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View Full Version : Gaskets on 400EX

07-15-2002, 08:01 AM
Mickey Dunlap mentioned the use of a sealer in place of the base gasket and an xr400 headgasket to give you a true compression and better burn. Has anyone done this, does it work good, and does it affect the mounting of the top motor mount???? thanks.

07-15-2002, 12:59 PM

07-15-2002, 03:49 PM
Well , I installed the HRC kit last friday . I used the XR400 Gasket and it works just great ... DO NOT USE ANY SEALANT BETWEEN THE HEADGASKET . If Honda doesn't do it , why should you ?

07-16-2002, 03:50 AM
Not on the head gasket, IN PLACE OF THE BASE GASKET! Anyone tried this?

07-16-2002, 09:51 AM
The oil passage that feeds the upper end goes thru that gasket, so make sure it's not plugged with sealer if you're not going to use the gasket. Might be a good idea to put the sealer on sparingly, let it gel up for a while, then trim it away from the hole (before assembly). Don't forget to put the o-ring back on!