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View Full Version : 416 or 440

01-19-2006, 06:06 PM
Which do you guys think is better 416 or 440? I here a bunch of different opinions about this i just dont know. Most of my friends tell me to go with the 416 because it is more reliable and usually lasts longer. They say you will blow a 440 alot faster. I know the 440 will be quicker but im not gonna be racing on tracks for money i just ride with my buddies. ??????????

01-19-2006, 06:30 PM
try searching, there have been many threds on this subject, everyon ehas there own opinion. personally i would never go to a 440, but thats just me. i like my 426, and when i rebuild will go down to a 416 then eventually back to teh 426.

alaskin 450R
01-19-2006, 06:38 PM
it all really dipends on what YOU want. what kind of riding do you do. if its dunes then probly the 440 but if its trail then i would go for the 416 but thats just what i would do.

01-19-2006, 07:20 PM
Sounds like you already have the info you need. I would personally go 416 in your case. I would imagine the 416 is more reliable than the 440, and makes alot of power as well.... just make sure you get items recommended to work with the engine and it will perform similar to the larger kits. Having not seen the three main kits ( 440, 416, and 426) race, I cannot tell you the difference in a drag....... to be honest, everyone is going to say what they have is best. Not true at all, and doesn't mean that it is the fastest. I have beaten 416 on a 400EX without any kind of internal engine work because his set-up didn't fit what he needed for his driving/ area.... so more than the bike is a factor anyway. The RIGHT set-up is everything. Sooo..... it is up to you to decide what you will do, and what you need.... most of the time you can get some ideas by feedback given from people.