View Full Version : Got a ticket....

01-29-2006, 04:19 PM
Well I received my license on Friday,and yesterday I received a ticket for speeding.46mph in a 25 mph.To tell you the truth I really don't know what to think,I'm nervous,but at the same time I realized something important,and learned a valuable lesson.Please do not let this turn into a flame fest,im asking for advice.

The ticket is for 200.00.I can either go to court for it,or pay it online/or by mail.I was going to do the mail way,but then my friend told me to go to court and pay off the points.But the officer did not say anything about any points being added on,or the ticket did not say anything either.

I think tomorrow I will go to the cop in our school and ask him for help,but before I did that,I just want some of your opinions.
The reason I was going fast anyway is my friend led me on a wild goose chase and I have anger problems so when he pissed me off,I let off the break going down the hill and at the bottom was a cop.

Ahhhh sometimes stupidity takes over me.:o

A lesson lived is a lesson learned I can offically say now.

01-29-2006, 04:21 PM
Better try and get a deferral, you arent going to want insurance companies to know about that.....

01-29-2006, 04:22 PM
nice one genius.

01-29-2006, 04:23 PM
Originally posted by 450r51
nice one genius.

Please shut your mouth moron,i asked this not to turn into a flame fest,I know i fcked up,so shutup,im asking for advice.

01-29-2006, 04:24 PM
Originally posted by JDiablo
Please shut your mouth moron,i asked this not to turn into a flame fest,I know i fcked up,so shutup,im asking for advice.

Dude you are going to catch ****, and dont pretend like you didn't expect it. What advice are you asking for? Here is some: don't speed.

01-29-2006, 04:25 PM
Sometimes it's better to go to court and stand in front of the judge. Might get some money knocked off as well. I've heard if you overpay the ticket by 5 bucks or so, they will mail you a refund check for the overpayment. As long as you don't cash the check the ticket never gets closed out in their computers and your insurance company never finds out. I did it with the last ticket I got, my insurance never went up but who knows if this trick actually works.

01-29-2006, 04:26 PM
me and my friend got pulled over yesterday and he was doing 55 in a 35. Car was due for inspection. No insurance or Registration papers. let us go. lmfao.

Thats 4 tickets he let us off with. Just gotta know how to talk and be honest.

01-29-2006, 04:26 PM
Originally posted by derekhonda
Dude you are going to catch ****, and dont pretend like you didn't expect it. What advice are you asking for? Here is some: don't speed.

That kind of advice above this.Im asking if i should go to court or not!

01-29-2006, 04:27 PM
well JDiablo i wasent in a car but the cops seen you old plastics as i was running away from them. but i got a fine a 50 hours comunity service. hahah only reason they caught me is because i had on my dad bisness shirt and they called the number and my dad was an ******* and was like ohh come to this address and as soon as i pull in the driveway there sat 3 staties and 2 towship cops :eek2: :eek2: :grr: :grr:

01-29-2006, 04:29 PM
if u go to court u will most likely beable to pay double the fine with no points. Most likely your insurace will be ore with the points than the fine doubled.

01-29-2006, 04:29 PM
Originally posted by Ralph
me and my friend got pulled over yesterday and he was doing 55 in a 35. Car was due for inspection. No insurance or Registration papers. let us go. lmfao.

Thats 4 tickets he let us off with. Just gotta know how to talk and be honest.

Pff the cop came,got my info,etc,went back to his car,and wrote up a ticket for like 30 mins,and handed me back my stuff and left,no time to talk.

01-29-2006, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by Ralph
if u go to court u will most likely beable to pay double the fine with no points. Most likely your insurace will be ore with the points than the fine doubled.

Ya i will most likely end up doing that.

01-29-2006, 04:32 PM
dude ur gonna have temtations to speed and drive like a mad man all the time but just think mature next time and dont do it. i picked up several tickets in my first few years of driving now im 20 i have enough money to buy a haybusa but i cant afford insurance for a 250 katana

01-29-2006, 04:35 PM
Originally posted by honduh440
dude ur gonna have temtations to speed and drive like a mad man all the time but just think mature next time and dont do it. i picked up several tickets in my first few years of driving now im 20 i have enough money to buy a haybusa but i cant afford insurance for a 250 katana

Yes I know that,I'm actually pretty good with controling the temptations......obviously the one time I didn't i got caught.

