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View Full Version : TRX450R Problem

02-14-2006, 02:52 PM
ok i bought a trx450r engine off a guy and it was a good deal! but then when i brought it home i tried looking for the serial number and couldnt find it, iam not familiar with trx's its the first one im gunna have cuz i bought a frame and an engine, im building one piece by piece. anyways ya so i cant find the serial number, and each time i ask someone where it is, they jump down my throat and think that im trying to steal a quad ur sumthin :( could it be covered, cuz theres a bunch of dirt on it, or could it be grinded off, i dunno where to look, can someone tell me which part to look on ??

02-14-2006, 03:06 PM
There should be a plate stamp with a # on it located under the shift shaft..

02-15-2006, 03:56 PM
if not its stolen and some took it off and sold it for cheap, if so what are u gunna do

02-15-2006, 07:13 PM
ok i found the serial # but what if i bring it to the dealer and they find that it was stolen, would they confiscate it :eek: if i was to buy a new cover with the serial number on it, what would this cover be called, what part do i have to order??