View Full Version : HiPer/Maxxis not holding air

01-25-2006, 08:49 AM
I have brand new Maxxis MX rears and I bought used HiPers, they are in great condition but every time i go to ride i have to put air in each of my rear tires. I have the same combo up front and they hold air fine.

I cant find any cuts or holes in my tires,

Anyone else have this problem? What could be causing it?

01-25-2006, 08:51 AM
Depending on the age of the hipers you may need to replace the center orings. Also check to make sure your rings are properly torgued.

01-25-2006, 08:51 AM
some times beadlocks just leak. take them apart, clean the tire bead, wheel bead and the ring and put them back together. also make sure you tighten the bolts to spec and do it in a star pattern

01-25-2006, 09:09 AM
Thanks guys, I had them mounted in a shop but heck that dont really mean anything some times.

01-25-2006, 03:13 PM
Check to make sure there not cracked. Ive cracked a front one but no rears, put the tire and rim in water and see where its leaking.

01-25-2006, 03:42 PM
Fill them with air and put them under water. This will tell you where the leak is coming from.

01-25-2006, 08:45 PM
O rings in the center of those overpriced piles of garbage

01-27-2006, 07:31 AM
Originally posted by HiZ
O rings in the center of those overpriced piles of garbage

Why do you say that? They have great for me and I have never heard of anybody saying that they dislike them:confused:

01-27-2006, 07:57 AM
I agree, I have never once had mine leak. The o-rings are fairly inexpensive as well.

01-27-2006, 08:26 AM
so far i like them just fine, I know that if I had been running my old Douglas rims where I ride now I would be buy new rims already after my 4th ride.

01-27-2006, 02:35 PM
instead of putting the tires under water, just put about 10 lbs pf air in them ans spray soapy water or window cleaner around the bead and other places where air could leak, and look for bubbles. Also, make sure your rings are on tight enough, I had the same problem with mine leaking, and after i made my rings tighter, they stopped leaking.

01-27-2006, 04:58 PM
Originally posted by HiZ
O rings in the center of those overpriced piles of garbage

you have got to be kidding me...lol :rolleyes:

might wanna do a little bit of research before you go calling the best wheels on the market garbage :huh

01-27-2006, 05:56 PM
yeah especially since they are cheaper than douglas beadlocks and a much better wheel some 15 year old that prob dosent even ride:ermm:

01-27-2006, 07:00 PM
Originally posted by jacobw
yeah especially since they are cheaper than douglas beadlocks and a much better wheel some 15 year old that prob dosent even ride:ermm:

do you race MHSC? if so then we should meet up at the first race or somethin, and im only 16, so shhh :blah: lol :p

or are you the same guy that i checked over hipers for last year in racing C class with me? if so what class you doing this season? ill be in open A, been riding a ton, working out, im in great shape :macho

01-27-2006, 07:49 PM
yeah that was me I had to call hiper to find out about the wheel center they were ok I didnt need to change them it was the honda offset 4+5 that was bad so I was in the good. What place did you get in the c class I ended up getting 10th I didnt even race the last 5 or 6 races. :D If I get another cannondale set up for xc I will ride in the B class. I have been mxing all summer and my xc bike will get set up as a mxxer and I will prob buy another dale and set it up for xc. I love the dales they are the most comfortable bike I have ridden yet. And with all the new reliability mods they are a ver reliable bike. I have ridden mine for 2 xc season stock and she still is going strong:D Good luck yurik! win a few!:)

01-27-2006, 08:14 PM
Originally posted by jacobw
yeah that was me I had to call hiper to find out about the wheel center they were ok I didnt need to change them it was the honda offset 4+5 that was bad so I was in the good. What place did you get in the c class I ended up getting 10th I didnt even race the last 5 or 6 races. :D If I get another cannondale set up for xc I will ride in the B class. I have been mxing all summer and my xc bike will get set up as a mxxer and I will prob buy another dale and set it up for xc. I love the dales they are the most comfortable bike I have ridden yet. And with all the new reliability mods they are a ver reliable bike. I have ridden mine for 2 xc season stock and she still is going strong:D Good luck yurik! win a few!:)

i tied for 6th, missed 4 races

good luck to you also, im sure we will c each other at the line :macho