01-29-2006, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by JDiablo
Yes I know that,I'm actually pretty good with controling the temptations......obviously the one time I didn't i got caught.

You have no idea about the temptations you have only been driving for three days and already got a ticket.

I made a New Years Resolution 4 years ago not to get a ticketl that year and I still havent got one.

01-29-2006, 04:59 PM
welcome to my world John boy. got my license in July.. been pulled 5 times, ticketed once - 89 in a 55 in the hemi. it was originally 6 points and some ungodly fine. I went to court, and it was reduced to 2 points and 70 bucks. I'd say definatly go to court, they could reduce the fine and the points, or pay double and no points. Points are what eats your *** up ;)

01-29-2006, 05:03 PM
What did you have to do in court?You went in there and plead guilty or something?

01-29-2006, 05:32 PM
I don't know about New Jersey, but here in Bama they allow you on your first speeding ticket to go to a "speeding seminar". It last about an hour. They just show a slide show with a bunch of wrecks of cars that were speeding and how easily you can die in a car wreck. I'm not sure if they let you off with no points, but they don't make you pay anything. I would check into it if I were you.

01-29-2006, 06:05 PM
I got a speeding ticket for doing 60 in a 30 and did not qualify for the deferral program so i just paid the 130 dollar fine but the points are on my record for 2 years or something liek that. i think that you should be able to qualify for the deferral program but then on top of that 200 you have to pay the court fees also. but if you qualify for the deferral program do it because then it does not show up on your insurance keeping your insurance low. but from what i understand you can only take the deferral program once every 2 years or something. so if that helps you great if not well sorry. lol

01-29-2006, 06:07 PM
how many points can u get before somethin happens? how many points do u get for a speeding ticket?

01-29-2006, 06:12 PM
my friend got REALLY lucky. He went to court and the cop didnt show up so they ticket got dropped. I got lucky the other day too, i was trying to make curfew so i was going about 70 in a 45. I blew past a cop, it just about shat myself. i kept looking in my mirror to see if he would pull out, he never did so i suppose he was sleeping. Needless to say im going to bight the bullet next time im running late for curfew and taking the yelling from my parents apposed to a 25 over ticket.

01-29-2006, 06:16 PM
Originally posted by 400exrules
how many points can u get before somethin happens? how many points do u get for a speeding ticket?

all states are different but in michigan 12 points you automatically lose your license. Wreckless driving tickets are 6 points (over 20 mph i believe). 5 over is 2 points. If i remember correctly points stay on your record for 2 years i believe, but stick on your insurence for 4.

01-29-2006, 06:16 PM
Do the cops usually show up at the court date?

01-29-2006, 06:29 PM
Originally posted by JDiablo
Do the cops usually show up at the court date?
It's been awhile since i've had to go to court;) but it used to be the first court date you go in front of the Judge. The judge states the citation/infraction then asks what your plea is, guilty or not guilty. If you plead guilty you pay or make arrangements to pay thefine and move on with your life

If you plead guilty another court date is set. This date is when you try to 'fight' the case against the citing officer. If the officer does not show up you win. If he does you better have a good case;)

I'm sure all this varies depending on the jurisdictions.......

01-29-2006, 06:30 PM
Go to court it will only help. and don't feel bad about a little speeding ticket. Most people speed you got caught big deal. I had seven tickets in two years I drove like an idiot when I was 20. My insurance went through the fing roof I slowed down, a leson that I needed to learn. But don't feel like you did anything the rest of us "grown up's" don't do. You just got caught sucks to be you today.

01-29-2006, 07:02 PM
Originally posted by JDiablo
What did you have to do in court?You went in there and plead guilty or something?

