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01-25-2006, 10:25 AM
Got a 2000 banshee, to anyone who has the Yamaha sticker on the side of the tank that is black, What year is yours? Mine came with gray, they peeled off. Got new ones they are black. They got hit by the power washer, that ended them. I like the look of the black better than the grey. So I need to know what year came with the black yamaha sticker on the side of the gas tank, the one that is ruffly 3inches by 12inches. I know its on older shees, but what year I don't know. If anybody knows I would certainly appreciate it.

02-12-2006, 07:31 PM
First off, DO NOT USE POWER WASHER, period.

The 2000 Banshee came in two colours, blue/white or white/red.
The white quad sticker:
If you have the white quad it has a white background whith BLACK letters.

The blue quad sticker:
If you have the blue quad it has a blue background whith WHITE letters.

Here is Alba's web site that has OEM Yamaha parts, you'll even find the part number here. The blue sticker is $6.22 each and the white sticker is $6.38 each, weird eh?


Hope this helps.