View Full Version : Tired of getting flamed by EX owners?

VooDuu Child
07-11-2002, 02:06 PM
Check out the forum at atvconnection.com. You will still get some crap, but there is a lot less trash talking by those who've never even seen your bike, whether it's a Raptor, Z400, or Dale, whatever. This forum is alright, but have noticed that there just seems to be more people out there bashing things like the Z400 and have never even seen, let alone ridden one. I have talked with people who used to have EX's, but gave them to their wives after riding the Z. I like the EX and almost bought, one, so don't say I'm trashin on your bike. I respect most bikes out there for different reasons for each and try not to just bash whatever I think will kick my bikes butt. My two cents.

07-11-2002, 02:39 PM
I have nothing agenst C-dals.:devil :blah

07-11-2002, 02:58 PM
What is the name of the website? Yes, it is "EXRIDERS" If you don't expected to be bashed, go to zcentral. Anytime someone has something that is different, and is also in the minority, it is going to be picked on. That is why the little kid gets picked on all the time. Because he is not big enough to defend himself. And there is not enough Z owners on this site to defend themselves. I don't read the threads that say the EX is better or the Z is better. I come hear for the knowledge and the expertise that everyone has. Just grow up, enjoy your quad and ignore the bashing.

VooDuu Child
07-11-2002, 03:07 PM
just giving those who do have something other than an outdated ex the option of not having to come HERE, not hear. And yes, you got the name of the site right, but this is the non-honda forum.

07-11-2002, 03:08 PM
Take a deep breath voodoo. I have said it before, I have owned more atv's than probably 95% of the people on this forum and there was only two of them I didnt like at one time or another... The Warrior and the Suzuki ALT125. Both hunks of junk.

Sure, I defend quads and question some statements and posts put up here by others but I dont get as upset as you. Let it roll off your back brother. The Z is an amazing quad, no doubt. But so are so many other rides too. I love the 400EX, just like I loved so many others. But time and technology create new quads. Right now, the Z is the one I ride and like. I like to ride the best for what I do. Maybe next year it will be something else. Maybe if I couldnt afford to switch quads and cars and trucks, etc. I would be defensive too.

VooDuu Child
07-11-2002, 03:12 PM
Like I said before, I'm just giving those people who are tired of a bunch of people who are mostly just jealous, a place to go where they can get factual information for every type of quad. I like the ex, it was a great quad for it's day; but it's day has passed. But of course, once the predator comes out, I'm sure that'll eat my Z. What do I care? I don't. I ride what makes me happy.

07-11-2002, 03:13 PM
Vood, clearly your a new member by the number. Why come to a site designed for Honda's and tell us not to bash Suzuki's. Everyone has the right to his/her own opinion. If you don't like it, either do as the rules state:
1. If you don't like someone, make believe you do or don't respond. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.

or leave. It is nothing more complicated than that. Just quit whining.

07-11-2002, 06:18 PM
no kidding, i go to all the forums and they all bash each other about the same....i dont cry..its just the internet i say to myself on your 2nd post you called the 400ex outdated, that is borderline bashing....i dont go on suzuki forums and tell everyone they own junk or what i dont like about them..i know they dont care,well, we dont either

07-11-2002, 06:26 PM
I agree voduu i just think poeple will back up what they own and only what they own everything else is crap...now i have rode those Z400's and lemme tell ya they are awesome bikes..they are a lil on the narrow side..but thats good for the woods. and they will smoke a stock 400ex..but my 416 will woop up on one...my uncle just bought one we dragged. They are nice handling bikes.,too bad they coppied alot of off the 400ex it would have been cool if they would have came up with some stuff of there own...they even have same shocks..dont get me wrong most things are different but they copied alot.

07-11-2002, 06:34 PM
atvconnection sucks. thats all there is to it and its owner is a crooked jackass

07-11-2002, 06:44 PM
i was not holding any opinions on the new suki....but now maybe i will smile just a lil bit bigger when i throw roost all over it!!

07-11-2002, 07:12 PM
hahaha, kennys correct on that, i havnt ever raced one, they or i wer breakin in motors everytime i see em, but someday, i shall reclaim honda's name wit something tahts been out for 15 years, and is still the greatest, lol

07-11-2002, 07:22 PM
yea so the ex is outdated, would you rather line up against one of our R's? i rest my case :D

07-11-2002, 07:49 PM
:blah lol @ wired........outdated...what years were R's manufactured again?..lol

07-11-2002, 08:30 PM
You need to either pipe down or take a hike. As already stated, this is an EX board. Believe it or not, that means that the EX is going to be the bike of choice here. The out-dated statement was real classy. You want to talk about an out-dated company? Let's look at your almighty Zuk. The damn people didn't have enough guts to make anything that even resembled a sport quad for the last 10 years, then they pretty much take the 400EX frame and clone it so that they can have a great handling bike. Whether you like it or not, you are basically riding a honda with a hopped up motor! Deal with it!!!

VooDuu Child
07-11-2002, 11:47 PM
Well, looks as if most of those who are now pissed @ me are ex or honda owners. Guess I had better pipe down. Y'all are gettin so defensive over me giving those who aren't so lucky as to have an ex some other places check out. I never dogged the EX except for the outdated part, which in my OPINION (that everyone's allowed to have according to people here), but since it's not the popular opinion, I'll get dogged. I don't care guys/gals. I just wanted to give those people who are in the minority a little info they might like. But it seems to have set off those who don't like it and aren't happy unless they are pi$$ed. It's all good. I know for the most part, if I owned an ex right now and was still paying it off, I'd have an awful disposition too. And really, is it my fault they used ideas for their chassis that are like the ex? Why wouldn't they? The ex has set the mark for quite a while with it's chassis which is of course based on the LEGENDARY 250r. Why not borrow ideas? In fact, suzuki was the first on four wheels, so really, honda copied them according to some people's logic. Whatever though, I am not worried about this forum. Doesn't seem to have much to offer for to those who aren't honda owners.

07-12-2002, 09:58 AM
I would have to agree with you Vodoo. Unless Honda produces something new in the EX arena, it will become a museum display.

Many of the users here have sold thier EX's and purchased other atv's. While there have been many well designed bikes in the past... eventually they all died off. The 400ex can be modified easily enough, but as mods come out for the newer atv's then the 400 will be in last place again.

I am happy with my 400ex but eventually I will end up buying a faster, better bike. I just hope Honda makes something by the time I am ready to purchase.

07-12-2002, 10:21 AM
Just to let some of you know, I bought my quad a couple of months ago, and Honda sent me there RedRider club book thingy. Many of you have probably seen it. There is a article in there about the new Rincon 650. If my memory serves me right that started the designing for that quad back in 1999. So it took them 4 years to get that quad into production. That was designing a totally brand new quad. I am not basing this on any facts, but I am sure Honda knows they have to come out with something in the sport quad arena pretty soon in order to compete. Up intill 2001 there was nothing really faster stock than the Honda 400.(talking 4 strokes here) But Yamaha came out with a new quad, Suzuki, and Kawawhatever. Even Polaris is coming out with a new sport quad. It may take a few more years, but I will bet Honda will do something to the 2005 model. Yes that seems like a long way off, but its only 2 years away considering the 2003 are already out. Just my opinion.

07-12-2002, 10:38 AM
heh...this moron says he doesnt bash and then he blatantly rips on someones grammar...get a life.

07-12-2002, 08:51 PM
its a ex rider site what do you expect? Also when people ask this quad vs this other quad its probably gonna be a ex seeing well your on exriders and its the same at z400central and bluetraxx they are all gonna defend their brand of qaud. So if you ask what is better out of z400 vs raptor vs 400ex guess who is gonna win on each site? A lot of the time people will ask "what do you think of my (insert non-ex quad name here)" and they will give you a answer of WHAT they think of it. I havn't hardly seen anyone bash other quads on here unless they bashed a ex. I still think ex rules the mx track and can definitely stand up to the bashing. The only thing a 400ex loses is in drags, dunes and places where power REALLY comes in.

07-12-2002, 10:49 PM
Hey guys, check out www.Z400Central.com

07-14-2002, 06:25 PM
anyone who suggests atvconnection over exriders must have a nut loose behind the wheel.:huh

go visit the flameconnection. see you when you get back:p

07-15-2002, 08:12 AM
Do I like Suzuki? No. Is the Z400 a good quad? Yes. I've ridden a couple. I like it. I don't want one. All quads have good and bad points. As long as you're riding, you're OK in my book.

07-15-2002, 08:41 AM
Originally posted by CHAR350X
Do I like Suzuki? No. Is the Z400 a good quad? Yes. I've ridden a couple. I like it. I don't want one. All quads have good and bad points. As long as you're riding, you're OK in my book.

yep,,,,that pretty much sums it up in my book also:D

07-15-2002, 10:16 PM
First off,If im correct, isnt the pretty much the same motor beating and keeping up with the old R's ? Thats with electric start on the quad.Zuki has a real nice motor there.

Second,well, lets get a bigbore kit the same size as an EX kit, and lets race.

Third, lifes tough. Things come and go. Honda needs to get their act together! They knew a long time ago that there're were better quads coming, did they do anything much about it? i guess not.

Fourth,people like what they buy, and are going to defend it. People that havent been on a wheeler very long think its all about cc's. Some guys on warriors were bashing me and my quad one day. So, i go up and ask if they want to race through the woods.Guess who won? i even got the holeshot.

Im not bashing the EX or anything,but that same motor design is the same as the 300's, jsut with more CC's. Theres basically not a whole lot diffrent about the motors.And we all know how old that tech is.

07-18-2002, 12:13 AM
OK So if the 400ex was liquid cooled,would it still be dated? Probably not,but you all keep talkin about he 400ex like it is a dinosur.

Well,maybe you should pull your heads outta your a**'s and open your eyes, Wann talk about dated,then talk about the Banshee,Blaster,and Warrior (the banshee is still bad***** thouhgt,and will whoop anything,with less money then you will put in your 4stroke motor)

The Honda has its act together,it just wants to get the bugs completely worked outta there new shyt so it can be bought the first yr without problems. Like what I am saying, Yamaha rushed the Raptor out kinda,and the first yr was ok,ecpect for the problems it had. The 400EX came out,and had 0-problems to my knowledge.

Like they said before, the 400ex will lose to a z400 in a drag,the z400 is a good quad,will i buy one ,no. I will never by a z400,until a slower rider than me comes by me in a race,then I will,think about it.
Until then, i will come by der a s s on my out dated 400ex. :o

the 400ex is the slowest ugliest hunk of junk ever built. I mean it has no nut sack, a freakin Blaster will come blowing by it.

And that air-cooled motor,wow what a hunk that is, i mean even my Lawn Mower has liquid cooling.

And don't get me started on the handling,it handles like a led sled,it is the slowest,worst handlin quad ever built. It will never win a race or finish one at that. and even the best of racers will never won on one.


anyways, the 400ex is and always will be a out dated hunk of junk, and you could never even pay me to own one.

I eman,if i ever owned a 400ex,i would kill myself. The thought of even being seen on one is just hidious.

Sure when i had a 400ex in the back of my truck(i must of been drunnk) everyone was lookin,and waving,and hollering,and saying,damn look at that beast.

The women even droped dead when they saw it. so that shows you how much of a POS the 400ex is.

07-18-2002, 06:57 AM
c'mon you guys are being pretty rough on this guy dont ya think.
He hasnt said anything that you could consider to be flaming and certainly has not said any BS, admit it the 400ex is not the leader when it comes to tech advancement etc.

I think he was talking about bashing and you all go and prove him right, whats up with that. Did some get angry that maybe he has a valid point.

Well personally I couldnt give a $hitt what you ride, just use your head (no not as a helmet :rolleyes: ) and have fun, thats what its all about isnt it?

But I have to admit that all the BS about my quad is better than yours and bikes are better than quads etc. is very entertaining and produces some of the threads that are really funny to read.

Well sorry to anyone who is offfended that I find their stupidity funny but it is and I know that I am not the only one who does either. So keep up the good work.

Ok so now I am flaming a little but it is the open forum!

So I guess what I am saying is JUST SHUT UP AND RIDE THAT THANG.


07-18-2002, 07:59 PM
After reading some of these posts I was thinking; should Honda really make a bigger 4 stroke? Why not just add some luquid cooling, and some minor motor mods and it will be right up there with the Z. I would love to see them put a crf 450 motor in the ex I would sell my Z in a minute for one. I'm not brand loyal, I have owned a Honda, Suzuki, and Yamaha since i've been riding but Honda has been the best to me. God how I would love to own a Ex with a CRF motor in it! I know some of you on this site have the CRF motor in a Ex how do you guys like it?

07-18-2002, 08:07 PM
if honda put in a 650 motor sure it would have more power but it would handle like crap from all the chasis changes they are gonna have to make to make it fit in there.

07-18-2002, 08:12 PM
i am content to sit back...ride my ol' slow out dated 400 ex. and when honda does bring out its new quad...i will be there cash in hand. let the other companies have the limelight for now....they only get it once every 10 years and keep it for only a short time.

07-18-2002, 09:16 PM
look at it this way...honda has come out with 3 of the most reliable and bullet proof SPORT quads in less than the time that it take suzuki to come out w/ 1!!...the 400ex has only been out for a few years. everyone has been on top at one time or another, and suzuki now zuki is on top...how long did it take to get there?.... 10+ years.

you guys cant be saying that honda is slouching off.....like i said before...the 400ex is only a few years old.....

07-20-2002, 01:05 AM
Originally posted by 440EX4me
c'mon you guys are being pretty rough on this guy dont ya think.
He hasnt said anything that you could consider to be flaming and certainly has not said any BS, admit it the 400ex is not the leader when it comes to tech advancement etc.

I think he was talking about bashing and you all go and prove him right, whats up with that. Did some get angry that maybe he has a valid point.

Well personally I couldnt give a $hitt what you ride, just use your head (no not as a helmet :rolleyes: ) and have fun, thats what its all about isnt it?

But I have to admit that all the BS about my quad is better than yours and bikes are better than quads etc. is very entertaining and produces some of the threads that are really funny to read.

Well sorry to anyone who is offfended that I find their stupidity funny but it is and I know that I am not the only one who does either. So keep up the good work.

Ok so now I am flaming a little but it is the open forum!

So I guess what I am saying is JUST SHUT UP AND RIDE THAT THANG.


Yes they are bein hard on him...the z400 is a great bike...but the outdated thing made no since i guess if my 416 is outdated the z 400 and the raptor is too...it proly took 10 minutes for suzuki to make the z400...and the plastic took 8 of those minutes.. almost everything else is copied...and all they had to do for the motor is pull it off there already made dirtbikes...i think suzuki should have tried to come up with there own stuff and took a little pride. My hats still off to honda!!! But hey i would have a z400 anyday...oh and tehy will smoke a piped 400...but wont come close to my 416

07-20-2002, 11:46 PM

So Zuki may have taken a few short cuts in the design dept and all but then still have a faster honda than honda does and then add in reverse. I bet the people who designed the 400ex are a little flattered by the similiar design but we still have to admit that now even Kawi has a new and improved Honda in its line up.

C'mon you people at Honda your loosing ground and plenty of market share getting your butts kicked here so hurry up and stop the excuses and have the guts to put the crf450 motor into a redisgned ex chassis.

enough said.

07-21-2002, 09:37 PM
i dont get all pissed off when people bash on the 400ex. I just chuckle to myself and say see you on the track.

07-23-2002, 08:11 AM
I think facts are indisputable, and opinions vary.....and bigfoot's arse is real hairy!

07-23-2002, 09:27 AM
hey guys dont get so worked up on the outdated statement
the Z400 is liquid cooled and has reverse thats it...
the Z400 didnt impress me at all when lined up for a drag race
it is not as fast as people that own them want you to believe.
line em up and see for yourself I did and so did my friends with stock 400Ex's.

Just Ride!

VooDuu Child
07-23-2002, 10:23 AM
ya forgot dual overhead cams too.

07-23-2002, 10:37 AM
ya forgot dual overhead cams too.


yes i did....:o