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07-12-2002, 10:01 AM
who here thinks that the should put a quad freestyle at the x-games. i tried to email them at expn.com but i couldnt find a link that would be tight a sh** if they had em. we could get juggalo to go. but seriously let me know if u guys have ever thought about it.

07-12-2002, 10:05 AM
yea that would be awsome

07-12-2002, 10:28 AM
yeah it'd be sick to see them represent. but boring at the same time. Cuz if you thik about it, look at all the tricks dirtbikes are doing. They can do alot more than quad riders do. i've never seen a quad do a kod, holy man, backflips, one handed seat grab supermans....you get my point. but it's still sick to see a 300 pound quad launched into the air. So my guess is we will see quads in the future on the X-games, but probley not soon:(

07-12-2002, 01:40 PM
quads in the x-games would be sick

07-12-2002, 02:09 PM
id do it on a moped:D

07-12-2002, 02:36 PM
lol i dunno if i'm quite x-games material considering i just screwed myself up tryin to do a superman the other day. but your right they should have atv freestyle in the x games. there are some guys doin sick tricks on quads and i mean the sports gotta start out somewhere. they just got rid of the street luge this year (thank god) and maybe they will put some sort of atv type thing in. we should all sign a petition or somethin and send it to them.

07-12-2002, 03:09 PM
A petition would be a good idea.

07-12-2002, 07:22 PM
if you think about it, it's a money maker for the people who run the x-games. during the FMX stuff, there is dirtbike fans all over. put quads in there too and you've got double the amount of income from tickets. they'd need a bigger arena to ffit the people, but it'd be worth it

07-12-2002, 07:42 PM
i have a feeling something big is going to happen to the world of atv fmx, but you didnt hear it from me ;)

07-12-2002, 07:45 PM
I don't think so. To put it blunt the best quad freestyle trick i've seen is a one handed supermans and scissor cans and you see dirt bikers doing kod's, rock solids, shaolin to sterilizer ect. Quad ramps are gonna be smaller, wider, less people are into quads and most dirt bikers hate them, and they suck at doing freestyle compared to pro dirt bike freestylers. I'm even getting tired of superman's, crappy cordova's and crappy cliff hangers and the only other trick we would see would be scissor can's. Come on guys i'm sure more people would watch it than street luge and wake boarding but they will have to have a separate track for quads and you know the space is already limited and they sell out all the seats for freestyle anyways.

racin 400
07-12-2002, 09:39 PM
Lol jugalo i tried the 1 handed super-man like dana creaches it dont fell too good when u land with your feet3 feet off the back of your quad.i can do a doubal nac nac not full extenchin though.

11-26-2002, 02:35 AM
Originally posted by Nausty
I don't think so. To put it blunt the best quad freestyle trick i've seen is a one handed supermans and scissor cans and you see dirt bikers doing kod's, rock solids, shaolin to sterilizer ect. Quad ramps are gonna be smaller, wider, less people are into quads and most dirt bikers hate them, and they suck at doing freestyle compared to pro dirt bike freestylers. I'm even getting tired of superman's, crappy cordova's and crappy cliff hangers and the only other trick we would see would be scissor can's. Come on guys i'm sure more people would watch it than street luge and wake boarding but they will have to have a separate track for quads and you know the space is already limited and they sell out all the seats for freestyle anyways.

i was bored so i did some searching for some interesting topics.

well in 4 months there has been a shaolin to sterilizer ;), KOD on a quad, OH YES kod on quad, superman seat grabs, ACTUAL cordova's thanks to a fella named sheldon, no handed superman (also known as a "holy man"), cat nacs, no handed cat nacs (also known as a "side winder") and a tons more NEW tricks to the atv fmx world. i expect a major advance in atv fmx real soon. as you see above, my prediction is coming true... horaay!!! :macho

11-26-2002, 08:23 AM
they bring cats with them?

11-26-2002, 03:14 PM
wahoo! i can do a onehander! ;)

11-26-2002, 03:27 PM
The only thing I see as a bad thing for quad FMX is quads already have a bad name and are considered more dangerous than Osama with a nuclear weapon. Do you guys think freestyle is going to hurt more riders and possibly ATV sales and our image more than bring good to our sport?

