View Full Version : 450R Problems

02-20-2006, 03:01 PM
Ok guys and gals, just looked at another thread, some rather scary pics of what can go wrong in these engines. Should I be worried? I have had my '05 since february last year, and have never looked at the inside of the engine or had my dealer look. I have a pipe on it now, and proper jetting, and ran the airbox off. Post your pics, post your problems here. I am very scared to see what is in my motor, especially because I have ordered many new parts for the bike and wont have enough to pay for new engine pieces.

So if you have had problems with the engine, frame, suspension, contols, whatever, post pics and tell your stories.


02-20-2006, 03:20 PM
Where did you see the scary pic's of the 450r engines?

02-20-2006, 04:03 PM
run a search on this site. We had many discusions about the crankshaft. If you catch it before the bearing goes its only the crank and main bearings. Other people on this site did bad damage. Mine was only the crank. What a knock. It sounded horrible. My freind I was riding with thought stoped to talk to a couple of hunters on the trail so he kept going to the pond we race on. I sat ther for 45min waiting for him to come back. Than he had to ride back to my shop to get a rope.But while its apart Im doing a hc2 cam, je 11.5:1 piston, and exhaust .
All my parts are in except my piston and the left crank bearing.
Its been down for about 5 weeks. I think I forgot how to ride.
Its 4 down 1 up correct (just kidding)