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View Full Version : Glen Helen MX Live Coverage Help needed

02-02-2006, 08:14 AM
If you want to help with the Live Coverage this weekend or in the future for the ATVA MX Nationals, please PM me your phone number.

Please only offer to help out if you know how the spell the top 20 pros names correctly on the fly, and can summarize information quickly in complete sentences. Finally, you will need to be available on Sunday at 11:45AM - 1:00PM Pacific Time and again at 2:45PM - 4:00PM Pacific Time

Thanks in advance for offering to help out with the Live Coverage

02-02-2006, 08:17 AM
You get me to the race and I'm in.......

Johnny & Monica
02-04-2006, 08:05 AM
Wheres it going to be posted today Harlen ? We want to be glued to it :D Nothing like a GNCC thougth :)

02-04-2006, 10:11 AM
I wish we could just watch this on live tv or even radio.:( Isn't there a way to set up an audio web cast for future races? Even if it's not in real time. Take a live feed from the p.a. an get it on this site somehow?

02-04-2006, 05:50 PM
You have to be carefull of live feeds with copyright laws. Another person was shopwing video after the race and was told that he couldn't do that last year. Maybe this year is different with Harlem being the PR person for the series.

02-04-2006, 06:34 PM
I was trying to suggest some sort of arrangement with all the parties involved. I would assume that there would be enough willing parties to make a financial contribution to a paid members area of say this site (to offset the cost) where that type of coverage could be provided. I know that there are TV deals and copyright issues involved but who wouldn't want to at least hear the coverage live? I've been around the sport all my life and I'm under the impression that this is a pretty tight knit community, I'm sure someone could make it happen.