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View Full Version : oak hill

02-10-2006, 08:43 PM
well we made towards the end of practice. it rained in the mourning so we made it late. track is looking sweet, some of the racers say it was getting rough." texas dirt". jumps are lookin real nice with some blind tabletops or semi doubles i guess you could call them. and a sweet step up that goes right into a turn, alot of the amateur's weren't doing it. real nice double double. whoop section looks like it going to cause a few problems you can double it but the last three look pretty challenging, it will be interesting tomorrow. it's going to be cool though the weather that is. got to see the fast boys on their last practice. natalie lookin fast and showing off alittle for us on the finish line table. farr lookin ok, byrd looking pretty good, little looking pretty good to, chad wienen was looking pretty smooth, he could be a sleeper. gust was looking pretty fast, jones must have been holding back he wasn't looking as fast as gust. the suzuki's weren't impressing me either. only practice though. brown on the yami was looking pretty smooth. spader was flyin the jumps looked like he pretty pumped for only being practice. i have to say natalie looked to be the most comfortable, he was rippin for practice. wienen was looking awful good too for practice.

02-10-2006, 08:57 PM
those were just my thoughts on practice. brad was here to do some filming for carpe diem and we was told that wes miller can only film the race i guess for video's, i heard that natalie got wind of this and reamed somebodies butt, can't remember the name of the person. also heard that whoever it was, he didn't want no part of john either. alittle gossip for ya. got to meet a few other vip's. enough for now. give ya some more low down tomorrow.

02-10-2006, 09:15 PM
any questions just ask.