I'm not saying freestyle is no good I like it just as much as the rest of you,,just pokin some ideas around.

I did over hear a respected rider mention that quad freestyle is almost taken off too fast and that riders are due to be injured severaly in the near future,,i hope they are wrong. But I do see what they might be saying...no need to kill ourselves trying to get recognition that we already deserve..

11-27-2002, 10:10 AM
very good point...but if dirt bikes can do it...we can do it better

11-27-2002, 10:35 AM
dont worry fellas, we know what we're doing... i think :huh

yea we do :D

11-27-2002, 10:49 AM
I think they should have just the Sickest trick for quads to start with. Then build from there. And maybe even let them do a hole freestyle run.

They will need bigger run ways to get the quads up to speed tho.

11-27-2002, 10:55 AM
not that this has anything to do with it but wired, i just went to your site and it is damn sick.

11-27-2002, 12:57 PM
Originally posted by NACS425Ex
I think they should have just the Sickest trick for quads to start with. Then build from there. And maybe even let them do a hole freestyle run.

They will need bigger run ways to get the quads up to speed tho.

actually we dont need that big of run, we can jump 65 feet in 3rd gear no prob. we're all going to have heavily modded quads for our freestyle events, and a heavily modded engine will help for shorter run ups. i love powering up jumps, im not much for a speed jumper, scares me believe it or not. lol

thanks for the comment on the site, although all credit goes to my girlfriend. she's awsome at HTML!!

11-27-2002, 12:59 PM
ya jon sweet site!

how much you selling those ramps for? shipping would be a killer!

11-27-2002, 03:28 PM
well their right around a thousand bucks give or take a few hundred depending on what you all want done to it. a very basic ramp with wood surface still runs around 900 bucks. so ramps arent cheap but well worth the money if your seriously into fmx. :macho

11-27-2002, 03:31 PM
chit! ill probly just build my own outta wood. nothing huge. just enough.........

11-27-2002, 03:37 PM
well if freestyle aint such a hot idea at the x games then why not , ice racing or sno cross like the sleds. i would think it would be sick to watch ice racing on the x games. NO DOUBT ABOUT IT that freestyle would be sick too at the x games but i dont think the majority of the freestylers on quads are ready to step up to the plate with dirtbikes now doing back flips and maybe body varials. i just think wait a year for more riders to up their tricks and get more consistent and better. ALSO to the dirtbikers Cardovas, superman seat grabs, KOD's , are pretty much stock tricks now.

11-27-2002, 03:48 PM
yea i see what you mean but you have to look at it like this, quads have only been doing freestyle what for 4 years now? and just now are people taking it seriously so i think we're progressing at a much faster rate then fmx itself did. i think we'll be as big as bikes sometime, just need time to get us exposure then we'll have tons of other riders instead of the 6 riders i know of that do quad fmx.

11-27-2002, 04:31 PM
I think the progression of freestyle is pethic in quads. I've been righting quads a year in a half. I didn't even jump my quad until this spring and I know how to do most of the tricks in hovos 4. I'm not trying to brag or anything. I just understand why the sport hasn't progess any faster than it has. As fast as have learn tricks I would think there would be alot of good poeple out there that have been riding alot longer than me that would have push the level of FMX. I know there starting to get better but its pretty pethic. But I was saying this about Dirt bikes a few years ago.
Because If I can do a better and more stretch nofooteed cancan going over a 10 gap on a BMX than a pro could do on a 85ft jump is a little weird to me. Plus dirt bike don't move that much in the air like a dirt bike, so it is easyer too.

11-27-2002, 04:49 PM
yea but Sick0 it takes alot of practice to make the tricks look good and stylish till the point it looks easy like dana creech does. i also learned some tricks my FIRST month riding my ol 300ex and those were my first experiances jumpin a quad but the tricks dont get nearly as extended or smooth as anyone on the Huevos videos!

