View Full Version : SSD spring completly compressed

07-16-2002, 10:08 AM
This whole adjusting thing is alot harder then i thought. I just turned the red nut amost all the way up to make it sit lower but it fully compresses the SSD spring. So in othewr words, its just a dual rate and the top spring is to make it sit higher or lower? Ive had a couple rides on it and did some adjusting and im not completly satisfied for $700. Am i doing something wrong becuz everybody else brags so much about how great they are. I mean it does feel smoother then stock but i guess i was expecting to much.

07-16-2002, 10:09 AM
heres a pic

07-16-2002, 10:28 AM
the ssd spring should be fully compressed. this helps keep a low ride hieght and also helps withe the smooth ride. there are a few other things that i am not sure about though. just keep playing with them, if you are not satisfied then you dont have them adjusted right. you might want to turn everything to full soft and just ride and adjust (everything at once) until you rarely bottom.

07-16-2002, 02:47 PM
I dont know. But today, i had it adjusted kind of soft and me and my friend were riding through the fields (he has a rancher) and i had no shoes on cuz we were watter skippin and so i hadmy feet up on the fenders and so did he and i kept watching him and it felt like i was getting beat around more then him. Should i of had the compression a lil harder or what?

07-16-2002, 04:12 PM
I have the same front shocks you do. The top spring stays compressed down most of the time on mine. It stays compressed when I get off the quad, if i lift the front end up, it will uncompress and stay there till I get on. I run my compression knob full soft. The comp knob handles high speed/ damping. I like it on the soft side.
The difference in my elkas over my stockers is unreal. I can hit a 4-6 inch root or lip fast and the front shocks just soak it up. I drive off of a 5-6 foot dropoff and land easy.
Back to your question, My fronts are a tad bumpy on the small 1-2 inch bumps, but not too bad, about like the stockers I guess. I really do not want to make them any softer or they may not soak up the big hits well.
If you are not extremely impressed with your elkas, you either have the wrong springs or the wrong valving. Elka will make good on them.
ADD ON: When cutting through fields and such, I can see the A-arms working up and down ALOT more with the elkas than when I had the stock shocks on the front.