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View Full Version : ATV BAN and HELMET LAW--bill will ban under 12 in Oklahoma

02-21-2006, 12:00 PM
Hey ATV guys and gals we need some support,

Bill 1830 written by Sen. Cain will ban under 12 from riding ANY and ALL sizes of ATV. It also includes mandatory helmet use for anyone under eighteen. I support the helmet part, but I do NOT support the BAN. According to the ABATE website, Cain is term-limited so he is not worried about the damage he does, since he cannot be re-elected. THE LITTLE SAHARA, Waynoka, website has more info (A list of all the Senators email addresses.) I have also included some links.


Please write, email, and phone your local Senator or all Oklahoma Senators in objection to senate bill 1830, which states in section 1 paragraph B that:

Any parent, legal guardian or person having actual responsibility for a child under twelve (12)years of age, who knows or should have known the child is operating or riding as a passenger on an all-terrain vehicle, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, be subject to the penalties as provided in subsection A of this section.

Also contact friends, family, associates, and anyone that may be affected by this bill.

Link to Senate Bill 1830

Link to state senators emails and phones numbers.

Senator Bernest Cain
405 521-5610

Link to AMA action form letter against Senate bill 1830


Senate Bill 1830 would make it illegal for anyone under that age of 12 to operate an ATV.

This bill will deny my family the right to participate in our preferred family recreation. Families should be free to decide what to do in their spare time and parents must have discretion over the type of recreation in which their children participate.

I believe that rider education is the best approach to the long-term reduction of ATV-related injuries and fatalities. Rider education promotes the use of safety equipment, safe riding and improves rider skill.

I am concerned about ATV safety, but the safety of motorized recreation can be enhanced without making the participation of young persons a crime.

I respectfully request that you oppose SB 1830.

Please include personal contact info (eg: name, address, phone, email) when sending to your Senators.

el diablo
02-21-2006, 12:19 PM
That sucks so bad, we need to help em!

02-21-2006, 02:01 PM
i doubt that it will pass, and even if it does there is no way to inforce it. when you go to the dealrship for a 90 for you little son just say that it is for your 15 year old. and if your at the track just say your son is small for his age, though i very seriously doubt anyone at a track or in the trails is going to care.