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View Full Version : my 400 went in the lake!! i need help fast!!

02-05-2006, 08:57 PM
to to make a long story short, my 2005 400ex went in the lake and was completely under water. as soon as it landed in it it cut off. we pulled it out. stood it up on the back and drained all the water out of the exaust, drained the airbox, then pulled it back to the trucks. we then cleaned the air filter, put a new plug in, changed the oil about 15times untill it got clean. is there anything else i need to do? it runs fine, but im worried that i may have messed something else up. what makes it worse is that i just picked it up last night from gettin the 416 done. i cant get it off my mind that something is messed up, like water in the bearings, etc. i think i got everything but i need some opinions on what to do. im gonna change the oil after every ride for the next 2months, thats how worried i am. theres no water in the gas, and luckly none in the carb. could something mess up down the road in the motor? any electrical stuff i should check? i really would appreciate if someone could help me on this.


oh..and never let somebody else drive your stuff, even if it is for 2min.

02-05-2006, 09:14 PM
It's fine bro, I've had it happen to me on a dirtbike.

Just go over it with wd-40 to prevent some rust that may happen.

02-05-2006, 11:07 PM
besides cranking it with the plug out to see if it pushed any water out of the cylinder before refiring the engine after an underwater accident, sounds like u did all that can be done. And if it has ran ok since..... you should be in good shape If u did all that and change your oil as u say a few more times...thats all that can be done. Except for tearing down the entire thing ( which I never heard of anyone doing ).

02-06-2006, 04:33 AM
dude, the guetters used to flip 'em into a lake. as long as it cut out and didnt suck anywater, you're fine. just keep on keepin on. ;)

02-06-2006, 09:20 AM
Ok, Now you have to explain how it got INTO the lake! :eek2:

02-06-2006, 09:30 AM
Originally posted by ShiftFMX
Ok, Now you have to explain how it got INTO the lake! :eek2:

Thats wat im sayin man.

02-06-2006, 09:46 AM
aight. i just got it back saturday night from the guy who did all the motor work. well we went ridin sunday at this place called busco beach. its got alot of ponds and a small lake in the middle with sand pits all around it. well i let a friend drive it cause he wanted to see how much faster it was. well we were sittin at the truck waitin on him to come back and then we looked down at the lake and he was pullin it out of the water. he said he opened it up on the long stright and then couldn't stop it in time. i guess it didn't know it was there. but he went off about a 6ft cliff and right into the lake. he said he went over the bars and the 400 was upside down completly under water. i was pissed. thats the last time anybody ever drives my ****. i had a 01 400ex about 2 years ago that i traded a rancher for. i had the thing a week and let a boy drive it and he blew it up. i have no idea how but he did..all i got out of it was a $400 shotgun. but since then this guy yesturday was the 5th ive let drive my new 400 and then this happens. that was the last time. but yeah thats how it went in the lake. im going to change my oil a few more times, and clean the fileter again. anybody else ever had this happen?

02-06-2006, 10:20 AM
i dont let anyone drive my fourwheeler. do you honestly think he would have done that if it was his OWN fourwheeler that he has payed for? I doubt it. how does someone go off a 6 foot cliff into a lake. he seriously would have prob. been murdered. literally

02-06-2006, 10:51 AM
i mean its not like he did it on on purpose. it payed for all the oil and told me if ANYTHING messed up in the motor to just let him know and he would pay for it all. i mean i could tell he felt bad about it. but im still pissed

02-06-2006, 11:05 AM
very rarely will someone actually pay. Ive heard it a million times, ill pay you I swear and maybe they mean it but do they ever do it? I guess i dont know the guy but from what it sounds like hes not responsible doing 5th gear pinned on someone elses fourwheeler not knowing the terrain. I doubt he'll pay for anymore and prob. try to snake his way out if it. be careful

02-06-2006, 11:10 AM
Man I know!!!! It sucks when people borrow things and then tear them up!!!!! Doesnt it???????

Originally posted by TacomaNC4X4
aight. i just got it back saturday night from the guy who did all the motor work. well we went ridin sunday at this place called busco beach. its got alot of ponds and a small lake in the middle with sand pits all around it. well i let a friend drive it cause he wanted to see how much faster it was. well we were sittin at the truck waitin on him to come back and then we looked down at the lake and he was pullin it out of the water. he said he opened it up on the long stright and then couldn't stop it in time. i guess it didn't know it was there. but he went off about a 6ft cliff and right into the lake. he said he went over the bars and the 400 was upside down completly under water. i was pissed. thats the last time anybody ever drives my ****. i had a 01 400ex about 2 years ago that i traded a rancher for. i had the thing a week and let a boy drive it and he blew it up. i have no idea how but he did..all i got out of it was a $400 shotgun. but since then this guy yesturday was the 5th ive let drive my new 400 and then this happens. that was the last time. but yeah thats how it went in the lake. im going to change my oil a few more times, and clean the fileter again. anybody else ever had this happen?

02-06-2006, 02:28 PM
lol as long as it was pulled out immediately it will be fine. Im surprised it didnt keep runnin bein a 400 and all.

02-06-2006, 03:59 PM
Originally posted by MixMasterMike
i dont let anyone drive my fourwheeler. do you honestly think he would have done that if it was his OWN fourwheeler that he has payed for? I doubt it. how does someone go off a 6 foot cliff into a lake. he seriously would have prob. been murdered. literally

I've ridden yours before :cool:

02-06-2006, 08:28 PM
the guys that helped me get it cleaned out were camping the whole weekend and said a guy let his g/f drive his raptor and she did the exact same thing. they spend about the whole day cleanin it out. and the same day as that a guy tried to jump over a section of the lake and got scared at the last mininte and went right in.

Crazy Diamond
02-07-2006, 03:49 PM
Why let someone else take your quad right from the shop getting rebuilt out to open it right up anyway? Break it in man!

02-07-2006, 04:04 PM
Originally posted by Bush0102
I've ridden yours before :cool: ill kick you in the teeth

02-07-2006, 08:23 PM
Ya I agree I get really p*ssed when people hop on other people's quads or what not and run the Sh*t out of them, when they wouldn't do the same thing with theirs. I don't know why some people don't have respect for other people's things. :grr: