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View Full Version : pro pegs for 300?

02-12-2006, 04:15 PM
does anyone make pro pegs for the 300ex? i dont want to buy roll design pegs. thats rediculous. they make them for freakin 90's so do they make them for 300's? thanks.

02-12-2006, 04:52 PM
I've seen z400 ac pro-pegs on a 250x before, they'd probably fit with a little adjustin. ;)

02-12-2006, 07:30 PM
yes they make propegs for the 300ex. ac makes them. go to vcatv.com or projectblaster.com and go to their store and you should see them on there

02-13-2006, 07:23 AM
I honestly would rather have the Roll pegs and AC nerfs over the AC propeg nerfs any day. For one, the Roll pegs are made from steel whereas the AC propegs are aluminum, Meaning the AC pegs woudl wear out quicker. Also, if I were to break one piece or another, I would only have to buy a new set of that piece, instead of a whole new setup(i.e. bend or break something on the regular nerfs, it'll only cost about $140 to replace them, instead of almost $300 for propegs). If you wanna get some propeg nerfs, look into another brand that uses steel for the footpegs. Nothing against the AC's, I'd just rather have something that I know is gonna last me a pretty long time.

02-13-2006, 02:42 PM
are you sure that they sell them? i couldnt find them on their site. its for blaster but not 300's.