11-27-2002, 05:11 PM
I learn a nofooted cancan in one day. By the next weekend I had the just as good as dana creech.
It looks good and stylish. No half bake nofooted cancan either. If I had a good place to ride with a good jump, I could lear alot more. I practice my tricks Tricks over and over to make them look good. To me style is more importan than what tricks you can do.
It took me forever to learn a nofooted cancan on a BMX then I try on a quad and did one on my first try. I wish I could do a no hander as on my BMX as I could do on a quad. I just think some is going to step up and make every body step. Its only a matter of time. The pros aren'teven close to the limits of what of what could be done.

11-27-2002, 07:47 PM
we also gotta remember that racing to the pros is more important than freestyle right now because racing is more supportive. Also look at the tight schedule they have with all the races all over the US. i know that most of the pros run TT&MX and then besides that some of them like gust race the 12 hours of iowa. I bet if freestyle was as supportive as racing the sport would be further along than it would be now

11-27-2002, 07:49 PM
Weird you'll be right up there when it all happens.

11-27-2002, 07:59 PM
I don't think so. To put it blunt the best quad freestyle trick i've seen is a one handed supermans and scissor cans and you see dirt bikers doing kod's, rock solids, shaolin to sterilizer ect. Quad ramps are gonna be smaller, wider, less people are into quads and most dirt bikers hate them, and they suck at doing freestyle compared to pro dirt bike freestylers. I'm even getting tired of superman's, crappy cordova's and crappy cliff hangers and the only other trick we would see would be scissor can's. Come on guys i'm sure more people would watch it than street luge and wake boarding but they will have to have a separate track for quads and you know the space is already limited and they sell out all the seats for freestyle anyways.

That is very true. ATV freestyle is not popular and is not as advanced as dirt bike freestyle. If it was against eachother and they both were just as good then it would be better but even the best rider on a quad can not do a freestyle trick that will amaze the crowd like the bikes can. Quads are very dangerous also and it is not as popular. If atv's have been around like bikes have then I think there would definitly some good competition their.

very good point...but if dirt bikes can do it...we can do it better

Right now dirt bikes can almost beat us in every category. And whatever dirt bikes can do, Im sure we can do most of it but never as good.

11-27-2002, 09:29 PM
Originally posted by NTPRacing#19
we also gotta remember that racing to the pros is more important than freestyle right now because racing is more supportive. Also look at the tight schedule they have with all the races all over the US. i know that most of the pros run TT&MX and then besides that some of them like gust race the 12 hours of iowa. I bet if freestyle was as supportive as racing the sport would be further along than it would be now

bingo! couldnt have said it any better myself. thats all going to change in a few weeks. ;)

11-27-2002, 09:49 PM
Care to explain how its gunna change???:D

11-27-2002, 09:51 PM
hey wired, you got any pictures of the latest tricks pulled off on quads(k.o.d, holy man, ect.)?

11-27-2002, 10:11 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
Care to explain how its gunna change???:D

well for starts... :) starting january there is scheduled ATV FMX event every weekend pretty much till april :) that should give the sport a little more exposure.

i dont have any pics of the holy man or kod yet, but i'll be getting some next week when i go to ride with the rest of the guys in cali. sheldon and august are the only guys doing them so far but im sure i'll have the tricks down sooner or later. i just have to try them first :blah i'll have some kick @ss pics for sure!

if tomorrow is nice i'll be busting out some major tricks off my ramp. definately will be getting some pics for you all. just stay tuned. im sure you all will be very impressed with what the bomb squad has in store for you ;)

11-27-2002, 10:35 PM
Just what exactly is a "kod"? (Is it kinda like the fish, but spelled different? :p )

11-27-2002, 11:21 PM
kiss of death, its like a strait up and down superman, now the dirt bikes do it so that the bike is strait up and there shoulder is against the number plate and their feet are parrallel with the bike pointing up. Thats what I mean, our best trick pry wouldn't make it into a fmx even for dirt bikes really. Now its back flips, upside down dead bodies, no handed super cans and rock solids are even getting old.

Sorry if I offended you wired, I guess sometimes I just get kinda jeulous of you guys doing all those tricks because I could of seen myself doing some of those tricks before the last d4 and now you guys are busting out all these huge tricks and I still don't have a decent ramp to practice tricks or anyone to ride with. I mean I never practice tricks anymore and is all I can do is nothings, crappy heel clickers, crappy can can's and cliff hangers.

