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View Full Version : Blaster help?

Chris S.
02-25-2006, 04:20 PM
I want to make a few mods to a blaster I got for my girlfriend. It is 2004 with a fmf full exhaust. We mostly ride in the sand and I want to add a little more power without losing reliability. I know not easy. But if I add reeds and air filter will that help much. I am not much of a2 stroke guy so I need some advice. Also is adding 1 to 2 inch wheel spacers a bad idea?

02-25-2006, 04:41 PM
Cheap power for a blaster.

Reed spacers, good

reeds, ok

milled head, great requires you to remove the head and take it to a machinist but its a great mod and should only cost 20-40bucks , take 10-20 thousands off.

air filters also good.

The oil inj. block off is also a good one, but then you gotta mix you own oil which can be a pain.

those are the cheap ones I can think of.

02-25-2006, 05:23 PM
Bascily everyone says wheel spacers are bad, but if she's not jumping it or hitting a lot of stuff I can't see it hurting too much.