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View Full Version : Tattoo Aftercare Question

03-05-2006, 11:56 PM
I got my tattoo on last wednesday (march 1st) and it is at the stage where it is just past scabbing and is beginning to peel (it itches a lot). Would it be okay to shower? Ive been having baths lately because i was scared to damage the tattoo but i hate having them. If it is okay to shower, how long is the maximum and should i avoid direct water contact?


03-06-2006, 01:48 AM
i showered right after mine just like any other day. i always applied vitamin e gel on it for a long time and it never even scabbed. never had any problems with it.
mine is on my back if it makes any difference.

03-06-2006, 03:33 AM
after getting a tattoo the one fo the worst things u can do is take a bath. ur supposed to avoid long soaks :bathing, swimmming: all that u can for two weeks after getting a tattoo. showering is ok. the tattoo should be cleaned three times a day with a anitbacterial soap and after being cleaned apply lotion to keep the tattoo from drying up and splitting. ur at the point that it starts flaking so keep using ointment for aftercare, once it has all peeled switch over to a flagrence free white lotion like jergens. keep up with the lotion for a week and after that ur tattoo should be heeled.

Krazy KFX
03-06-2006, 05:54 AM
I have 11 Tattoos and the best thing you can use for it is Tattoo goo, it is the best stuff IMO. Yea showers are fine...remember NO Scratching

03-06-2006, 07:00 AM
.....and no Neosporin!!!!!!

03-06-2006, 07:02 AM
Yeah a shower is fine. I have several tatsand I have always showered the day I got them. You should even was them lightly with a mild bar soap. Dial or some plain non-sented soap is good. And the jergins lotion is a must, keep it covered and out of direct sun light and dont go swimming in a lake, pond, pool nothing for at least 2 weeks.

suck my pipe
03-06-2006, 07:51 AM
you want to wash it when you get it home with soap on your hand, it kind of burns but dont use a rag. you can use some tatto goo or vasatration to help it heal, put on a vary thin layer about three to four times a day. It will heal like a sun burn and flake real bad dont pick or scratch, treat it like chicken pox. avoid tanning beds and direct sunlight for at least 6 months, don't use vassaline (SP?) it's not the same as vasatration. I dont know where you got your tat, but if they did not tell you this I would be worried about infection!!!

Post a pic of your tat

suck my pipe
03-06-2006, 07:52 AM
Oh yah, I forgot to say alot of people are allergic to tatto goo, so you might want to try a small area first.

03-06-2006, 08:00 AM
When you get home the best thing to do is jump in a warm shower wipe the tattoo with soap and water like a normal shower. The more scabbing the better it looks bad but its the best. Nice tip too if you want it to heal faster let it get dry stay away from the vaseline intensive care for a couple days.

03-06-2006, 08:02 AM
Originally posted by suck my pipe
you want to wash it when you get it home with soap on your hand, it kind of burns but dont use a rag. you can use some tatto goo or vasatration to help it heal, put on a vary thin layer about three to four times a day. It will heal like a sun burn and flake real bad dont pick or scratch, treat it like chicken pox. avoid tanning beds and direct sunlight for at least 6 months, don't use vassaline (SP?) it's not the same as vasatration. I dont know where you got your tat, but if they did not tell you this I would be worried about infection!!!

Post a pic of your tat He posted this in the tatoo thread


03-06-2006, 09:38 AM
when i take a bath, i keep the tattoo out of the water and wash the area around it with a wash cloth.

When i take a shower, should i try to keep it out of the direct line of water? And whats the maximum i should stay in the shower? Thanks for all the info.