View Full Version : Best way to mount tires???

02-10-2006, 05:53 PM
What is the best way to mount tires by hand?? I can't find anyone around here that will mount my tires for a "reasonable" price. So, I am going to attempt to tackle this feat myself. Anyone know of a good technique?? I'm all ears!!!!

02-10-2006, 06:03 PM
if you have the tires off the rims .... basically just lube them up with some silicone lubricant or some wd40 then u can probley get the inner side of the tire on by and and then just use a set of tire irons work the rest of the way on .... make sure u keep it lubed or it gets real tight just like........... well u know where i was getting hahaha .

02-10-2006, 06:05 PM
its a pain to do.but get some dish soap and wipe it around the bead of the tires.now start one bead and using a prybar/large flat head screwdriver going around the bead and prying it over thelip of the rim.go in small steps dont try doing big sections at a time.if need use your knees and put all your wieght on the tire to keep it from moveing.now do the same for the 2nd bead.fill it with air.on the side of the tire it will say "do not exceedXXPSI while seating beads"if you use more pressure than stated on thetire you risk ruining the tire or the tire exploding and taking your head off.itsa major pain to do cuz the wheels and tires are so small.i do truck tires like this every day but they are way easier than an ATV tire.might just want to pay for it to be done.shouldnt cost more than 10 bux each

02-10-2006, 06:16 PM
Wal-mart....Less than $4 :D

02-10-2006, 06:31 PM
heck, i didn't even think about Wallyworld!! they will do it?? i called all of the tire shops and no one would do it because of liability reasons since i didn't buy the rims or tires there. but if they will do it, that is sweet!!!

02-10-2006, 06:43 PM
That is where I go

02-10-2006, 07:51 PM
alright, i tried the soap thing and a tire iron. no dice!! seemed like i needed more hands than just my two. i'll head to walmart in the morning and see what is up with that. i sure hope they will do it, because i need them done asap!!!!