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01-24-2006, 08:12 AM
So canucks, what do you think?

Sounds like this new guy will be a good thing. All the news i was hearing about Paul Martin lately was making him sound like a complete moron.

But then again, Canada is a good 800 miles from me, so i have no idea. Is the new guy a good thing?

01-24-2006, 08:37 AM
deff. a good thing in my opinion. damn liberals were complete morons, the bloc quebecois are going nowhere and its so useless , jack layton (npd) seems like a good thing but the conservatives had better ideas IMO.

01-24-2006, 08:45 AM
The new guy is gunna f*ck this country up beyond repair . The good thing is that he didn't win a Majority government , so any decisions his Conservative government wants to make will have to be approved by the others , and I don't think the Liberals , NDP or any other party will help them out . When the Liberals were in power ( for the last 12 years) , they had the NDP on their side for most of their time in power .

Stephen Harper's government ( Conservative) is known for screwing things up real good . All we have to do is look back 12 years ago when his party had power .... it took the Liberals 12 years to fix what the Conservatives screwed up cuz it was in that big of a mess .

Even though the Liberals have stolen millions upon millions of dollars from Canadian citizens , I would have much rather seen them in power than this moron .

Over the last 12 years , we ( Canadians) have fought together on things like abortion rights , equal rights for gays , aid for low income families , non privatized health care , etc . Harper is gunna come in and switch it all around and put us back where we were 12 years ago ..... so far in a hole that we could barely see the light . Just when things are getting better in the country , an election gets called and things take a turn for the worse .

Harper = a man for the rich , high society , businessmen , not the guy that has a 9-5 job and has children to feed and a home to support .

I wish Jack Layton and the NDP would have gotten power since they are out there for the working class people . :ermm:

01-24-2006, 09:04 AM
Originally posted by Quad18star
Even though the Liberals have stolen millions upon millions of dollars from Canadian citizens , I would have much rather seen them in power than this moron .

Over the last 12 years , we ( Canadians) have fought together on things like abortion rights , equal rights for gays , aid for low income families , non privatized health care , etc . Harper is gunna come in and switch it all around and put us back where we were 12 years ago ..... so far in a hole that we could barely see the light . Just when things are getting better in the country , an election gets called and things take a turn for the worse.

hahaha youre a good guy greg, but it cracks me up the way you canadian liberals think. I'm guessing you live in a more liberal area of the country?

obviously the election itself didnt screw stuff up. apparently the majority of canadian citizens are sick of all of this "good stuff" you claim Martin is doing for the country. As an outsider, he just sounds like an absent-minded, gay, corrupt, wannabe frenchie doing everything possible to dissasociate the US and Canada.

01-24-2006, 09:14 AM
I agree with Greg. Harper is evil. He's got so many hidden agendas it's not even funny. Toronto was brainwashed by his promises and since they pretty much determine the fate of our political status the rest of us will suffer for it. Argue with me all you want but I guarantee I'm not budging on this issue. Our government has become a disgrace. Our economy was doing so well, it is unfortunate that the liberals hid all that money but we were still doing good. Paying off the Nations debt and finally seeing the light.
I could go on and on about this but I'm getting too upset.

EDIT: I may not agree with Martin & his party 100%, but I still feel we were better off.

01-24-2006, 09:15 AM
Originally posted by Quad18star

Over the last 12 years , we ( Canadians) have fought together on things like abortion rights , equal rights for gays

Is that something to fight for? Seems like the world should be fighting against that.

When you are done trying to liberalize the world, stop protecting and send back our runaway troops hiding up there that are afraid to protect and serve our country.

01-24-2006, 09:41 AM
Originally posted by Bush0102
hahaha youre a good guy greg, but it cracks me up the way you canadian liberals think. I'm guessing you live in a more liberal area of the country?

obviously the election itself didnt screw stuff up. apparently the majority of canadian citizens are sick of all of this "good stuff" you claim Martin is doing for the country. As an outsider, he just sounds like an absent-minded, gay, corrupt, wannabe frenchie doing everything possible to dissasociate the US and Canada.

No you're right ... the election didn't screw up . What happened is that Paul Martin ( Liberals) was leading a minority government ... the other parties called for an election , which they have the right to do . The election was called right after the Gomery (?) Report was released to the people .

Now I don't know if you've heard about the Sponsorship Scandal / Gomery Report . If you haven't I'll explain it briefly . This happened under the old Liberals Leadership ... not Paul Martin's government . What happened , is that people were getting paid large sums of money , for doing little work . Goods friends of those in power received contracts for government work .... getting paid $2 million dollars for a $200 000 job ... paying $200 for a $20 golf ball . It happens in all governments .... doesn't matter if it's here in Canada , in the USA , or over-seas .... it happens . It just so happened that these guys got caught . Now with this fresh in everyones mind here in Canada , Stephen Harper played on this to help gain votes . And it worked . It's easy to tell everyone not to vote for someone because they stolen millions of dollars ..... but he never mentioned anything about how the Liberals brought this country out of a hole ..... cut the national debt in half in the last 12 years . Brian Mulroney was ran this country before the Liberals gained power 12 years ago . His government was the main reason why we were in such a debt ..... he was a member of the Conservative Party . :eek2:

As far as Paul Martin wanting to disassociate Canadians from Americans , he has done the complete opposite . Just because his government didn't want to support the war in Iraq , doesn't mean he doesn't want anything to do with the USA . He went on what MOST Canadian citizens want .... which is to keep our nose out of someone elses battle . We do have Canadian troops fighting along American soldiers all over the world though ... we just have not pledged our complete military support . On other subjects ... the battle between the USA and Canada has been about Beef and Timber . You can't blame Martin for not wanting to do trade with the USA . Your government is the one that banned Canadian beef importation into your country because of " Mad Cow" saying it will infect your american cattle . While the ban was on , there were cases of the disease reported in the USA ... so it wasn't just our handful of cattle that were infected .

Another issue was the softwood lumber dispute . I don't care where you're from .... you can't come into someone elses country and tellem you're gunna take their lumber and that they can go f*ck themselves . You wouldn't go into your neighbours home and steal his TV and not expect a dispute would you??

Yeah , sure the Liberals have done things wrong , but they have also done things right . From what I've heard and read about Stephen Harper's agenda , he's got things backwards . Like I said ... he's a good guy if you're rich ... but if you're just an average guy , you're in for some rough times until the next election .

As for my stand on all this , I voted for Jack Layton and the NDP , even though I knew his party would not gain the power . I wasn't going to give my vote to the Liberals or the Conservatives . Interesting fact though ...... the NDP support has doubled since the last elections . Maybe within the next decade or so , we'll have a government for the working class citizen .

01-24-2006, 09:51 AM
Originally posted by ACEOUTDOOR
Is that something to fight for? Seems like the world should be fighting against that.

When you are done trying to liberalize the world, stop protecting and send back our runaway troops hiding up there that are afraid to protect and serve our country.

Ya it's something worth fighting for .

Why shouldn't a woman have the right to an abortion ?? Go and tell a woman that was rapped by someone in a back alley that she is not allowed to have an abortion .

Face the facts .... there are gay people living all around the world ... you might work with them , they might be pumping your gas or they might be your neighbour . Fact of the matter is that they live among society ... they live in your neighbourhood , they live in your town and they live in your country . They should have the same rights as any other person in the country . If a guy loves another guy , or a woman loves another woman , why should they not be allowed to get married?? Why should they not be allowed to raise kids ?? Why should their partner not be untitled to health care benefits that they may receive through their job ?? They are the same as you and I .... they walk , talk and breath .... they just have different sexual preferances . That's what our society has realized and that's why the rights have been fought for .

Your runaway troops are welcomed to go back home anytime they want ... we aren't keeping them captive .

01-24-2006, 10:12 AM
I have to admit, I do not follow Canadian politics but the statements being made by the liberals on this thread are hilarious. You say that a conservative will be good to the rich and not the poor but this liberal gov't was stealing from the poor and giving to the rich??? How does that make any sense? You can't have it both ways. The libs and the cons that are in politics are both crooked but you all choose to blind yourselves to it if a lib does it but if a conservative gov't got caught stealing from your citizens would it be ok then? I don't think so. That is why we have elections and in the USA and in Canada it seems that the liberal bs isn't fooling as many people as it used to. That is why the conservatives are winning the elections. Wake up people, it's not a fluke that the conservatives are in power, it is the will of the people.