Not positive how it is in NJ, Here in DC and in PA, you go in front of a magistrate or here in DC a moderator and pleed guilty, not guilty, or no contest.

guilty or no contest you pay the fine and get the pionts and then pay court fees(in PA the court fees are part of the ticket).

not guilty- you give you're side of the story(DO NOT SAY YOU WERE PLAYING AROUND OR THAT SOMEONE INTIMIDATED YOU TO DO IT the judge will not pitty you for that) say something like you didn't see the speed limit sign or something like that it might get you just the fine and no pionts or a disobeying signs or something like that wich is much less of an offence as a speeding ticket. You might also add that this is you're first ticket and you are soooo sorry and it will never happen again(and this is importaint.... DON"T LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN!!)

I have fought every one of the speeding tickets I ever got some I won some I lost but it was worth the experience to at least try.

Now Im on the other side and have been to court because people fighting the tickets I have handed out and I've seen people look like idiots on the stand by saying something like a budddy told them to do it or that guy pissed me off and the judge throw th eboook at them LOL

My department will make sure im at my court dates so the cop not showing up sometimes doesn't work be prepared for him to be there.

good luck

01-29-2006, 07:22 PM
When i got mine i went to court. The best thing to do is to be completely honest and plead either no contest or guilty. when he asks you any questions always answer them as "yes sir/ no sir" and dress nice for it. Maybe if he/she sees that you are respectful and not some little punk thats out for trouble and that you are atleast fessing up to what you did he might let you off easy or reduce the fine.


01-29-2006, 07:25 PM
I would say without a doubt go to court.

The #1 thing you should try to do is not get any points.

Because you are not going to want to see your deductible if the insurance company finds out about it...:eek2:

I got a reckless driving a month ago and got off with no points just a big *** fine... Which was lucky.

01-29-2006, 07:33 PM
Go to court and do community service. U will half to take a Driver improvement class most likley to. If you go to court you wont have points. By the way you will receive atleast one point on your license. I just went through all this last week.

01-29-2006, 07:53 PM
Everyone one of my friends that has gotten something,if they go to court they 95% of the time get off without any points on their licenses.

01-29-2006, 08:29 PM
I've only been driving a few years and have a perfect record in CT. Was driving to West Virginia for a vacation trip and got pulled over for 86 in a 55 in NY. $265 ticket that I couldn't contest due to my being at school for the court date and I didn't have anything to say :( . Paid the fine - a month later (november) and my father calls and says that I should make sure to stay out of NY. They nailed me with a $450 some odd fee to regain driving priviledges in NY and I have 8 points on my license. My insurance did not find out (thank heavens!) and I held onto my $450 and said screw NY.

Driving back and forth to school in VT is so hard - speed limits are 50 or 55 the majority of the way :rolleyes:

01-29-2006, 09:16 PM
never been pulled over as of yet. Had close calls but i always happen to spot them or know where they sit at.

01-29-2006, 09:47 PM
Originally posted by Ralph
never been pulled over as of yet. Had close calls but i always happen to spot them or know where they sit at. now u fuxxed urself..i bet you get pulled over this week

01-30-2006, 05:13 AM
been pulled over 5 times...only have 2 tickets.

first time i went and jsut paid..this last ticket, im forced to go to court for...oh well

funny thing is i barely even speed, it just seems like whenever i decide to for being in a hurry, they spot me

01-30-2006, 08:13 AM
I never speed in my truck, its just too big and slow and gets real loose feeling over 80 mph. However, In everyone of my moms new cars the very first time I take it for a test drive I get a ticket. Im not even kidding....I'm 3 for 3.

01-30-2006, 08:36 AM
always..ALWAYS plead not guilty..if its ur first that DA might give u a break? But idk mann..u only had it for 3 days..ouch? how many points is that for your state? In ny thats like 5 i think. But for real plead not guilty! The most important thign is to get rid of those points! Then go take a defensive driving coarse to get ur points lowered even more, ur insurance will go down too!

01-30-2006, 08:55 AM
You best talk to a lawyer... As far as I know, in NJ you are on probation with a new license for 6 or 12 months... They will suspend your license for this one ticket and you will get hammered by the insurance companies...

I don't think this is a normal case of go to court or don't go to court, plead guilty or don't, etc... You've got much bigger problems coming than a fine and a few points...

