View Full Version : stem removal

02-02-2006, 01:56 PM
when and if i get a steering stem i was wondering how to take it out is there like a how guide on it thanks.

02-02-2006, 03:14 PM
it's really straight forward, take off the stem mount by the bars, and take the bolt off the bottom of the stem, take off the tirerod bolts... thats it I believe.

02-02-2006, 04:06 PM
Yea all its the nut under the frame, take off the tie rods, and the clamp to ur frame needs to come off, then just guide it out.

02-02-2006, 08:16 PM
do i have to take the front plastics off or can i leave them on and do u have to replace the bearing on it.

02-03-2006, 12:45 AM
Originally posted by Honda#4
do i have to take the front plastics off or can i leave them on and do u have to replace the bearing on it.

its easier to get the stem off if front plastic is removed, especially to get to the clamp towards the top of the stem. I would take off the plastic, take the nut off the bottom of the stem ( some also have a cotter pin to take out before u get to the nut ). Next take your bars loose, then take the stem clamp off. Check your bearing, if it is hard to turn or feels rough go ahead and replace it before you put new stem in. There is a snap ring on the top of the bearing that you have to take out, then just take a hammer and socket and knock the bearing out from the bottom side. Also replace the bearing seals to while your at it.