11-27-2002, 11:36 PM
well im not asking to compete with dirt bikes, alot of you guys are takin it wrong. dirt bikes have their own venues, quads have their own venues, and sleds have their own as well. what i meant by comparing quads and dirt bikes is the style in tricks and possibilities in tricks. im not that stupid to realize we're as good as dirt bikes but we're getting there. we probably wont get to the point where we see eye to eye with each other either. that doesnt really bother me, what i want to see happen is ATV FMX turn into its own sport. the Sledneck group has done this already with sled fmx. theres comps going up left and right in canada and in the snowy states. it was only a matter of time. ATV's are finally starting to grow a set and step up with some "decent tricks". the old superman and can can are gone, we're looking to make "dead bodies, and huge "cat nacs" standard tricks for atv's and we're just about there. after we reach that point there really is no telling what can happen. we gotta start somewhere and i feel that we've already started, its time to progress! :macho

11-28-2002, 07:59 AM
damn i wanna see a kiss of death on a quad. who is doing the double can can nohander on the filmbox of the video? that is sick!

11-28-2002, 08:22 AM
that sounds cool. a sod would be sweet on a quad. i need a better quad then a big arse ramp then i would try a bunch of stuff like you guys. heck i can already pull supermans off a 15fter. a little air never scares me!:macho

11-28-2002, 08:46 AM
oh the cover is august goebel, he's probably the best fmx rider on quads right now. i'll try to get a pic of a no handed cat nac today. the weather is a little cold but no wind so i should be able to put some riding in today. hopefully it warms up a little bit :)

11-28-2002, 05:22 PM
well im not asking to compete with dirt bikes, alot of you guys are takin it wrong. dirt bikes have their own venues, quads have their own venues, and sleds have their own as well. what i meant by comparing quads and dirt bikes is the style in tricks and possibilities in tricks. im not that stupid to realize we're as good as dirt bikes but we're getting there. we probably wont get to the point where we see eye to eye with each other either. that doesnt really bother me, what i want to see happen is ATV FMX turn into its own sport. the Sledneck group has done this already with sled fmx. theres comps going up left and right in canada and in the snowy states. it was only a matter of time. ATV's are finally starting to grow a set and step up with some "decent tricks". the old superman and can can are gone, we're looking to make "dead bodies, and huge "cat nacs" standard tricks for atv's and we're just about there. after we reach that point there really is no telling what can happen. we gotta start somewhere and i feel that we've already started, its time to progress!

Yeah that is very true! Even by tricks we shouldn't even compare to dirt bikes because they are really totally different. On a snowmobile I can do a small superman. All you have to do is throw your legs back, but I can't do one on a quad. And like what was said we all have to start somewhere even if it isn't as good as the rest of the other people who are good at freestyling. Im confused of what I just wrote:huh :huh :huh

11-28-2002, 05:45 PM
lol, it made sense to me :macho

11-28-2002, 05:50 PM
Yeah well you wrote the quote :D .


11-28-2002, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by Ryan88
Yeah well you wrote the quote :D .


dude what are you talking about!!! Just last year the holy man was done on a dirt bike. We arnt very far behind!!!

11-28-2002, 06:11 PM
Well that is also true but the popularity is all on the dirtbikes. And still there is not alot of atv freestylers out there yet. there is a ton of dirtbike freestylers. We still need to improve even if were only a year behind witch I think were farther then that.

11-28-2002, 06:13 PM
Yea once the popularity gets going this sport is going to take off!!!

11-29-2002, 03:37 PM
Anyone watching Huevos 5 can see that the day is here. Lots of new riders kicking major ***** in FMX.

11-29-2002, 03:45 PM
Yeah but if you compare popularity difference with quads and dirt bikes you would know what I mean. For example if I say to a bunch of older guys in a bar, Do you know ricky carmicheal. Witch most of the guys are race fans, some of them would say oh yeah hes a good racer, ect. If you say have you ever heard of Tim Farr they would simply say "No, who the he!! is that?"
Also freestyle tricks are getting better but still wouldn't make it to the X-games and I doubt even if it was good they would never let quads be a sport at the X-games. My first reason is that they already have motocross bikes and my second reason is that it isn't as popular, like I already said.