01-30-2006, 12:48 PM
Originally posted by derekhonda
I never speed in my truck, its just too big and slow and gets real loose feeling over 80 mph. However, In everyone of my moms new cars the very first time I take it for a test drive I get a ticket. Im not even kidding....I'm 3 for 3.

lol derek the highest speed limit in indiana is 70mph my boy lol

hows school going ?
later jon

tim colston
01-30-2006, 01:08 PM
Originally posted by Aceman
Sometimes it's better to go to court and stand in front of the judge. Might get some money knocked off as well. I've heard if you overpay the ticket by 5 bucks or so, they will mail you a refund check for the overpayment. As long as you don't cash the check the ticket never gets closed out in their computers and your insurance company never finds out. I did it with the last ticket I got, my insurance never went up but who knows if this trick actually works.

It doesn't work. They will give you a certain amount of time to cash the check or the check will expire. As soon as you make a payment (for the amount asked for or more) then the situation is done in the DMV's eyes. I would just pay it by mail and get it over with. Sorry about the bad luck.

01-30-2006, 04:26 PM
Originally posted by JF400EX
You best talk to a lawyer... As far as I know, in NJ you are on probation with a new license for 6 or 12 months... They will suspend your license for this one ticket and you will get hammered by the insurance companies...

I don't think this is a normal case of go to court or don't go to court, plead guilty or don't, etc... You've got much bigger problems coming than a fine and a few points...

false, in nj you need 6 points to loose your liscense on a provisional drivers liscense. (17 y/o). Then once ur 18 it goes up to 12 points i believe before you loose it.

01-30-2006, 05:39 PM
First and foremost, you need to find out if there is anything special about your state and propationary periods on your driver's licence. That's a biggie.

I'd stay away from the "Not Guilty" plea. You were speeding, you KNOW you were speeding, so why would you try to say that you weren't? If you waste the court's time and money by taking this thing all the way to trial, they aren't going to take it easy on you.

If you don't have a probationary period, the biggest problem isn't the fine, it's the increase in insurance. So THAT's what you want to avoid. Forget the amount of the fine, pay whatever you have to, your goal is to NOT get any points on your record, and NOT to have the ticket go to your insurance company.

My advice: Go to court and talk to the judge. Plead guilty (because you are guilty), and then ask the judge straight up "How can I avoid this ticket getting to my insurance company? Community service, traffic school, what are my available options?"

If you plead guilty and say you're sorry and that you learned your lesson, most often the judge will reduce the fine and give you an option to erase the ticket from your record so that it doesn't go to your insurance company.

01-30-2006, 05:47 PM
i dont know why people ask these questions about laws, each state is different. there isnt a nation wide points system.

FIGHT IT!!! plead not guilty, tell the judge a sob story. hopefully the cop will to busy eating donuts and not show up for the hearing, that means you win...

01-30-2006, 07:47 PM
Originally posted by jonc623
lol derek the highest speed limit in indiana is 70mph my boy lol

hows school going ?
later jon

Haha...only 70? I must have been going to fast to see the signs :D

Yeah...there are 3 counties i currently cannot speed in, damn deferral program.

School is great....minus the classes. 2 accountings; 2 econs, a statistics and a law class.....17 hours each week of fun fun fun....

What have you been stayin busy with?

01-30-2006, 08:30 PM
been pulled over once and one ticket... 97 in a 65 comming home from Joe Byrd Riding School... after all the money and time going though that... lets just say i dont speed ne more...

Any thing 25 mph or over is a court appearence in Ky.

I wrote a letter to the judge of whatever county in was down there and all i ended up with was a fine. I was out of state so i have no Ohio points, dunno about Ky. i think i will try a avoid that state

bunch of fines, higher insurance,no points (kinda weird)

01-31-2006, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by wilkin250r
First and foremost, you need to find out if there is anything special about your state and propationary periods on your driver's licence. That's a biggie.

I'd stay away from the "Not Guilty" plea. You were speeding, you KNOW you were speeding, so why would you try to say that you weren't? If you waste the court's time and money by taking this thing all the way to trial, they aren't going to take it easy on you.

If you don't have a probationary period, the biggest problem isn't the fine, it's the increase in insurance. So THAT's what you want to avoid. Forget the amount of the fine, pay whatever you have to, your goal is to NOT get any points on your record, and NOT to have the ticket go to your insurance company.

