View Full Version : Got to test drive a mustang GT for 24hrs

01-21-2006, 09:14 PM
well i got bored between classes the other day and i went to the ford dealership to look at the 05 gt they had out by the road. i started lookin at it and the salesman came outside and was like u wanna drive it? so was like hell yeah. then after we drive it the women asked if i wanted to take it home and show my parents. i was like aight..i can do that. (i didn't wanna buy it i cant afford the insurance). so after they made a copy of my lic. they just told me to bring it back the next day and come w/ my dad if he liked it. well i drove the **** outta that thing. i put 350miles HARD miles on it. that thing will do a mean donut. i swear its the most fun car ive ever drove. its faster then the 04s i think. i want one bad now. id get in trouble on it so fast so its a good thing i dont have one i guess. me and a friend were doin donuts in the culdasac in front of his house when i let him drive and when we parked it at his house and got out he was yellin at us. so i yelled back that i was sorry even if i wont drivin then. he was still pissed. he said the cops were on the way so id better leave now. well i knew what he was trien to do cause about a year ago i had an old suburu stump jumper that i was doin donuts in and when i went back by he got the tag number and called it in. so i took the dealer tag off and started goin by real slow and the basterd walked out in the middle of the road holdin a huge rock. well i wont gonna stop just so he could call the cops and get me in troube for me friend doin donuts in front of HIS own house. so i went around him on the edge of the road. the basterd threw the rock so i nailed it once i seen the rock and luckly he missed. i swear if he woulda hit that car. i would have either kicked his f*ckin *** or just called the cops. sure i might have gotten in trouble too but i believe he would be in alot more trouble. this guy has his kids always in the front yard throwin rocks at cars that drive by too fast. my friends dad already went to his house about a year ago when they threw a rock at his truck. its sad that he telled his kids to throw rocks at cars that drive by alittle to fast.

but anyway. its a fun car and i like it alot but i would get in way too much trouble...mabey one day.

01-21-2006, 10:13 PM
Wow... :rolleyes:

You sound like a regular dipchit... :rolleyes:

Too bad he didn't hit you with a rock, then kick your ***... That's what I would've done. ;) Except I use better things than rocks... Just a tip from your uncle LTandRaptorider. Now get to bed so maybe you pea-brain can get some extra sleep... Not that it will help you much...

01-22-2006, 04:43 AM
I really wish the rock would've hit the car. It's painfully obvious you're no where near mature enough to drive this car or any car. I hope the dealership inspects the car (which they typically do). You do realize they document the mileage on the car before you take it, right? 350 miles in one night is an exceptional amount. They're also going to notice the rubber that's going to be thrown all over inside of the wheelwells.

Honda TRX250ex
01-22-2006, 10:02 AM
yeah im with LTandRaptorider and Guy400. they guy let you use a mustang GT for 24 hours and you ran the crap out of it. its no even your car. you better hope that they dont bring you to court to fix the damnges

01-22-2006, 10:04 AM
i heard that they werent lettin ppl test drive them unless they were sure they were gonna buy them

01-22-2006, 11:26 AM
Your a complete arsehole. Your the reason I will not buy a new vehicle with over 15-20 miles on the clock.

I hope they make you pay for your joy ride.

01-22-2006, 11:45 AM
around here nobody under 25 can take a test drive unless with a salesman, for that reason. too many idiots like you!!! i also blame the dealership for being so dumb and letting you take the car.

01-22-2006, 12:09 PM
Your a real winner buddy. i oughta kick you ***.

01-22-2006, 12:25 PM
so it was faster than our toyotas? :blah:

01-22-2006, 12:56 PM
I cant believe all of you believed the damn kid. Its obvious this kid isnt over 20 hell probably isnt over 18. They sure as hell aint gonna let someone take a car home over night with just their license on copy to show daddy.

01-22-2006, 01:04 PM
It's pretty funny how much **** people talk over the internet:rolleyes: Damn i wish i was that tuff.

01-22-2006, 01:16 PM
Originally posted by bluebaron
It's pretty funny how much **** people talk over the internet:rolleyes: Damn i wish i was that tuff.

mabye one day you will be but for now you just wont be as kool

01-22-2006, 01:38 PM
wow thats really dumb to drive sumthin that nto urs like that

01-22-2006, 02:20 PM
Originally posted by trx400exxracer
mabye one day you will be but for now you just wont be as kool

I believe (hope) he was referring to the numbnuts that started this ridiculous thread. ;)

01-22-2006, 06:14 PM
i dont see why every1 is bashing this kid, i would of done the same thing its good fun, except 350 miles is alittle riduclous.

think about it, them dealers rip off people so much, i dont a little revenge wouldnt be fair. plus he is just breaking the car in

reminds me of this, except these nuts drove with the salesman in the car


01-22-2006, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by LTZ400rider
i dont see why every1 is bashing this kid, i would of done the same thing its good fun, except 350 miles is alittle riduclous.

think about it, them dealers rip off people so much, i dont a little revenge wouldnt be fair. plus he is just breaking the car in

reminds me of this, except these nuts drove with the salesman in the car


By you saying this shows me your just a little prick.

This topic is done.