01-24-2006, 10:35 AM
Originally posted by mxdad
I have to admit, I do not follow Canadian politics but the statements being made by the liberals on this thread are hilarious. You say that a conservative will be good to the rich and not the poor but this liberal gov't was stealing from the poor and giving to the rich??? How does that make any sense? You can't have it both ways. The libs and the cons that are in politics are both crooked but you all choose to blind yourselves to it if a lib does it but if a conservative gov't got caught stealing from your citizens would it be ok then? I don't think so. That is why we have elections and in the USA and in Canada it seems that the liberal bs isn't fooling as many people as it used to. That is why the conservatives are winning the elections. Wake up people, it's not a fluke that the conservatives are in power, it is the will of the people.

Right on man!

01-24-2006, 10:46 AM
Originally posted by Quad18star
Ya it's something worth fighting for .

Why shouldn't a woman have the right to an abortion ?? Go and tell a woman that was rapped by someone in a back alley that she is not allowed to have an abortion .

Face the facts .... there are gay people living all around the world ... you might work with them , they might be pumping your gas or they might be your neighbour . Fact of the matter is that they live among society ... they live in your neighbourhood , they live in your town and they live in your country . They should have the same rights as any other person in the country . If a guy loves another guy , or a woman loves another woman , why should they not be allowed to get married?? Why should they not be allowed to raise kids ?? Why should their partner not be untitled to health care benefits that they may receive through their job ?? They are the same as you and I .... they walk , talk and breath .... they just have different sexual preferances . That's what our society has realized and that's why the rights have been fought for .

Your runaway troops are welcomed to go back home anytime they want ... we aren't keeping them captive .

You are a hard core liberal, if it was people like you, we would have never entered WW2 and stopped that terrible evil. You can morally destroy the heart of Canada.. I doubt anybody here even cares what you all do anymore. At least the people of the U.S.A. are starting to take our country back to our traditional conservative roots, and away from the secularism that has dragged us down for decades.

And by the way we have asked for those coward AWOL troops back, and your "government" denied it saying they were political assylum seekers. Unbelievable, you should be glad you have a fresh government there.

01-24-2006, 11:08 AM
You people are missing the main point


haha you guys should have seen the posters they had up, it said Vote Green Party, under that there was a big marijuana leaf:p

they would have fixed this country:blah:

01-24-2006, 11:16 AM
Originally posted by mxdad
I have to admit, I do not follow Canadian politics but the statements being made by the liberals on this thread are hilarious. You say that a conservative will be good to the rich and not the poor but this liberal gov't was stealing from the poor and giving to the rich??? How does that make any sense? You can't have it both ways. The libs and the cons that are in politics are both crooked but you all choose to blind yourselves to it if a lib does it but if a conservative gov't got caught stealing from your citizens would it be ok then? I don't think so. That is why we have elections and in the USA and in Canada it seems that the liberal bs isn't fooling as many people as it used to. That is why the conservatives are winning the elections. Wake up people, it's not a fluke that the conservatives are in power, it is the will of the people.

I'm not gunna say that what the Liberals did was alright , but atleast they were a bit more level headed on issues as opposed to the Conservatives .

Explain this to me . Right now in Canada we have National Health Care . You get sick , get hurt or whatever , you go to the hospital , get treated , stay in there a week , a month or a year and it doesn't cost you a cent . You pay taxes for this kind of thing . They discharge you from the hospital and they send you home with the right meds needed to treat your illness . With the Conservatives , they want to cut the taxes that help pay for this . How is this government going to get the money to pay for hospital stays?? They won't be able to ... they are just going to drive the national debt lower once again ... then they are going to Privatize the health care . So the sick get sicker cuz they can't afford help . The rich benefit cuz taxes are cut and they'll get the quicker service because they have the money to pay for it . Doesn't make much sense to me .

Like you said ... politicians are crooked . They'll say one thing to gain your votes , but once they're elected everything they promised goes out the window and it's done their way . Like I mentioned earlier , I'm just glad it's a minority government so that their decisions have to be voted on by the other parties . Atleast this way , if something is right out of tune , they can't get the bills passed as easy as they want .

01-24-2006, 11:35 AM
Originally posted by ACEOUTDOOR
You are a hard core liberal, if it was people like you, we would have never entered WW2 and stopped that terrible evil. You can morally destroy the heart of Canada.. I doubt anybody here even cares what you all do anymore. At least the people of the U.S.A. are starting to take our country back to our traditional conservative roots, and away from the secularism that has dragged us down for decades.