My advice: Go to court and talk to the judge. Plead guilty (because you are guilty), and then ask the judge straight up "How can I avoid this ticket getting to my insurance company? Community service, traffic school, what are my available options?"

If you plead guilty and say you're sorry and that you learned your lesson, most often the judge will reduce the fine and give you an option to erase the ticket from your record so that it doesn't go to your insurance company. :macho

02-01-2006, 09:23 AM
Originally posted by bulkdriverlp
i dont know why people ask these questions about laws, each state is different. there isnt a nation wide points system.

FIGHT IT!!! plead not guilty, tell the judge a sob story. hopefully the cop will to busy eating donuts and not show up for the hearing, that means you win...


I don't need to be there. You fight it, the D/A pulls the video tape from my cruiser showing your speed.

Your sob story gets flushed.

02-01-2006, 11:04 AM
Dont know about any other state, but here in Texas we can take defensive driving and it clears the ticket. You can take it once a year for either 10% off your insurance or to clear a ticket. I got two tickets before in almost 5 years of driving. One was totally me just being an idiot and one I didnt even think I was going very fast and I thought the speed limit was 10 miles faster than it was.... big oops on my part. But they both cleared with Def Driving.

02-01-2006, 12:25 PM
Originally posted by popo

I don't need to be there. You fight it, the D/A pulls the video tape from my cruiser showing your speed.

Your sob story gets flushed.

do u guys backup all of the footage from the camera? Thats pretty cool. I wish i had access. must be a huge library

02-01-2006, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by Ralph
do u guys backup all of the footage from the camera? Thats pretty cool. I wish i had access. must be a huge library

Yes sir.

02-01-2006, 10:36 PM
Originally posted by popo
Yes sir. thats scary

02-01-2006, 11:04 PM
Originally posted by popo
Yes sir.

Super Troopers...


02-02-2006, 07:05 AM
yes go to court...my bro not even 24 hours in for havin his liscense (sp) got pulled over and got a ticket for speeding 55 in a 35....he went to court and got 2 points taken away and then went to the driving classes and got the other 2 removed...now the defense attorney of the town is my dad lawyer..so i dont thinkw e gunna be havin that much of a problem now adays....good luck bro

02-02-2006, 03:36 PM
Originally posted by JDiablo
Please shut your mouth moron,i asked this not to turn into a flame fest,I know i fcked up,so shutup,im asking for advice.

Yup.. I see what you meen by anger problems..

Just chill out and check with the prosecutors office to see if your county offers a deferral program. You'll have to pay but it keeps the violation off your record.

Here in Indiana it cost around 150.00.

Good luck and chill out man.. It's not the end of the world..

However, if you did this then you deserve it..

see below

02-02-2006, 04:12 PM
While I'm at it...

I was heading home with my son a week ago saturday. Mid day, beutiful out... remember the 60 degree day's we had a little back.

Well it's a nice day and of course the nice weather bring's out the best in people. This late 90's mustang all bling'd out rolls through the light opposite me and turns in the same direction I am going. No big deal...

I get through the intersection as the light changes behind me letting the stopped traffic begin moving. This yo-yo roll's past me in a Grand Am with beads hanging from the mirror, detroit lean and his sub's bump'n.. (he's so cool) All is well until the next light. "Mr bling bling mustang" and "Mr Detroit lean" pair up before the light turns green. This is in front of a school on a 4 lane county road (saturday... no kids). Light changes and these 2 take off like they just stole something. These guy's pulled away from me like I was going the other way. When I realize I'm up to 55 I try to focus on these to idiots that by this time are at least an 1/8 mile from me. These guy's were pulling at least 100, I've run a few ARC courses @ ESPN's Russell Racing School and I know what the century mark looks like. The upcoming light changes just as they are approaching and "Mr Detroit Lean" has gotten ahead of "Mr Bling Bling" but has nowhere to go due to stopped traffic in his lane. He slams on the brakes and swerves over to avoid crashing out.

Well, being the concerned citezen and Father I am... I dial 911....

" 911 whats your emergency?"

-- Hi, i just wanted to see if you could get a patrolman out to this location to either stop the 2 guy's street racing or to help scrape up the mess after they wipe someone out?

