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01-29-2006, 12:03 PM
well me and a few buddies went riding yesterday at Big Rock ATV park in Maysville Kentucky. beautiful day out, perfect riding weather. we had lots of fun even with out horrible luck.
For starteds one of teh guys forgot his key so we had to hotwire his YFZ before we could even get started, later in teh day he had two flat tires, the chain popped off and got bound up in the front sprocket, bent a tie rod, and by the end of the day his chain had a major kink in it from the earlier incident and actually broke a link.

then my buddy has a 400ex with gibson LT front end. A bolt fell out of the bottom ball joint causing the a-am to drop into the ground. we were able to tie it back in place so he could ride for the rest of the day since it fell apart in the first hour we were there.

Then one guy witha raptor stripped all the teeth off his front sprocket while another guy on a raptor burnt out his starter cylinoid and bent a front wheel

as for me, i rounded off my shifter shaft and may have doen something to the front end by nosing off a step up and landing fron end straight into the face of the landing.

despite all the problems it was a great day, a rather expensive one though. we started off with five quads in good condition and ended up limping all of them back to the truck by the end of the day.

01-29-2006, 12:21 PM
Damn that sucks bro, sorry to hear about all the bad luck..:ermm:

I bet you guys would have had a lot less trouble if you did more pre-ride maintainence and inspections. I usually go over the whole quad before each ride to make sure nothing is out of place or loose.

I know how it is though, sometimes you don't have much time and just want to go ride :p

01-29-2006, 12:28 PM
Originally posted by NacsMXer
Damn that sucks bro, sorry to hear about all the bad luck..:ermm:

I bet you guys would have had a lot less trouble if you did more pre-ride maintainence and inspections. I usually go over the whole quad before each ride to make sure nothing is out of place or loose.

I know how it is though, sometimes you don't have much time and just want to go ride :p

most of it was inevitable. The Tie rod was because of a fallen tree, the chain came off because os a stick beign wedged between it and the sprocket, the cylinoid just went, the sprocket not sure on that one(didnt know the guy beforehand), The tires arejsut dumb luck, and my shifter shaft was from me landing on it instead of my footpeg.

the onlyone that probaly could have been prevented was the ball joint but we never though of it since he only installed the new a-arms about 2 months ago. we though that it should hold together for longer than that.

01-29-2006, 12:33 PM
I know, that's how it usually goes, chit happens... Funny though i've landed on my shifter so many times but i've never stripped it yet lol definitely can't be good for it.

There was a point a few years ago where I was on a roll with not breaking anything lol. I would go to the track and all my buddies would break stuff on their quads but not me. Well, that didn't last too long after that. Everyone's turn will come, just a matter of time

01-29-2006, 12:35 PM
That's how it goes........when it rains, it pours.:grr:

01-29-2006, 12:41 PM
Originally posted by NacsMXer

There was a point a few years ago where I was on a roll with not breaking anything lol. I would go to the track and all my buddies would break stuff on their quads but not me. Well, that didn't last too long after that. Everyone's turn will come, just a matter of time

that was me, it has been almost a year since doing anything other than general maintenence, and now this breaks. i plan on rebuilding it since i have to tear it down anyway to replave the shaft.

the other guy with the 400ex who broke a ball joint has the worst luck of all. He has only had teh LT setup since october and has already torn teh bike apat about 4 times since because of breaking things. nother bad really ever happed to him until he put LT suspension all around on his bike and now he cant keep it together for more thana month withoug doing any major damage. since teh LT setup was installed he has replaced:
Frame (Crashed adn bent stock one)
Left side a-arms(Same crash)
Rebuilt motor(blew up fresh 440)
Now the ball joint
Bent one of his Axis shocks
steering stem(Crashed again)
Most of the Tranny
+more i cant remember all in the past 6 months or less.