And by the way we have asked for those coward AWOL troops back, and your "government" denied it saying they were political assylum seekers. Unbelievable, you should be glad you have a fresh government there.

Oh yes I'm a hardcore Liberal ... that's why I voted NDP ( New Democratic Party) .:rolleyes:

So basically you're telling me that because I believe in rights for people I'm morally destroying the heart of Canada ?? Is it because I don't care if a woman wants to have an abortion or because I don't care in 2 gay people want to get married , that I'm " destroying" this country?? I'm not gunna lose any sleep if 2 gays want to get married .... they must be happy together ... just like you're happy with your girlfriend or wife .

If you knew of a young woman that got raped by someone and became pregnant ... had no way to support a child ... definatly did not want the child because it was from a total stranger , someone she didn't love , didn't plan on having a baby ... would you deny her from having an abortion ?? If you say you would deny her , I would straight out tell you to your face that you are heartless .

People should have the RIGHT to choose what they want to do with their OWN lives . That's why political groups fight for these people .

Like I said before .... any american that's up here has the right to leave whenever he or she wants . It's their decisions .... not our Governments . And by law ... unless they ask for Canadian citizenship ... they have to leave after a certain amount of months ( 6 months I believe)

01-24-2006, 11:42 AM
After reading all of your guys posts and looking up things on the internet about the subject i would have to agree more on the side of Quad18star. Things arent black and white, ace your talking about right wing values and ya your totally right, liberals were right there with hitler on the whole genocide thing us liberals love our nazi's. Im currently in my third semester of political science and the best way for the average joe isnt (conservative roots) nor full blown liberalism. Both sides have strong points and to take a right or left wing stance is pure ignorance in my opinion. To think that one way or the other is the best is ridiculous. Quad18star doesnt seem hard core you seem more old school and right wing ace. i understand what quad is sayin and it seems to me like you are offended that he would dare say conservative values aren't what is best for his country.

01-24-2006, 11:42 AM
I agree with Greg. Many of you are guys on this forum as we all know. You have NO idea what it is like to be a woman and therefore you should not just assume that all abortion is just wrong. I believe women should be able to make the choice, you men should have nothing to do with it. You dont have to carry the child, you dont have to have the child, and most the time the woman is stuck with caring for the child. If she is not able to do so, and if she gets raped or something to that extreme, then she should be able to make the choice. You guys get it very easy for the most part when it comes to children. Me, myself personally, children arent for me and it really makes me upset that guys just think they can tell us that we cant have a choice. ESPECIALLY if the girl was raped.

01-24-2006, 11:52 AM

01-24-2006, 12:40 PM
Originally posted by Honda400exrox
You people are missing the main point


haha you guys should have seen the posters they had up, it said Vote Green Party, under that there was a big marijuana leaf:p

they would have fixed this country:blah:


01-24-2006, 02:34 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
Right now in Canada we have National Health Care . You get sick , get hurt or whatever , you go to the hospital , get treated , stay in there a week , a month or a year and it doesn't cost you a cent . You pay taxes for this kind of thing . They discharge you from the hospital and they send you home with the right meds needed to treat your illness . With the Conservatives , they want to cut the taxes that help pay for this . How is this government going to get the money to pay for hospital stays?? They won't be able to ... they are just going to drive the national debt lower once again ... then they are going to Privatize the health care . So the sick get sicker cuz they can't afford help . The rich benefit cuz taxes are cut and they'll get the quicker service because they have the money to pay for it.
you were making alot more sense in the begining of this thread but that is almost comunist sounding ^^^. what is going to drive people to get a better education toget better jobs so that they can support themselves and their family if the gov. just gives it to them

01-24-2006, 03:03 PM
I couldn't care less about the election... I'm glad I don't vote, I'd rather sit back and enjoy the ride, and not bother. It's all a bunch of garbage either way you look at it.

I know people say, if you don't vote/didn't then you can't complain (and I won't) but I couldn't vote, because I don't like any of them... so I'd be worse off...

