View Full Version : Cleaning Boots

07-18-2002, 05:11 AM
I just got my Thor T-20 boots and they are really dirty. Just wondering how you all clean them. Can you get the inside wet?


Ex'r Marlin
07-18-2002, 08:32 AM
I do not have the Thor T-20 boots... but I am sure it would be safe to do what I do, I spray the boots outside with a garden hose (avoiding getting dirt in the inside), then I scrub them a little with a tooth brush, then I try to remove as much dirt as I can with the garden hose. Then I take the foot pad out of each boot, and I take the boots into the bath tub:rolleyes: where I rinse out the inside of the boots with warm water, then I pour some laundry detergent in them, and fill with warm water, let sit for about 15 minutes, then I take my hand and go into the boot to move the water around to aggitate the detergent and the dirt. I then pour the water out, refill the boot up with warm water again, aggitate it with my hand again, then pour it out, then fill it again as required until you no longer see dirt coming out. Then again, I take a tooth brush and scrub the outside of the boot to get any left over dirt out. Then I turn them upside down in the bath tub to "drip dry". I then take the foot pads and wash them the best I can.... Usually by putting them in the sink with laundry detergent:rolleyes: . After about 2 days of drying, they should be dry enough inside the boots. I put leather protectant on the outside of mine to help protect the leather, and help keep them looking new.:)

Have fun!