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View Full Version : Cover Letter For Sponsors?

02-10-2006, 10:36 AM
i was wondering if anyone could explain to me what needs to be in a cover letter? i am going thru sponsor house and most of the places are wanting one. i have no idea what so ever. i know it has to be something simple but it is always the easy stuff that eludes me :D thanks for the help!

02-10-2006, 10:38 AM
Got this from another forum:

When sending a resume to a company - a few things that should be included:

1. Name
2. Address
3. Phone Number
4. Age
5. Class you raced last season
6. Class you plan to race this coming season
7. How many local and how many national events you plan to attend
8. Photo of your face - If I meet you in person - I would like to recognize you
9. Photo of your quad and hauler - I like to see how we will be represented
10. Results from last season - simple - class - and finishing position
11. Currant sponsors

Things that should not be included:

1. Why you didnt finish better at any given race
2. Blurry action shots that I could not identify you or the quad in person
3. How you intend to finish next season - If you are dead serious about winning - a simple "I will be chasing a championship in the ?? Class" will suffice
(I have 6 resumes in my hand that state " I will place in the top 5 in my class at each race next season")
4. I finished ?? everytime I did not break down or have a problem

What do I look at?? Very simple.

1. How will you represent my product or company - and that has nothing to do with how you finish, but rather your professionalism and how you handle yourself at the track.
2. How will sponsoring you benefit both your racing and my company?

02-10-2006, 10:39 AM
Introduce yourself, tell them your situation, what you're planning to do in 06 race wise, what you will do for them off the track, and kiss their ***.

02-10-2006, 12:25 PM

02-10-2006, 02:57 PM
i have the resume down to a T. the problem is i dont know what "cover letter" is.

the ones i look at have this:
1. "WHAT CAN YOU DO FOR ??" <-i got this down
2. "WRITE A COVER LETTER" <-have no clue??

i will keep all you have saved to the computer though. i need all the help i can get :D every year i have trouble writing my own rez. but i did one for my team mate with no problems. last year was this kids first year of racing so he had no clue how to get a resume done. i just never knew they would want a cover letter... this may have hindered us both.
