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View Full Version : cam and piston and 416???

02-21-2006, 08:33 AM
i just recently broke my leg and realize i need more power in my quad. im going to be getting an HRC cam and was wondering how much power i would feel with both the cam and a 416.. also i was wondering what piston to get and how much it costs for a complete 416 kit? thanks for any help

02-21-2006, 02:17 PM
1- j.e.
2- ross
3- wiseco


about 120 for a good 416 kit with cometic gaskets off a reputable ebay store

with the hrc cam and 416 10.5 or up to 1 compression and you willl feel some wayyyy nice power....get some port work also if you dont lready have some, maybe a carb in the future if you dont already have one...when u do one thing like a bore it kind of needs a few other things to get the complete power out of it, but even without porting and a carb you will feel it ALOT

02-21-2006, 03:48 PM
The HRC cam is probably one of the best out there for the 400ex but can I ask why you chose it. You could get a stage 2 hotcam for about one third of the price and you probably won't know the difference.

I would go with a 10.8:1 compression JE 87mm piston. With this you will be able to save money in the future by being able to run premium (93) gas.

I recommend cometic flexsteel gaskets.

You may want to consider a CRF timing chain. This will increase your reliability because it isn't as likely to stretch as the stocker.

Contact C&D Racing, they sell a lot of these kits.

02-21-2006, 07:47 PM
the reason i picked the HRC is because every tells me its the best and thats what i want... i only have a few more things left to do to my quad and i want to do it right because in the past i choose cheaper products and in the end was kicking myself in the head... i dont want to feel any regret so getting the best i cant have regrets and ill know i have the best.. Also i have heard that the hotcam's might give power in low mid or high end but with a price of reducing it in another

02-22-2006, 02:42 PM
the quote i got from hotcams was.... stage 1 is a mid-range and top-end cam in relationship to stock but more biased towards the mid-range........and the stage 2 is also a mid-range and top-end cam in relationship to stock, only slightly biased towards the top-end.....so either way i guess it will definately not lose power.

02-23-2006, 12:12 PM
I've ran the stage 2 and now have an HRC and you can tell a difference. The HRC is better from top to bottom and it's a Honda part that doesn't have a history of failure like the hotcams do..:cool:

02-23-2006, 09:01 PM
I was running a 416 with a 10.8:1 je piston, with cosmetic gaskets.

did not run on 93.

I could run trails all day on 93, but the second I hit the race track, or a big hill on race day. It was knocking big time. I ended up mixing the gas 50/50 on race days with c12.
and for trails I would mix it 93 and a splash of c12. that seemed to rid it if spark knock.