So don't count on it.

11-30-2002, 10:31 AM
ryan88...........you said the same points like 50 times in this thread.

11-30-2002, 10:58 AM
thanks for the confidence booster ryan :blah lol, good points though, i hope your wrong :D

11-30-2002, 11:22 AM
Ryan88......how old are you? Do you remember back in the day when dirtbike fmx was just getting started? There was NO and I mean NO popularity there. It just grew and grew until the point where it is now. It has to start somewhere and why not NOW!!!

11-30-2002, 11:28 AM
Well , Quads outsell dirtbikes (in canada atleast).

You guys best watch out for them Canadians...
They come outta no where and kick some @$$ ;) :D

12-22-2002, 05:22 PM
NO **** NO!..... quad freestyle is soo gay... i think its a waste of energy.. i ride both quad and bike.. and personally i like the bike better.. they take more talent to ride

12-22-2002, 05:32 PM
Originally posted by HONDAofTROY100
NO **** NO!..... quad freestyle is soo gay... i think its a waste of energy.. i ride both quad and bike.. and personally i like the bike better.. they take more talent to ride
No your gay, Atv freestyle is awesome and takes the same amout of talent to do tricks on either one.

Derek, This is an old post so I wrote this awhile ago so I can't remember what i was talking about :rolleyes:

12-22-2002, 07:07 PM
hahah yea and hondaoftory........you need to learn so keep you mouth shut.

12-22-2002, 07:23 PM
I think of that every time i watch the X-games!
I dont see why they dont....quads need more support!

12-22-2002, 07:41 PM
not dissing you fmx guys. (i hope you do make it big) but even if atv fmx does get popular it will still probably be a side show at a monster truck rally

12-22-2002, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by FreeStylexrider
Well , Quads outsell dirtbikes (in canada atleast).

You guys best watch out for them Canadians...
They come outta no where and kick some @$$ ;) :D

yea i have to agree, watch out next year for a James Banks, apperently he is running the GNC circuit next year, or so my sources have told me, but i am asuming he will be in the 250a class or Pro which everone, he is really fast on his raptor, if it works,....

but i think if Quads can do tricks like holy mans, superman seatgrabs they should be in the x-games... guys on bikes are still doing them, but not to many that it is a popler trick but it is an old school trick..
But the tricks have adanvce a lot, H,3 and H4 the tricks were basicly the same, so it kind of got boring, but i can't wait to see H5 with some of those tricks i saw made my want cry and scream they looked so sick...


12-23-2002, 03:10 PM
I think that quads are finally there. We now have guys that only race woods, only race TT, only race MX and only freestyle. The only freestyle guys are pretty awesome. They have focused in on one thing and excel there. If you have seen H5 you will know what I mean.

12-23-2002, 03:22 PM
dang look at all the crap i sturred up. i still say they should put us in the xgames. someone find a email link and w will all email em. sent some pics of dana and jon and others

12-23-2002, 03:22 PM
Originally posted by d52
I think that quads are finally there. We now have guys that only race woods, only race TT, only race MX and only freestyle. The only freestyle guys are pretty awesome. They have focused in on one thing and excel there. If you have seen H5 you will know what I mean.

Whenever my Heuvos 5 comes in the mail then i'll see it. One problem I have noticed is that with atv's alot of local atv races are all open class because they do not have enough people for thoses class ect. From what I hear from H5, ATV freestyle is moving very quickly, and now what I hear about a backflip... :eek: .

not dissing you fmx guys. (i hope you do make it big) but even if atv fmx does get popular it will still probably be a side show at a monster truck rally

Where have you been? Its already pass that point.

12-23-2002, 04:07 PM
Originally posted by R8

Where have you been? Its already pass that point.
well please explain. i haven't seen it go beyond this. it's pretty sad when the only quads you see on tv are monster truck side shows.