01-24-2006, 03:05 PM
Its actually not communist its socialist and thats pretty much how all of europe does health care. It sounds crazy because you have never heard of it but it is actually a good idea only thing that sucks about it is your taxes are up the ying yang and your tax money ends up paying for homeless ppl and bums to get medical treatment. Bottom line with it is that it wont work in america because there are to many ppl, to many ppl on welfare, and its to radical to introduce now that we have been doing it differently since the dawn of america.

01-24-2006, 03:28 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star

If you knew of a young woman that got raped by someone and became pregnant ... had no way to support a child ... definatly did not want the child because it was from a total stranger , someone she didn't love , didn't plan on having a baby ... would you deny her from having an abortion ?? If you say you would deny her , I would straight out tell you to your face that you are heartless .

its called adoption.. i know 2 girls my age who are daughters of a woman who was raped, and insted of that woman getting an abortion, she decided to have the kid and put them up for adoption.. and these 2 girls are good people and close friends, not to mention good looking, but thats besides the point.. so just because abortion may not be a choise, it doesnt mean they have to keep the kid, just go thru the pregnancy term, big deal, in canada i guess she'd have everything paid for upto the adoption, plus i know girls who have had abortions, and they are emotionally scarred unfortunatly because of getting one, so im sure carrying a child would be much less emotionally disturbing to most women who have a conscience. And they gay thing, dont even get em started there, its morally wrong and once they get rights as a MINORITY, yes they are trying to get rights of a minority not just the average majority person, because they already have those, they will be looking for handouts and speacial treament from the gov't just like the damn welfare people

01-24-2006, 03:41 PM
Let the sign burning/runnin over/ smashing begin??:D

01-24-2006, 03:45 PM
This is why I hate politics.

I asked Canadians what they thought. Now people from the US are trying to tell them their opinions are "wrong". OK now i happen to be a pro-choice-anti-death-penalty-otherwise conservative republican, but that is my own personal opinion and i will NEVER call another person's opinion "wrong" or personally insult them. It doesnt mean i don't disagree, but taking politics to a personal level (like almost every one in this thread) is what is ripping the United States to pieces.

I'll respect Greg's opinions. I dont agree with them one bit, but you know what? He lives in a completely different country than me, one that i have never lived in or even visited. Who the hell am I to tell him what is best for Canada?

I didnt want this thread to be a flame fest. I wanted to see what the Canadians thought about their new leader, learn a few things about their political process, and stir up a few discussions.

01-24-2006, 05:18 PM
Originally posted by troutman561
its called adoption.. i know 2 girls my age who are daughters of a woman who was raped, and insted of that woman getting an abortion, she decided to have the kid and put them up for adoption.. and these 2 girls are good people and close friends, not to mention good looking, but thats besides the point.. so just because abortion may not be a choise, it doesnt mean they have to keep the kid, just go thru the pregnancy term, big deal, in canada i guess she'd have everything paid for upto the adoption, plus i know girls who have had abortions, and they are emotionally scarred unfortunatly because of getting one, so im sure carrying a child would be much less emotionally disturbing to most women who have a conscience.

first off... "just go through the pregnancy term, big deal..." BIG DEAL!!!!!!! HA! Id like to see you want to go through something like that. Thats why guys should have NO say so.

Different things affect people in different ways... it wouldnt emotionally scar every woman out there.

01-24-2006, 06:08 PM
Originally posted by CDaleChick
first off... "just go through the pregnancy term, big deal..." BIG DEAL!!!!!!! HA! Id like to see you want to go through something like that. Thats why guys should have NO say so.

Different things affect people in different ways... it wouldnt emotionally scar every woman out there.

iv never been pregnant nor ever will be, and i was around many who have been pregnant tho, its no walk in the park and no big deal was the wrong word, but it beats killing a person

01-24-2006, 06:11 PM
Hey greg, I respect your opinion, I don't vote and probably never will, I don't follow politics, I don't even know the names of my local MP.
I am happy to see a change with our government though, I was tiered of people voting in the same people and then complaining about it a couple of months later cause taxs went up or something like that. Our healthcare is no longer free, If i recall correctly we had our taxes hiked on our paycheck to cover the healthcare costs, am i correct. just because we dont get a bill in the mail, doesnt mean its free. I pay $2000 dollars a year property tax for what, once a week garbage pick-up and my road to be plowed even though its not till 4pm and it snowed the night before.
The cost of living up here is skyrocketing, but minimum wage is still crap, the cost of rent or to buy a house has gotten unreal in the past couple of years.
I really dont think any form of government is going to help the working man out, wether its liberal, NDP, Conservitives,the pot smokers may have, but i dont think we will ever find out.
Thats my say say, even though i didnt really say much and my opinion doesnt really matter.