Well she asked me if I could identify the cars and if I had the palte numbers.


Well needless to say my boy and I continued home and did'nt think anything of it.

About an hour later I get a call from the Patrolman who responded to the call. He asked me to identify the car's and if I again could give him the plate numbers..

BINGO.... he ran the plate after getting the call and went to the kids house.

Apparently that poor kid was crapping all over himself and admitted to the officer and his mom that he was going at least 85.... The officer wrote him up for 85 ina 45..

He also asked me for my address because this kid was going to possibly try to go to court and fight. I will gladly take time out of my day to make sure this idiot gets his *** handed to him.

BTW, the grand am got away... stolen plate, but the Mustang boy got it..

18 yrs old.

I love auto racing but not on the street and not when you involve innocent people.

DON'T BE STUPID... Because if I see it I will do my best to get you busted.

02-03-2006, 01:34 PM
Like stated before, go to court fess up that you were indeed speeding because you were and pay the fines etc.. and take it as a lesson learned. IN court be respectful and be very yes Sir or Yes Ma'am and you will be suprised how things will not be that bad.

02-03-2006, 01:57 PM
Originally posted by popo

I don't need to be there. You fight it, the D/A pulls the video tape from my cruiser showing your speed.

Your sob story gets flushed.

Not only that, if the officer DOES show up, you are wasting his time, the judge's time, the DA's time, plus the other administration involved. You're sitting there, wasting roughly $500 and hour, for several hours, all so you can try to beat a $200 ticket.

And you're not going to beat it.

So now, you're still stuck with the ticket, AND the judge is pissed at you for wasting his time and the state's money. You think he's going to be nice to you after all that?

02-03-2006, 02:49 PM
i had over $800 in tickets for riding on the road with my four wheeler. (i didnt run or anything and was very courteous, wearing helmet and not speeding , cop was a jerk or was trying to scare me). Anyways I went to court and he never showed up. case dismissed :blah:

02-03-2006, 02:58 PM
Originally posted by PHAT400
While I'm at it...

I was heading home with my son a week ago saturday. Mid day, beutiful out... remember the 60 degree day's we had a little back.

Well it's a nice day and of course the nice weather bring's out the best in people. This late 90's mustang all bling'd out rolls through the light opposite me and turns in the same direction I am going. No big deal...

I get through the intersection as the light changes behind me letting the stopped traffic begin moving. This yo-yo roll's past me in a Grand Am with beads hanging from the mirror, detroit lean and his sub's bump'n.. (he's so cool) All is well until the next light. "Mr bling bling mustang" and "Mr Detroit lean" pair up before the light turns green. This is in front of a school on a 4 lane county road (saturday... no kids). Light changes and these 2 take off like they just stole something. These guy's pulled away from me like I was going the other way. When I realize I'm up to 55 I try to focus on these to idiots that by this time are at least an 1/8 mile from me. These guy's were pulling at least 100, I've run a few ARC courses @ ESPN's Russell Racing School and I know what the century mark looks like. The upcoming light changes just as they are approaching and "Mr Detroit Lean" has gotten ahead of "Mr Bling Bling" but has nowhere to go due to stopped traffic in his lane. He slams on the brakes and swerves over to avoid crashing out.

Well, being the concerned citezen and Father I am... I dial 911....

" 911 whats your emergency?"

-- Hi, i just wanted to see if you could get a patrolman out to this location to either stop the 2 guy's street racing or to help scrape up the mess after they wipe someone out?

Well she asked me if I could identify the cars and if I had the palte numbers.


Well needless to say my boy and I continued home and did'nt think anything of it.

About an hour later I get a call from the Patrolman who responded to the call. He asked me to identify the car's and if I again could give him the plate numbers..

BINGO.... he ran the plate after getting the call and went to the kids house.

Apparently that poor kid was crapping all over himself and admitted to the officer and his mom that he was going at least 85.... The officer wrote him up for 85 ina 45..

He also asked me for my address because this kid was going to possibly try to go to court and fight. I will gladly take time out of my day to make sure this idiot gets his *** handed to him.

BTW, the grand am got away... stolen plate, but the Mustang boy got it..

18 yrs old.

