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View Full Version : Who to build my motor

02-10-2006, 05:20 PM
who should build my motor?!?! i just got my new 06 TRX450ER this monday... and i'm about to start tearing it down for this years season... and i need to send my motor off to be build... but where?!?! i need a FAST :eek2: motor... like real fast... i'll be racing 4-stroke "A" and Production "A"... i'm jumping from C to A this year and the only thing that kep me from snatching the podium everytime this year was that daumn out dated Suzuki... now i have a honda and really to take the podium...

02-10-2006, 05:37 PM
well its not always the motor thatll make a rider win. jumping from c to a is a BIG jump, someone who can build you a nasty motor is rage atv(same one as natalies) if you send him out a head he does an awesome job with porting and doin some other goodies to it and trust me THERE FAST stock piston pump gas jsut ported and polished head and cam and you will be pushing over 50, i dont want to give exact number but itll make your face looking like :eek2:

02-10-2006, 06:17 PM
haha... ya i know a motor isnt the only thing that makes you win... its ridder to... and last year... EVERY turn i caught the ridder and sometimes past them.. but right when we get out the corner or technical stuff... BAM they pull away/pass me with ease... i was going to race B but i was watching them last year... and they have no control at all... only speed... and it was scary just watching them... lol... and my friend Jackie Meadows is helping me out and training me... and he really thinks i can run in A... i'm not saying i'm going to go out there and just tae the podium with ease... but i think i'd come out a better ridder racing with better people...

by the way... i'm racing the TT (Extreme Dirt Track Nationals) not MX