12-23-2002, 05:29 PM
as for the x-games, we're working very hard getting ready to do a demo for the people in charge there. i feel that by the time the x-games are around we will be ready to turn the heads of even the top bike fmx riders. we have some major plans up our sleeves and what you've seen in H5 is just the tip of the ice burg of whats yet to come in the next few months!!! i guarentee you guys that in 5 months everyone will have a new and positive look on this upcoming sport!!! :macho

12-23-2002, 05:34 PM
can you say backflip? lol, I actually think we're getting to the point where it could compete in the x games but still though there really isn't many full on freestylers than can do more than supermans and no foot can variations.

12-23-2002, 05:40 PM
yep true, but i guess the whole point of doing the xgames this year will be to get exposure. it wont be a competition, just a demo and hopefully people like it and gets us more people involved. thats what we're going for! :)

12-23-2002, 05:50 PM
if i can ever get the balls that jon and dana have ill be right there with u but until then ill just have to make a trip to the x games to meet u guys and cheer ya on. does ne one know if there still gonna be in pa this year?

12-23-2002, 05:53 PM
it's in LA this year :cool:

12-23-2002, 06:10 PM
LA man i thought it would be a little closer to me.... wait when is it.,.,.,.,

i am going to CA this summer.,.,.,.,

also Jon do you know exactly if Wes said it was okay to come to Ontario Canada for a freestyle show.,.,.,



12-23-2002, 06:15 PM
Originally posted by 400exBro
LA man i thought it would be a little closer to me.... wait when is it.,.,.,.,

i am going to CA this summer.,.,.,.,

also Jon do you know exactly if Wes said it was okay to come to Ontario Canada for a freestyle show.,.,.,



actually i havent told him about the canada show yet, forgot... sorry :blah i'll try to remember, remind me in 4 weeks about it. :macho

12-23-2002, 06:19 PM
Like nausty said lets sign petition for those who'd do it in the future couple years. Someone find a way to get ahold of expn and talk to them.

12-23-2002, 07:43 PM
I think once people actually see the quads do the stuff there mouths are going to drop.;)

12-23-2002, 07:47 PM
i've seen it and my jaw didn't drop

12-23-2002, 08:43 PM
Originally posted by MX#132
i've seen it and my jaw didn't drop

you havent seen anything yet, trust me!

12-23-2002, 08:48 PM
i'll **** my pants if you do make it into the games but i still don't see how it will turn out. in reality i hardley give dirtbike freestylers much longer. theres only so much they can do and i think they are nearing it. there tricks are getting so lame i can stand to watch it. all they are nothing but varriations of a already existing trick. after the kiss of death i lost all respect for anything to come after that. freestyle should be for fun and messing around with friends.

12-23-2002, 08:55 PM
Originally posted by MX#132
i'll **** my pants if you do make it into the games but i still don't see how it will turn out. in reality i hardley give dirtbike freestylers much longer. theres only so much they can do and i think they are nearing it. there tricks are getting so lame i can stand to watch it. all they are nothing but varriations of a already existing trick. after the kiss of death i lost all respect for anything to come after that. freestyle should be for fun and messing around with friends.

dude i wanna see you get on a bike and do a kiss of death and then mybe just maybe you can say that.

12-23-2002, 08:58 PM
no..it was all that came after the kiss of death. and as for the original kiss of death the mike jones did.. with a little more time i could have it down. i just don't have the money for ssupension at the moment. being i already know many tricks from bmx dirt jumping it won't be hard at all to do on a quad.

12-23-2002, 09:03 PM
Originally posted by MX#132
no..it was all that came after the kiss of death. and as for the original kiss of death the mike jones did.. with a little more time i could have it down. i just don't have the money for ssupension at the moment. being i already know many tricks from bmx dirt jumping it won't be hard at all to do on a quad.

whateva lets just see the pics.

12-23-2002, 09:07 PM
i haven't taken freestyle pics since 99 and i don't think i could find them if i tried. i am done with this thread anyways. i wish more people would freeride for fun but what am i gonna do about it.

P.S. when i get my lt suspension i'll yake some pics for ya:D

12-23-2002, 09:08 PM
I think quad's should be in the X games but I don't think they are ready right this second.

MX#132, So your saying that once the backflip came you wern't amazed :huh . Basicly there is no end to freestyle.