I love auto racing but not on the street and not when you involve innocent people.

DON'T BE STUPID... Because if I see it I will do my best to get you busted.

Good for you!!! You have NO idea how many times I wish I was an undercover cop around here. I would have a freakin field day with these wanna be race car drivers. :mad:

Funny how you look different at things when you know your family is traveling on the same roads with the same idiots!

02-03-2006, 03:15 PM
ive kept quiet on street racing, i do know its wrong 110%...and i found out the hard way:(

i let some punk sucker me into running his daddys camaro in my mustang. my car ran low 11's on street tires so i knew it was no contest, but my ego got the best of me. the light turned, and i launched. when i pulled 4th gear and the tach hit 6200 my hood flew up. i couldnt see but managed to get off the road safely. caused 2600 damage but i got LUCKY. i could have wrecked others or worse.

that was the last time i ever raced on the street, wont happen again.

02-03-2006, 06:34 PM
back in decemeber pretty close to christmas i almost got a ticket...i was pretty lucky tho i blew past the cop going 73 in a 60...and he was sitting in the median strip...so he had to get turned arround then fight traffic to catch back up to me....well he musta ran like 80 to catch up to me....i admit i backed off the juice got it back down to speed limit...but he lost sight of me...he caught back up to me and fallowed me for about quater of a mile then he threw his lights...i proceeded to pull over...hes like whats the rush son...im like sir im running late for work...hes like oh yea where do you work at...im like target 3rd shift stocking...and he took my license...and hell i couldnt even find my registration and he was like dont worrie about it...ill run the registration off your plates...and he brought me my license back and he said just slow it down...i got away with a warning...

i think the only reason he didnt write me up for 13 over is because he lost sight of me...my buddys dad was a state police man and my buddy knows the laws and the limits how far he can push them...i asked my buddy about it and hes like thats why he let you go because once he looses sight of you he cant write you up...idk if its any truth to it or not....

but ever since then my truck stays within 5mph of speedlimit...or it stays on cruise control.

02-03-2006, 06:47 PM
My boyfriend and I have gotten a couple tickets on street bikes one was 285$'s and it was reduced to 100$'s.... Another one was 175$'s and they made us pay 25$'s...We were passing a minivan and we only sped up to pass the minivan quickly and safely.. Then the third one the cop forgot to sign it so it was invalid and they threw it out. Check your ticket over... make sure they filled it out right.

First day out and already got a ticket.... And people wonder why I feel so strongly that drivers ed should be a 4 year mandatory class in high school, ya know like English?! I hate the way people drive because no one knows what they are doing...

02-03-2006, 08:55 PM
Get a traffic lawyer for $200, and beat it. 9 times out of 10 they will get you off on a technicality. Like the cop wont file on time, or the discovery wont be sent in time, wrong code written on ticket. ect. I've beat four of the last five tickets Ive gotten, and I was guilty as he\\:D

02-08-2006, 04:59 AM
Originally posted by Woodsrider
Get a traffic lawyer for $200, and beat it. 9 times out of 10 they will get you off on a technicality. Like the cop wont file on time, or the discovery wont be sent in time, wrong code written on ticket. ect. I've beat four of the last five tickets Ive gotten, and I was guilty as he\\:D


02-08-2006, 06:52 AM
I got a ticket one time and went to pay it and they said they can't find it and if I don't hear anything within two weeks not to worry about it. Well two weeks went by and nothing came so I did as I was told and didn't worry about it. A little over a year later I was at the hospital for my sons birth and when my grandma came to see us she said a constable (sp) came to her house looking for me and gave her his card, here it was for that ticket that I wasn't supposed to worry about. I was a little ticked but I paid it to stay outta the slammer.

02-08-2006, 01:18 PM
Haha, heres the solution to tickets. Get a beat up truck with bad gas milage!! It worked for me! Youll learn quick that if you accelerate slow, youll save gas.....but first you realize that the thing cant accelerate fast in the first spot.:blah:

When I first got my liscence, obviosly I was scrwing around in my moms 01' Altima for a while. Speeding gets old after a month or 2. I remember tripling the speed limit on a few occasions. You just have to speed on roads where there usually arent constables on patrol, and where you can see real far down the road.