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View Full Version : Gotta vent

Ridin' Jesse
01-31-2006, 07:18 PM
Well i need to Vent so i fgured I'd do it here. Well this past weekend was a VERY bad weekend for my school district. On friday night a girl and guy(both seniors at my school) wrecked and the girl was killed and the guy is paralyzed but may heal. He is almost non-responsive to anything. He can twitch his finger and has facial movements but thats all. Then an accidental shooting happened to a friend of mine saturday morning. It was a big mistake but he had a party at his house and he woke up the next morning and got in the shower, and when he was getting out a friend was showing someone a gun he owned which was a 9mm, and it went off shooting Derek in back by his right hip and coming through the front right. He was rushed to the hospital and is going to be okay, but part of his intestince and colon had to be removed. They performed the surgery yesterday, but it went wrong(not sure exactly how) and he has to get surgery again. He will supposedly be better a whlie from now. The most tragic(To me at least because they were 2 close friends) was a car wreck on saturday night. M friends Travis and Mike were on there eway home from snowboarding at 7 Springs Resort, and apparnetly Travis blacked out while driving, dricing into a drain and into a snow bank, totaling the truck. Apparently, Travis suffered a concussion when snowboarding and was unaware of it. This caused him to black out and they careened off the road and wrecked. Mike only had minor injuries, including a broke foot, and lots of cuts and bruises and 36 stiches under his chin. He was very lucky that his throat wasnt slit. The place he got stiches was around 3-4 inches from his throat. As for travis though, he was not so lucky. He was having brain contussions and his brain was bleeding. He was in ICU for 2 days and was removed this morning, but sometime this evening, the bleeding started worse than before and he was Rushed from our local hosiptal to one in Pittsburgh(about 2 hrs away). Im asking for Travis to be in your prayers because they are unsure if he is going to be ok or not. This is truely the WORST weekend and WORST year for our school.:(

Ridin' Jesse
01-31-2006, 07:19 PM
Heres some pics of the truck I have.

Ridin' Jesse
01-31-2006, 07:20 PM
Another from the passanger side.

01-31-2006, 07:22 PM

He will be in my prayers!

01-31-2006, 07:32 PM
man , that sucks. Ive got a couple friends I'm really close to and if something to happend to them Idk what I would do ...:( :confused: :(

Hope it all works out man

01-31-2006, 07:34 PM
im assuming they had the seat belts on because noone went threw the glass

Ridin' Jesse
01-31-2006, 07:37 PM
Originally posted by coolex
im assuming they had the seat belts on because noone went threw the glass

Yeah they were.

01-31-2006, 07:39 PM
o and there in my prayers

01-31-2006, 07:44 PM
Man thats bad!

Hope they recover quickly!

01-31-2006, 08:01 PM
It seems like this hasen't been a very good week, or year for alot of people.:(

Ridin' Jesse
01-31-2006, 08:11 PM
Originally posted by TheFontMaster
It seems like this hasen't been a very good week, or year for alot of people.:(

Yeah..to top it off..in the past 2 years 6 people have died from my school. 2 months ago a student who just graduated n started college killed himself, and he was very active in our school, like everyone knew him. I was friends with him somewhat but not very close. And this summer another kid who graduated 2 years ago died in a street bike accident. Theres a few others too.

01-31-2006, 09:38 PM
Yes you HAVE had a bad week.
So much bad news lately it seems:( The mining accidents, several young people passing away, large building's roofs collapsing in other countrys from the heavy snows over there killing many people. Its been a bad January.

There was a terrible wreck last week down below me near Jacksonville, FL.
A car with 7 kids (all were adopted by the same foster parents) was waiting behind a stopped school bus and large truck rear ended them pushing them into the bus and the car burst in the flames, all were killed. When the grandfather heard the news, he dropped dead form a heart attack. The poor mother lost her kids and father all in one day.

02-01-2006, 01:43 PM
yeah i heard about that on the news yesterday morning... kinda sucks for everyone up there. You guys will be in my prayers

02-01-2006, 01:49 PM
Dude I work in Johnstown! Sorry to hear about all the stuff that has happened!