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03-01-2006, 10:09 AM
Ok, these are the guys giving us tickets. Here are a few pictures of Illinois cops, i guess youd call it double standard. Thought u all might enjoy this.

(this cop ran through an intersection)



( this trooper thought he was luke duke)

(running lights to a call he said the road wasnt posted)

(end Result)

This is the same deal as the first one HE DIDNT STOP ?



03-01-2006, 10:16 AM
I don't understand what you are getting at? Looks to me like they are all accidents...you know...they happen..."on accident". It sucks that it happens....but it does....

03-01-2006, 10:56 AM
Its just funny that I kno all of these guys. and none of them were ticketed. but if it were us you know there would be atleast a few for each one !!

03-01-2006, 11:07 AM
I tell you, if I was a cop, I would never give a ticket to another cop.

Call it unfair, call it the "good ol' boy" system, call it whatever you want, heck you can even call it corruption. I don't care.

Sure, there are some a-holes, but most of them are out there doing a job that other people don't want to do. Police officer isn't an easy job, there's a lot of them that actually put their lives in danger to keep you and I safe, and they do it for less money than your average car mechanic.

My grandfather was a police officer, my best buddy is police officer. Both have risked their lives, and neither of them are rich.

I'm willing to cut them a break.

03-01-2006, 11:10 AM
Ya i was going to say the same thing as wilkin, police officers risk their @$$es for people every day, one of the perks of their jobs is they dont get tickets thats just how it is, me i work in an office i get free coffee.;)

03-01-2006, 01:05 PM
I understand that yes my girlfriends dad is a police officer. I respected him but get this.he gave his mother a speeding ticket for 61 in a 55. but when his neighbor (another officer) blew a stop sign and put a hole in a tanker that spill neuratic(sp) acid he didn't do anything .. i huess i see it both ways i just thought you all would like the pics

03-01-2006, 01:27 PM
I don't believe that he gave his mom a speeding ticket unless he absolutely hates her but I find it hard to believe.

03-02-2006, 08:27 AM
Well dude beleive it or not. I know it happen it gets brought up at every family gathering we have.

03-02-2006, 08:29 AM
Originally posted by @Bad465EX
Well dude beleive it or not. I know it happen it gets brought up at every family gathering we have.

Oh, oh....we will believe a total stranger on a meaningless and almost impossible scenerio. What does this have to do with anything? What is your job?

03-03-2006, 08:29 AM
i am a union operator (heavy equipment)

03-03-2006, 09:01 AM
Originally posted by MR.BIG
I don't believe that he gave his mom a speeding ticket unless he absolutely hates her but I find it hard to believe.

start beliving because a pa state cop in my area gave his own mother a ticket for speeding like 2-3 years ago. :o

03-03-2006, 09:16 AM
hey the pics were sweet (hope no 1 got hurt)

03-03-2006, 09:19 AM
Originally posted by wilkin250r
don't care.

Sure, there are some a-holes, but most of them are out there doing a job that other people don't want to do.

Most of them are arrogant power hungry A-holes and a few are good people trying to serve their community.

03-03-2006, 10:00 AM
Originally posted by ACEOUTDOOR
Most of them are arrogant power hungry A-holes and a few are good people trying to serve their community.

This sounds like the ranting of somebody pissed off for getting caught. Somebody all butt-hurt because he can't engage in illegal activity, angry that he's not allowed to ride on somebody else's property, mad because he can't do 80mph through a quiet neighborhood.

How many cops have you known personally? My grandfather was one, my buddy is one. Through them, I've met many others, gone on ride-alongs, and have actually SEEN with my own eyes the world they live in. It ain't pretty.

03-03-2006, 10:59 AM
my best freinds mom was going threw a intersection(she had a green light) and the cop without his lights on went threw it to (he had a red lite) and hit her i dnt think thats right cuz he didnt get in trouble an yes i personaly do know cops and i realize that most arent out to get people

03-03-2006, 11:19 AM
I'm not completely agreeing with anyone on this...

Interesting/Funny pictures... everyone does make mistakes... it's just funny when someone does it that is there to prevent it.

As for cops getting "perks" such as not getting a ticket if they cause an accident... I think that is BS. I don't have respect for someone because they are a cop, I have respect for a good person. Could that happen to be a cop? Of course! I'm sorry if I sound ignorant, but I don't agree with the generalization that being a police officer is a "higher calling". It is a job, plain and simple. I honestly don't believe that most do it for the right reasons (that is my just my opinion). No I don't have any factual statistics to back that up, this is just from my own personal experience from my area. You can argue with me if you come to my town and live here for 2 decades. But if someone honestly does it because they want to protect people, then more power to them! I'm happy that they do!

I also agree that some cops are complete jerks, but some are completely nice as well. I realize that every group does seem to have it's bad apples that tends to give them all a bad name. But I also think that the cops in our area generally have a higher jerk:nice ratio than many other professions. And just because you know a few/several nice cops doesn't mean that you know all of them. I realize that you arguing that there are some good cops out there (and I agree with you on that part), but I'm sure that you can agree that there are bad ones as well...

I wouldn't say that a cop is a jerk just because he gives me a ticket, I think that the way some of them conduct themselves can really be downright rude sometimes (this is obviously not reffering to every account with a cop). I have met some super nice cops that have pulled me over and we ended up talking about quads or guitars... but I have also had cops curse at me for no reason. No I wasn't being rude... No wasn't doing anything extremely dangerous. I don't care if he is having a bad day or if he feels that he has authority over me... conducting yourself that way while on duty is inappropriate for any reason. That just shows me that he is doing his job for the wrong reasons.

I was pulled over by a cop once at night while riding my quad at a private gravel pit (I had permission) and he asked me how I didn't see him at the edge of the property watching me. I told him that I didn't think that he could have possibly been a cop because he was missing a headlight. He started laughing and we just got to BSing. Next thing I know... there were 3 cop cars and 1 cop truck at the gravel pit talking to me and just hanging out. Then the cop takes off in his truck and starts scrappin it through some puddles. It was great fun. They ended up staying for about a total of 30 minutes and then left us to be.

As for cops having dangerous jobs... that is really dependent on where they are located. In the past 2 decades there have been no cops killed where I live. The only noteworthy wound would be a female cop that was beaten up 7 years back. While I don't have a PhD or anything, I do know how to use math fairly well and I have common sense on my side as well. I can tell you that (based on my location) being a cop here isn't very dangerous. Several loggers die annually, that seems much more dangerous to me :rolleyes: Call me crazy... :o

I am going to go out on a limb and say that I appreciate any cops out there that do their job with the intent to protect and serve. I don't appreciate any cops out there who like to pick on people and conduct themselves poorly.

And that's the skinny. I hope that most can agree with that. It's a pretty neutral stance, but it's very realistic as well.

Have a good day...