View Full Version : AHhh friend died!

01-22-2006, 09:40 PM
Yee i just need to releash some emotions.A friend of mine died this passed Friday.Wake is tomorrow,funeral is Tuesday.What a way to start out the new year when everyone made a pact to have a good safe new year!

R.I.P.... PAPA GEORGE....1/20/06

You will be missed!

01-22-2006, 09:42 PM
damn dude that sucks. what happened?

01-22-2006, 09:43 PM
Hung himself they are saying.He had troubles with drugs and drinking and what not,and they found him at work....dead. :(

01-22-2006, 09:45 PM
well that sucks. suicide isnt the answer, but what can you do.

01-22-2006, 09:45 PM
Yaa i know man.....he was defienlty now the type of guy i EVER thought would do that.....he was always smiliing laughing at anything,more then me and that is alot!!!

Boy he will be missed!

Tommy 17
01-22-2006, 09:48 PM
I know a member of this site took his life the other day... he wasn't a big member here but he was over paatving.com... his name was cuzron...

still hit me pretty hard i rode with him a few times on poker runs and he was a damn nice guy! i woulda never guessed this guy was that type of guy either!

sorry to hear about that thou man!

01-22-2006, 09:51 PM
It sucks man, if you ever have a friend that has some problems deff gotta get on their *** asap because it can lead to bad things. It'll be allright John I'm sure hes doing allright up there saving some spots for you :)

01-22-2006, 09:58 PM
Sorry to hear. :(

01-22-2006, 11:25 PM
Im sorry to hear that :( Suicide is a toughy for families and freinds to deal with. Im sorry for your loss.

01-23-2006, 04:52 AM
wow dude im really sorry

these past few months havent been good ones for n e one, like 6 people died that knew people from pingertalk, ive already read a few on here, my friends grandpa, some kid from our skool commited suicide, but hey, what can ya ddo

01-23-2006, 05:27 AM
Thats two people already in two weeks that hung themselves,one kid in our school did it,and now my friend.....ahhhhh wtf is this world coming too.Thanks alot guys for your words.

L & L Racing
01-23-2006, 07:01 AM
Man that sucks really bad :( How old was he? death is the worst feeling ever. Get better bro...

01-23-2006, 08:20 AM
sorry to hear about that man..:( i remeber last year there was a kid in our grade that commited suicide and it shoked us all.

01-23-2006, 09:07 AM
a couple years ago my cousin hung himself over drugs and having to go to jail for it but the worst part is that his brother found him in his back yard hung so it was very very hardon him but suicide hits hard on every one expecialy because he was so close to us but u have to move on and make sure it doesnthappen agian to someone else you love.

01-23-2006, 12:06 PM
Originally posted by JDiablo
Thats two people already in two weeks that hung themselves,one kid in our school did it,and now my friend.....ahhhhh wtf is this world coming too.Thanks alot guys for your words. Let me guess, you're taking exams?

01-23-2006, 12:21 PM
Originally posted by MXFourTwoEight
Let me guess, you're taking exams? i just finished my first day of exams:mad: but anywho sorry to hear that jdiablo, i had a friend who was cutting himself and trying to kill him self at times and me and my friends talk to him and set him straight, he is now fine.. its a hard thing to deal with man, you'll get through it..

01-23-2006, 01:42 PM
Originally posted by MXFourTwoEight
Let me guess, you're taking exams?

Lol naa exams were last week,haha

He was 23 years old.