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View Full Version : Magura Install help

02-11-2006, 08:12 AM
I'm looking at the instructions in the manual and for 200 dollars I think I've been )(*&%^.

Anyway, does anyone have a picture of one bolted up, or at least know where the washer / bushing goes?


02-11-2006, 08:21 PM
I'm not sure what bushing/washer you're refering to but here's a pic. There was a bit of customizing done but it works:ermm:

02-12-2006, 11:10 AM
Their manual blows, plain and simple.

They list like 7 or 8 washers / bushings / o-rings and I got 3 of them. I have no idea where they go.

I understand how to mount it up, I just don't get where all the smaller odds and ends go.

I'm also not very impressed with the mounting set up at all. Come on! for 200 dollars I would expect a nice CNC'd mounting bracket not a ****ing nut welded on a falt piece of steel and spray painted black...

Also I can't see this thing lasting any time at all with that skinny aluminum end of the slave cylinder rubbing up against the threads of the steel bolt. I'm thinking first good jump will snap that right off.

I don't know, I think i may just end up selling the thing off to someone who really wants to mess with it.

02-12-2006, 08:42 PM
I thought they were a straight bolt on; attach it, adjust it and go.

I bought mine used and the adjustable part was broken. The adjustable part in the pic I posted is actually from the stock lever lol.

Can you post a pic of what you're working with?

02-13-2006, 04:07 PM
I never got a chance to take a picture of my setup when I was test fitting it today.

You mentioned something about an adjuster being broken and had to use your clutch perch adjuster.

Mine never came with an adjuster. Apparently it didn't come with anything. The attached picture shows everything that was in the box, aside from the lousy manual.

I tried to use my clutch adjuster like you did but I had to back it out so far, the slave cylinder was touching my header.

02-13-2006, 07:22 PM
If you bought it new call up Magura and tell them you didn't get the part.

Actually looking at it again your slave looks different than mine, I don't have the rubber piece and I think the metal piece behind yours is the adjuster that was broken on mine. Does it look removable?

02-13-2006, 08:18 PM
It is brand new, but I bought it off ebay. Magura doesn't need to know that. *******s...

The bronze looking piece (where the piston comes out) does come off. I left it on when I was test fitting it today.

I did the same thing as you (threading the clutch adjusters in the mounting bracket. That bronze piece fits right in where the old cable sheath sits.

Still though, I think the only way it will fit right is with an aftermarket header. I had the cylinder backed out against the header and it still wouldn't actuate the clutch.

I'll try calling Magura tomorrow and see if that gets me anywhere.

02-13-2006, 08:32 PM
Is the 'bronze' piece threaded and will it thread into the mount then put the washer and nut on the other side?

But yea, check with Magura and make sure you have the right one, I don't know how many different models there are.

Good Luck!;)

B-rad D
02-13-2006, 09:33 PM
what the little black lever next to the main clutch lever for?

02-14-2006, 08:40 AM
Joex, the bronze piece isn't threaded, i guess it just acts as a bushing somehow.

What I found when i mocked it up like your setup, the bronze piece fit pretty nicely in the threaded clutch adjuster.

B-rad D, I'm not sure what part you are talking about. If it is the big black piece in the middle thats where the slave cylinder mounts on the engine just above the oil filter.

02-14-2006, 08:51 AM
Well, I just got off the phone with magura, turns out I was shipped an old bracket.

I guess they have updated the design, so i got the new slave cylinder with the old bracket.

We'll see how this works when that mess gets here.

I wish I could find a billetanium one.

02-14-2006, 09:23 PM
Originally posted by IanCFitz
Well, I just got off the phone with magura, turns out I was shipped an old bracket.

I guess they have updated the design, so i got the new slave cylinder with the old bracket.

We'll see how this works when that mess gets here.

I wish I could find a billetanium one.
Billet would be nice:cool:

02-15-2006, 09:11 AM
I wonder what happened to Billetanium. Their site is gone, I've googled the crap out it and have had no luck at all.

On a side note Joex, what kind of exhaust are you running? It looks like you have lots of room between the header and clutch cylinder.

02-15-2006, 08:14 PM
Originally posted by IanCFitz
I wonder what happened to Billetanium. Their site is gone, I've googled the crap out it and have had no luck at all.

On a side note Joex, what kind of exhaust are you running? It looks like you have lots of room between the header and clutch cylinder.

02-16-2006, 05:35 PM
Got the new bracket via UPS today, installed it, and...



Called Magura, talked to the tech, Installed EVERY shim in the kit and it still wouldn't engage the clutch.

Now they're thinking there may be a problem with the unit, so I believe they're going to swap out with a new unit. I'll find out tomorrow...

02-16-2006, 11:28 PM
Dumb question but did you bleed the cylinder and put fluid in it. I know it will not work without fluid in it...

Regardless goodluck with it man.

You should bring that 400 out and race with us, the first race is next weekend at masontown WV. Send me a pm if your interested i can give you a website to go to and check things out.


02-17-2006, 09:08 AM
I mentioned that on the phone last night, but they assured me that it was bled from the factory so there was no need for that.

Who knows...