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03-01-2006, 05:20 PM
The local club just released the 2006 race schedule, and the first harescramble is on march 19th, and im gonna try to race in it. For atv's its a 1 and 1/2 hour race. So what do i need to know? what do you guys do?

what do i eat the night before, and morning of?

should i mix gatorade with water in my camelback?

should i take aspirin or somethin to help prevent arm pump?

mmmmm, anything special i need to do to my 400? with just an hour and half race, will i run out of gas with my stock gas tank?

im really excited, im gonna race in the lowest class i can since this will be my first actual race, and im not 100% sure what to expect, plus i dont want to be holdin up a bunch of fast guys runnin into me.

03-01-2006, 06:03 PM
iv never been to tennesee but is it reall muddy because it it is u need tear offs an other things

03-01-2006, 07:16 PM
Roll offs might not be a bad idea either. Start drinking a lot of water a couple days before the race. This will make a big difference in making you more hydrated during the race. In the morning try to eat fruit or something healthy. I would take an extra gas can just in case you think you will run low. If it is a muddy race you will probably have to stop for fuel. Get a good nights rest too. Do not push yourself early in the race or else a hour and a half race will feel like a three hour race. Put an extra pair of googles and gloves alongside your gas can just incase you need them. Even if you try to eat something in the morning and you throw up you will most likely feel better. The most important thing is just to have fun. Oh ya and one other thing, GOOD LUCK.:macho

03-01-2006, 07:26 PM
Try to keep you gloves as dry as possible beacause when gloves get wet they cause your hands to blister faster.

03-01-2006, 07:35 PM
eat pizza the night before, and the morning of just make sure nothing you eat might cause stomach cramps, orange juice is a bad idea. i usualy find its hard for me to eat nefore a race because im too excited but if that happens try and at least drink a protein shake.

you want to drink lots off water and piss all you can right before you get to the starting line so you dont have to go during the race, i wouldnt worry about mixing gatorade and water in your camel back. water will get the job done.

i find i cant even ride with out arm pump if i dont pop atleast 2 asprin about 30 min before i ride. just make sure you dont use ibuprophen or advil, those might just make you tired and wont really help your arm.

dont do anything to your bike leave it the way that you have been riding it so tht you know it will work. it is a very bad idea to switch stuff around right before a race because you have know idea if its going to work or fall apart while your riding.

if its going to bean intense high speed race it is mandatory to do some streches before, maybe even some plyometrics (sp?)

do all of that and try to chill out for the first mile or so of the race. never go all out in the begining not only will this wear you out but you are waaay more likly to have a wreak in the first 1/8 of the race.

03-01-2006, 07:36 PM
You should be alright with a stock tank. One thing I learned is to remember to breath during the race. Some people have a tendency to hold their breath and they end up gasping for air. Make a conscious effort to breath. And stay relaxed, it might sound funny but the looser you stay the less arm pump and tired you will get. I run a mix of gatorade and water. Gatorade is too thick for me during a race but I think the extra carbs help during a race. Good luck man.

03-01-2006, 08:21 PM
and if its muddy and/or alot of bushes id use some handguards if u have the dough to buy em

03-01-2006, 08:23 PM
thanks, ya i was planning on goin easy at first, and slowly speedin up through out the race. How are bananas? ive heard their good before a race. What about spaghetti the night before?

im goin riding with some guys this weekend, is their anything i should practice doing particularly? Ive got some riding boots someone gave me a while back, but im not used to shifting with them, so im going to ride with them this weekend to practice. I already raised the shifter up one spline.
the race is 3 weeks away so i want to get prepared.

And yes, it will most likely be muddy, so im going to cover the fenders in wd-40 so i dont get that +50lbs of mud

03-01-2006, 09:15 PM
I was reading Transworld MX and they had an article about being prepared as a first year racer. I know its on bikes, and not quads, but there are still some simularities.

Part of the thing was about what to eat. My magazine is around here somewhere. When I find it tomorrow I will post up that section of the article for you.

03-01-2006, 09:19 PM
NO GATORADE! It's the devil for racers. It makes you cramp up. I can scan the TWMX article tomorrow.

03-02-2006, 05:20 AM
Originally posted by 400exrules
And yes, it will most likely be muddy, so im going to cover the fenders in wd-40 so i dont get that +50lbs of mud
thats not going to help at all, its just a myth, the mud will still stick.

