Have fun riding. How long is the hill? My dad loves big steep hills. He does some pretty crazy stuff on his dualsport. HAVE FUN!!!:macho

03-16-2006, 06:47 PM
The one hill is pretty big and steep , But there another hill will bi going to on the other side of Brownsville that you would think your NEVER going to get to the bottom of it ..Its down my the river and all the hills down by the river are VERY big and steep ....Tell your dad to get a quad and you and him can come along with us or we can come and go with you guys

03-21-2006, 03:57 PM
If you don't mind me tagging along drop me a line the next time you guys go riding in Brownsville.

03-22-2006, 06:06 AM
Cinmen37 . Im sorry I thoguht you were some one else ...Were you from ??......Yes you can come .....What kind of quad do you have ....We just did a 47 mile loop the sunday that just past ......., From Republic to maybe 5 miles on the other side of Brownsville ...Some GREAT riding down past brownsville , Tons of trails !!!..Across from ASIDS JUNK YARD in the hollow are SO many trails it would make your head spin...We spent four hours just going up trails to see were they went ...Some are just hill climbs and some go places that I never been and still don't know where I was at ..SO how old are you and were you from

03-22-2006, 06:15 AM
I see you are from Fredericktown...Do you have a truck or some way to get to Filbert or Republic...Some times we start at my house in Filbert or at my brotherinlaws house in Melrose its close to Maxwell ........If we start at his house all ya got to do is go across the ferry and up the road to Melrose ...From his house or my hosue we can go ALMOST anywere ...We ride all the way over to Masontown brigde sometimes cross it and ride in Greene co,

03-22-2006, 06:23 AM
I am 31 as of yesterday and on vacation the rest of this week. I live between Beallsville and Fredericktown. More than likely I will bring my King Quad. Usually I ride near Jacobs Ferry/Charmichaels, but I would like to see the trails on the other side of the river.

Let me know.

03-22-2006, 06:28 AM
Yeah, I have a truck and trailer. Are you talking about the ferry in Fredericktown? If so can I get a truck and trailer on it?


03-22-2006, 06:46 AM
Yeh the ferry right where you live ....after you get off ferry go past maxwell and maybe another mile theres a road that turns off to the right and goes up a big hill ..Thats Melrose ..My brotherinlaw lives in the first house when you get to the top of the hill ....Theres an old bus shandy at the botton of the hill were you turn .......Ya can't miss it ....But Im not sure if where going to start at his house or my house ...I live between New Salem and Republic on New Salem road ....Come down into Republic on 166 You will come to a Marathon gas station , Go apast it go another 1/8 mile and theres a turn to the left , Thats new salem road , It takes you to Uniontown ...From where you make that left turn I live 1/2 mile ..Its on the right , Its AIRSHAFT rd, ...I live in the first house ...I have a brown garage with a white door and a fence around my yard ...How old are you ....What kind of quad do you ride ...You can bring freinds if you like

03-22-2006, 06:55 AM
I am 31 as of yesterday, I'll bring my King Quad 700. If I can talk my buddy into going we will bring YZ's. Let me know when you are going next and I will try to make it.


03-22-2006, 07:09 AM
Only reason I asked what kind of quad you had is because , Last time we went out riding we ran into 5 other guys that wanted to come with us to Brownsville ...Before you go up to the Texaco on top Brownsville hill , Theres this BIG HILL ..The one guy on his THIRD try rolled his quad down this hill ..But they all had 175s and 200 cc quads ...He didn't get hurt But they couldn't make it up the hill and they had to turn around and go home ...I have a yamaha Kodiak 450 4x4 ..It goes right up that hill ...My brother and my brotherinlaw both have 4x4s ..I was going to buy a king quad when I got my yamaha , I thought it was to wide for the trails ....Do you work ,, I haven't worked in 4 years now ..I hurt my back at Dilworth mine ...BUT it dosen't stop me from quad riding .

03-22-2006, 07:30 AM
Yes I work.
I used to work for Central parts in Waynesburg and make delivery runs to the Air shaft, my freind who used to work at Central is now at Miracle Run Mine down by Blacksville.


03-22-2006, 07:44 AM
Ok ,, Get that king quad ready for a good run ...Were taking a small grill with us next time out , So bring something to eat and drink Cause it will be a long day riding quads ..I'll run ya all day and you will never see the same trail ...If you like I'll give you my phone # and you can call me before we go riding .....I have another freind that Im going to ask to ride that day ..Theres about 15 of them that ride togther ..SO there MIGHT be a few of us , Maybe 15 or 20...It well be fun

03-22-2006, 08:09 AM
Sounds good.
