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View Full Version : Building muscle

02-11-2006, 12:41 PM
Ok im trying to bulk up a little bit. im 6'2" bout 195 and am only benching about 145. im wondering what the fastest way to buiild muscle is. less wight and more reps or more weight and less reps. i realize neither is going to be realy fast but i was just wondering

02-11-2006, 12:42 PM
Tone = high rep low weight
Bulk = high weight low rep

Me = High weight high rep

02-11-2006, 12:44 PM
if u want muscle mass, then you should do about 3-4 sets of 5-9 reps. You should be hitting failure at 8-9, once you can do 10 reps, then you need to add weight.

02-11-2006, 01:38 PM
eat right, and take in as much protein as possible. Shakes etc............

02-11-2006, 01:41 PM
I do less weight more times.

Works best for me.

Its not all about how much you can do. Its whatever way works

02-11-2006, 01:45 PM

everyone hows now getting in to this stuff needs to go to this wesite, join and read, lots of info, routines, diet etc etc and cool peple on it too

02-11-2006, 01:55 PM
u can do 2 diff thing, weight to get stronger or just build up, to build up, work with hand weights, and do various work outs on a bech, regular bench with dungbells, and then turn the bells to ur side and go farther down and go up and twist them and tap them 2gether, then do the butterfly, extend ur arms up, and without bending ur elbows, brind ur arms down side ways ,as far as u can without bending teh elbows, 2 all these 2 times 10-12 reps a set with 35pound weights , and prolly 20 on teh butterfly,, then do regular curls, and the over head curl or military whatever, point ur elbow up and bring the wieght to ur back and than back straight up with out moving ur elbow back and worth, 15 reps , then do teh big rep on bench, 85-10reps, 75-15rep,65-15 reps,55-10 reps, then teh bar 45-10-20 reps if u can, this is all the upder body work out to shape ur arms and chest, and then do sit ups and pull ups on teh side, drink lots of wtaer and eat meat .... u'l notice a huge dufference in matter of aroun1-3 weeks, u'll feel it, u know u did a good work out if the lower and and side proportion of ur chest is sore, and ur arms and stomach is sore the next morning, and legs just do squats and run.. thats my work out so have fun it works