Cdale is totally correct, you guys go through 9 months carrying a baby you dont plan on keeping and see how emotionally screwed up you get.
Its the womans choice, let her make it....

01-24-2006, 06:31 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
I wish Jack Layton and the NDP would have gotten power since they are out there for the working class people . :ermm:

Do you remember when the NDP was in? How long was that Joe Clark lasted like 3-6 months? the NDP are just a bunch of communists in my opinion.
the thing i'm most excited about is the scraping of the gun registry:muscle: one of the many gay things the Liberal party did.

01-24-2006, 08:18 PM
Originally posted by zeppelin
you were making alot more sense in the begining of this thread but that is almost comunist sounding ^^^. what is going to drive people to get a better education toget better jobs so that they can support themselves and their family if the gov. just gives it to them

Our National Health Care has been something we've had pride in for the last 60 or so odd years when Tommy Douglas first proposed it and had it voted in . Doesn't matter if you don't have 2 cents to rub together or if you're able to wipe your a** with 100 dollar bills , you're entitled to health care .

DVXchic .... the price has gone up on everything all over . Cost of living in general has gone up . You can't blame the government when WalMart hikes the price on an item by $3 , or when the local grocery store jacks the price of beef by 50cents a pound . Its the global economy that drives the prices . As far as seeing a recent hike in taxes on paychecks , I couldn't tell you .... I haven't had a taxed pay in the last year and half thanks to my accident .
Property taxes have gone up all over ... even here in Sudbury . This is not controlled by the Federal government though ... this is brought on by city council . I don't know about where you're from , but here in Sudbury , road maintainance ( resurfacing, snow removal, etc) is all done by the local government ( ie the average guy in town that decides to run for mayor or city council) ... they are not supported by the Liberals , Conserv, or NDP . Prices of homes aren't controlled by the government either ... it's the market that controls it . If more people want to buy homes , the price of homes goes up ... if it's " down time" in the Real Estate business , prices of homes drop .

Troutman561 .... for some woman , giving birth can lead to some serious consequences .. especially if the girl is still very young ( a 13 or 14 year old that gets raped) . You're right that there is the option of adoption ... but not everyone wants to do that . I know a few people that have been adopted , and they crack their heads everyday wondering where their mom or dad is , why were they put up for adoption , they wonder why they keep going from foster home to foster home . Like I said .... people should have the right to make their own decisions and not have someone tell them what they aren't allowed to do when it concerns their own life.

Bush0102 ... I'm glad you made this post . It's good to hear everyones differences of opinion on this subject , and like you said , it gives you guys a chance to learn about whats going on in a neighbouring country .

I'm surprised to see that a lot of people didn't go out and vote . Personally , I've voted every chance I've had since I turned 18 . It's something we have the right to do in this country , unlike other countries where the citizens voices aren't heard . Like someone said ... if you don't vote , you don't have the right to agree or complain about Government and political issues . I've voted , so now I can bi*ch and complain or praise any actions taken by the Government . :devil:

01-24-2006, 10:02 PM
If a woman is raped, under the age of consent (18), or her health is in jeopardy then I believe abortion is justifiable.

HOWEVER is she is above 18, was NOT raped, And her health is fine then I believe abortion is absolutely wrong and should be illegal. Close your darn legs, or tough it out for 9 months... There are millions of people around the world waiting on adoption list or unable to adopt.

What is the man upstairs thinking about us??

01-25-2006, 04:30 AM
i voted so it gives me the right to ***** as far as the liberals are concred they are finally over takin our got dang money what a bunch of f'n crooks (all politicans are anyways) i would of liked to see jack layton win because he was fighting for the lil guy but i think change is good

01-25-2006, 06:50 AM
I heard John Kerry is gonna be your next Premier and the price of Ketchup will be more expensive than a litre of petrol.

Glad your getting him.

01-25-2006, 09:33 AM
Originally posted by popo
I heard John Kerry is gonna be your next Premier and the price of Ketchup will be more expensive than a litre of petrol.

Glad your getting him.


Send Hillary up there with him as his "assistant".