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View Full Version : NY's SCATV Assn Feb 22nd Meeting Notes

02-23-2006, 12:09 PM
For more Meeting Info visit the Sullivan County NY's ATV Assn Website @ http://www.scatvassn.com

Meeting Started @ 7:01pm

Old Buisness:

- We have decided on a Raffle Quad through Rusty Palmers. Price will be 4500 for a 2006 Bruin 350 4x4. Included in price is 10 door prizes and raffle tickets.

- Raffle Tickets will be $5 each, 3 for $10 , and 7 for $20

- Website is fully up and running now. SCATV store Mercandise is now for sale as well.

New Buisness:

*The Snow Run News and issues will be discussed first:*

- Run will start at 10am with parking begining at 9 am

- We are waiting to hear on a price for BBQ

- Port-a-Potty's will be delivered Thursday 2/23 for the Event.

- We need at least 10 volunteers to help with set up Sat the 25th. Tents, tables, bbq etc need to be ready to go sat afternoon.

- We also need volunteers to help clean the last leg of the loop near Brian McInernie's property before Sunday's Snow Run

- As well, we will need to Mark Trails and tape off certain areas on sat before event

- Elis will be test running trail Friday night so Saturday we have adirect plan on where to focus work before the event.

- We have plenty of arrows for event

- Wayne is calling Nyseg to get final permission to ride their property for Run if a detour is needed.

- Gps entire course Friday / Sat so maps can be printed out before event

- So far we have over 100 people attending event

- Group Leaders Dwanye, Paul, Wayne, Joey, Tony, Elis, and other tail men for groups.

- If fisherman are on the lake after event, We need to stay 50 feet form them at a speed no more then 5 miles an hour by law!

- 2 wheel drive riders will be grouped together so they can have some more fun

- All riders must stay on course! No veering off trails. If a group leader sees anyone veer off, please stop and get the person. Take your time and have fun with your group.

- Bring cell phones or 2 way radios if you have them

*Summer Run Discussed:*

- Trails again in Eldred are a go

*Signs and press releases:*

- Spots on Highways have been suggested for signs.

-Tyler's Grandmothers house on RT42 will be requested as well as Jesse Florio's property on RT 17 in Rockhill and A friend of Wayne's on RT 17 in Parksville.

- A request letter will be available on http://www.scatvassn.com if anyone knows a property to use please hand them a request printed off the site.

- Signs will be Landscaped and Maintained with flowers etc.

- Signs will be 4x4 or 2x8 plywood.

- Signs will read something like Welcome to Sullivan County, Home of the SC ATV ASSN. with the website address.

- The purpose of signs is to attract more locals to organization and meetings as well as donate ride and volunteer their time

- Press Releases will go out asap for Sundays Event as well as monthly in Newspaper calendars etc.

- We will be printing stickers for the site as well as other mercandise to sell

*Meeting Ended 8:05 PM*