03-03-2006, 01:48 PM
I would eat a banna in the morning if I were you. You might want to eat grapes or something like that too. I have heard that a lot of people eat spaghetii the night before the race too. I would seriously think about walking atleast some of the track. You will know the lay out of the track more and you can look for faster lines. Remember every little second counts in a cross country race. Almost always take the faster line, it could make a big difference.

03-03-2006, 01:59 PM
Just dont go all out at first.. Pace yourself.

For me.. I like some people in front of me. It makes me ride harder and want to pass them.

Make sure you have skid plates, tires. Shocks would be great, but not a need at first. Later you mite find they will be better, but its all about the rider and what you feel is best.

Our first race is the 25th, Goodluck bro:)

03-03-2006, 03:14 PM
I dont have 2 much new to say.....just walk the track as much as you can, and keep yourself ready......the day prior 2 the Race make sure to go over your entire Quad and crank everything tight and make sure your confident that it can hold up for 1.5 hours.......this might sond crazy but sometimes your mind is your worst enemy, if u ever get some free time before the race just relax and run scenarios of the start in your head and and just play possible race scenarios over and over, I heard that in order to succede u have to be able 2 see urself succeding, and your mind is your best friend for that.....anyway the main thing is just go out and HAVE FUN, to finish your 1st Race is a great accomplishment and youll fee great about it....Good Luck man:D

03-03-2006, 03:22 PM
my goals........or what im hoping to do is finish within a reasonable time, not get hurt, and not tear up any parts.
im probably going to take it easy off the start, and let some of the frantic guys go ahead and get out front, so i can run my own pace and get used to the track, and maybe then start to speed up a bit.

03-03-2006, 03:49 PM
If there is one thing of advice that I could give you over all others its GET HANDGUARDS!!!! Not because of things hitting your hand, but angle them best to keep the mud off. If you don't have the money then take a set off one of your buddies utility quads and zip tie them on. If you have the money, buy powermadd's. Trust me, you will be in much better shape if you have them.

03-03-2006, 05:03 PM
Try to relax, it's the best way to prevent/stop arm pump. I used to try to take deep breathes, relax & tell myself to relax. I used to get it roadracing bikes, real bad!

03-03-2006, 05:11 PM
Another thing is.. Sometimes when I ride I get a chapped a** and by that I mean like rug-burn. So I reccomend some under armour shorts.

03-03-2006, 05:18 PM
Originally posted by FMF450R

Try to relax, it's the best way to prevent/stop arm pump. I used to try to take deep breathes, relax & tell myself to relax. I used to get it roadracing bikes, real bad!
what?!??! :huh the reason asprin works is by thining your blood. you've got it completely backwards. the reason most people get arm pump and the hand cramp things is because when your hand is wraped around the handle bar it is in such a position that it cuts off blood flow. the asprin thins out the blood and alows it to flow easier. check it out http://www.motocrossactionmag.com/me2/dirmod.asp?sid=&nm=&type=news&mod=News&mid=9A02E3B96F2A415ABC72CB5F516B4C10&tier=3&nid=9B767DC2DD8E4A11B6C914E5A0E9FAF8

03-03-2006, 05:24 PM
Originally posted by zeppelin
what?!??! :huh the reason asprin works is by thining your blood. you've got it completely backwards. the reason most people get arm pump and the hand cramp things is because when your hand is wraped around the handle bar it is in such a position that it cuts off blood flow. the asprin thins out the blood and alows it to flow easier. check it out http://www.motocrossactionmag.com/me2/dirmod.asp?sid=&nm=&type=news&mod=News&mid=9A02E3B96F2A415ABC72CB5F516B4C10&tier=3&nid=9B767DC2DD8E4A11B6C914E5A0E9FAF8

should have posted this article earlier.
-thanx for the clear up! :D

03-03-2006, 05:24 PM
Originally posted by zeppelin
what?!??! :huh the reason asprin works is by thining your blood. you've got it completely backwards. the reason most people get arm pump and the hand cramp things is because when your hand is wraped around the handle bar it is in such a position that it cuts off blood flow. the asprin thins out the blood and alows it to flow easier. check it out http://www.motocrossactionmag.com/me2/dirmod.asp?sid=&nm=&type=news&mod=News&mid=9A02E3B96F2A415ABC72CB5F516B4C10&tier=3&nid=9B767DC2DD8E4A11B6C914E5A0E9FAF8

thats what i was gonna say lol

09-30-2006, 11:01 AM
Here are the things I go over the night before to make sure im 100 percent ready to go
Pre_race clicky (http://www.450rhq.com/downloads/race-checklist.doc)