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02-09-2006, 07:32 PM
Ok, I've made a decision. I gots ta lose some weight! Ok, So I weigh about 230 and im 5' 11". I cant stand all those eat HEALHTY diets, cause I just cant do it! So im thinkin, strictly water ( I drink ALOT of pop and ice tea!), cut back on my portions, and run a mile a day. And you know, just be fairly sensible about what I eat, cut back on pizza, cheeseburgers...yada yada! So hows that sound guys? I would like to lose a total of about 40-50 pounds, and by July if I can. I got a big trip to the shore planned! Lotsa hotties and Id like to be comfortable with my shirt off!

Also lift weights every now and then :muscle:

02-09-2006, 07:47 PM
yeah go for it we either have to run a mile or a quater of a mile in less than !min. and 30 sec. and that has been keeping me in shape

02-09-2006, 08:01 PM
It's all about more reps and less weight as far as lifting. You will get a lot toner and lose a ton of fat. A mile a day isnt going to do anything for you after a month, run stairs and on olypticals. Trust me, i eat mcdonald's and crap all the time and i dont consider myself a fat ***.

By the way Adam, are you going to the basketball game tomorrow?

02-09-2006, 08:07 PM
No way dude, I cant stand that environment, although it is our coming home. We have way too many "ignorant" people in my school that I'm not trying to see anymore than I have to!

Thanks guys, So seriously, lifting less weights alot more will make me lose alot of body fat?? Thats what Im goin for. I'm plenty strong enough for me. I can max out the weight stack on my weider gym (benchpress) 215 pounds about 3 or four time, so I dont really have a way of finding out my max.

02-09-2006, 08:11 PM
yah, getting rid of all carbonated drinks (cokes, etc.) and just drinking water will help tons! not only is water extremely important and healthy, but did u know it helps your metabolism, so you will burn off stuff you eat quicker.
you might think gatorade would be good for you, but its loaded with sugars, so stay away from it. and no twinkies or anything like that. you can do it!

perhaps these guys could help motivate you :blah:

02-09-2006, 08:14 PM
Originally posted by ShiftFMX
No way dude, I cant stand that environment, although it is our coming home. We have way too many "ignorant" people in my school that I'm not trying to see anymore than I have to!

Thanks guys, So seriously, lifting less weights alot more will make me lose alot of body fat?? Thats what Im goin for. I'm plenty strong enough for me. I can max out the weight stack on my weider gym (benchpress) 215 pounds about 3 or four time, so I dont really have a way of finding out my max.

The best work out for getting real tone is 10-8-6. You will replace a lot of fat with muscle, while looking fit. Running an olyptical for a half hour straight you can lose 2 pounds easy, i see wrestlers doing it all the time. Its crazy because a lot of these kids are fairly skinny but they run on those things then lose 2 pounds.

02-09-2006, 08:18 PM
What kinda weight lifting should I be doing, with how much weight?

02-09-2006, 08:23 PM
heres what I have to work with...

02-09-2006, 08:52 PM
what exactly is an olyptical...???:huh

02-09-2006, 08:56 PM
my friend used to be HUGE like a friggin butter ball turkey and he started drinkin diet drinks and water and he ate just a little healthier but nothin extreme and the weight just fell off. i donno tho cus i think he might have hit his growth spurt around that time too because he got a lot taller. He isnt muscular or nothin , but he dont look like a kick ball no more either.

02-10-2006, 08:11 AM
the key to losing weight is doing less weight and more reps. You already have the size, you just need to tone up, and doing the reps will be good for cardio. My suggestion is, get into a ruitine with working out and running. I eat absolute garbage and i'm 6 foot 4 and weight about 190........but everyday I run a mile, lift for an hour, and swim for 30 min, and i feel and look great!!! Main thing is lots of cardio for losing weight................. Don't do a weight that you can only bench press 3 times, this does nothing for cardio.... Do sets of at least 8.

02-10-2006, 08:15 AM
Originally posted by WheelieMan4
what exactly is an olyptical...???:huh


02-10-2006, 08:57 AM
Originally posted by WheelieMan4
what exactly is an olyptical...???:huh

It's actually spelled elliptical....machine. This is good for cardio and is very low-impact on the joints.

It also helps to speed up your metabolism by eating MORE often, but in SMALLER portions. This will train your body not to go into "starvation mode" where it readily stores fat in your body. Couple that with a low-weight, high rep, weight lifting regimen along with a good amount of cardio and you should notice a difference :)

02-10-2006, 09:29 AM
Cut back your portions on your meals and eat healthy .

Another thing you can try if you like tea is a tea called Yerba Mate ... you can probably find it at any health food store . You drink it 3 times a day and it helps you to lose weight . My girlfriend's friend has been drinking it since before Christmas and has lost 13 lbs so far and I know of a few other people that have been using it also .... it works .

02-10-2006, 01:55 PM
drinkin water does help and the more you drink, the more it helps. if you do decit to run though you propbably want to run at least 3 miles, 5 is better. i heard some where that every 15 miles is one pound of wieght so i would def try like doing 3 miles one day, and 5 the next and alternating back and forth

Racing Rice
02-10-2006, 01:59 PM
Do lots of Cardio and lighter high rep wieght training. Eat a lot of chicken, turkey, and lean beef. Keep away from the simple carbs, and eat whole grain foods. Drink lots of water and no pop or sweet stuff.

Big thing is to eat 5-6 small meals a day.

I lost 60 lbs in 8 months doing this.

02-10-2006, 02:02 PM
you could also jump rope, i heard that like, 10 mins of jumpin rope is like runnin 3 miles or somethin