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01-28-2006, 07:04 PM
this video makes me so mad http://media.putfile.com/JUBA-Sniper
i emailed them lettin them know a piece of my mind! we all need to email them and let them know this needs to be taken off. it was made by juba himself. its impossible to find out were the shots come from because he never takes more then one shot. this makes me so mad words cant describe it. you all need to email putfile.

by the way, i got the site and the info about juba of thumpertalk http://www.thumpertalk.com/forum/showthread.php?p=2939185#post2939185

01-28-2006, 07:08 PM
farking towel heads :mad: :mad:

01-28-2006, 07:29 PM
omg i wish saddam hussan (SP) could spend one week in my house every day ill rip off a toe and a finger and the last day ill rip off all of his limbs and take a chyt load of pics and make a damn movie about it and show it on the muslim news :eek2: :mad:

01-28-2006, 07:31 PM
sorry about that post not all muslims are that way just some of them make me sick :o

01-28-2006, 08:45 PM
My opinion is that race as a whole should be made extinct. They contribute NOTHING to society as a whole and have been a thorn in the side of every civilized nation. They can turn that whole place to Glass as far as I am concerned

Honda TRX250ex
01-28-2006, 08:52 PM
that video makes me so freaking mad:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

01-28-2006, 09:05 PM
My opinion is that race as a whole should be made extinct. They contribute NOTHING to society as a whole and have been a thorn in the side of every civilized nation. They can turn that whole place to Glass as far as I am concerned

I'll second that vote

01-28-2006, 09:08 PM
so what is going on in the video, i clicked on the link, after the movie was done loading, a message came up saying the video is closed, so can someone fill me in?

01-28-2006, 09:10 PM
towel head sniper killing american soldiers on camera

01-28-2006, 09:16 PM
Originally posted by seven
My opinion is that race as a whole should be made extinct. They contribute NOTHING to society as a whole and have been a thorn in the side of every civilized nation. They can turn that whole place to Glass as far as I am concerned

And what race would that be??

01-28-2006, 09:17 PM
omg....that needs to be removed IMMEDIATELY!

01-28-2006, 09:20 PM
I am not a racist by nature but the facts speak for them selves. If it was a animal doing the things they do it would be put down imediatley. If you had a rabid dog next door to your house would you let it be and hope it didnt attack your kids? Maybe hope it got better and cross your fingers. The fact is they have grown up with war all there lifes and thats all they know.

01-28-2006, 09:24 PM
Well, My Girlfriend that I love very much, just happens to be half Iranian, So I have different views, on, "THAT WHOLE RACE SHOULD BE EXTINCT" kinda bull$hit! That would be like one american serial killer killing a bunch of ppl, and someone saying the whole american race deserves to die. Now people as individuals...is a different story, that SNIPER, and who ever mad that movie...deserves to die.

01-28-2006, 09:33 PM
When you look at history there has always been problems in that area. There will always be problems there!Why, To much ethnic and religious diversity in a small area with acceptance of the way other people may or may not believe. Do I believe in the genacide of the WHOLE RACE? No, but we are WAY to tolerant of what they do over there. Then they bring it to our door step and people get upset (911). And have carried out numerous attacks on other countries. But now we have forgotten 9-11 and our govermet has to step around all these rules to get the job done. If there is a town that harbors these kinds of people I would have no problem with them leveling the city!

01-28-2006, 09:39 PM
Yeah Sure, I somewhat Agree, but we need to take care of the individuals that create the problems, not all the innocent people that are trying to live normal lives just like me and you. But anyways, Im done with this subject.

01-28-2006, 09:40 PM
i hope that camel turd fu ckin dies a slow and painfull death after his wife is raped and tortred and then slowly kill alog with his kids and then him and i wish that on any man willing to hurt our boys in iraq i wish i could get ahold of that b a s t a r ed and have a little fun with him and send it to the media and the whole time i was killing him i would be enjoyin it

01-28-2006, 09:47 PM
Originally posted by ShiftFMX
Yeah Sure, I somewhat Agree, but we need to take care of the individuals that create the problems, not all the innocent people that are trying to live normal lives just like me and you.

this isnt a conventional war, were fighting an invisible enemy over their who uses gorilla tactics. its not like WW1&2.

i think we should leave now, not because i dont believe in the war but i dont think we should spend 1 second rebuilding that sh^thole, while the terrorists groups are steady pickin off Americans

we should let them kill each other and do whatever they want to each other over their, as long as they dont mess with us or any other surrounding countries who want nothing to do with them.

01-28-2006, 10:11 PM
i feel like printing a copy of this thread and dropping it off at the local gas station:devil:


01-29-2006, 07:44 AM
Originally posted by Marshmello
i feel like printing a copy of this thread and dropping it off at the local gas station:devil:


make that a 7-11