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01-18-2006, 06:37 PM
This is a touchie subject,But I feel it needs to be addressed.I know there are allot of people who visit this site,An I would like to say something.


Not to long ago I lost a person I respected to this.Someone who was younger than me but yet I still looked up to him due to his speed, stamina an straight up balls.But those alone cant stop the temptation to try.I know!,I was hooked on them for 2 years.And those of you who know me on this site know how long ive been out of racing/riding (2 years).This **** can turn your life up side down,To a point you cant figure out what is right side up.Everywhere you turn young kids teens you DO get pressured.For instance my cousin (17 )GREAT dirt biker fast as jeff gibson VERY talented.Got hooked on drugs we are talking about a kid at the age of (15 )DESTROYING one of our respected quad racers (Ben Jackson) at a track in southern Ohio just lapping him like it was funny. He is now not at all interested in racing, doesn't work on his bikes, his 45,000 dollar rig does not move,BECAUSE HIS DADS SO HURT he doesn't want anything to do with it any more either.I try hard to get my cousin to stop he is my best friend.But yet he still fallows the crowd still does the same things that killed a fellow respected racer of OURS.An its DISTURBING.

How can you go from being so talented,To not living and have nothing to show for it.....


When you think about doing them, just remember thats the quickest way to lose everything you have.family friends your life. simple as that.

Im out


01-18-2006, 06:41 PM
Good post. and I agree so much.


01-18-2006, 06:43 PM
i agree 100% with that, me being 14, i can honestly say I HAVE NEVER TRIED, PLANNED, OR WANNA TRY DRUGS

01-18-2006, 06:46 PM
good post one of my friends was like that. over a year he has changed so much. He got a big wake up call when he totaled his car. He hit a tree doing about 75. the back seat was touching the dash. He walked away w/ 3 broken ribs and a concussion. Since then he has been clean. And going to alternative school and getting great grades.

The temptation is there but you HAVE TO SAY NO. it will **** up your life

01-18-2006, 06:47 PM
Good Im glad to hear this Im happy to see posts back so quickly and im glad people are reading.Keep riding get into racing spend money on things You can SEE not just a false feeling.Anyone who asks you just say no and im not kidding.NO!

01-18-2006, 06:49 PM
My moms brother Larry and jerry were hooked on drugs, jerry is dead now because of them. Larry had a kid names lee, hes on them to, he just recently stole 1000 dollars from her bank for them, pawned her dvd player and her bike, and cons her into letting him staying in there wen he gets sick and winds up in the hospital. They will not be around long though, good in one way but sad in another, Larry has Jamcians after him because he had a job of taking care of there dope they got over the border. Being a idot he sold it all on them and smoked it and bought crack, people have already showed up at his sisters door with guns. Lee has people ( again with guns) after with from tornto for crack money. They recently got held down with plastic bags over there heads and got beat to ****. And there aprtments trashed. The cops know about it all, lee got punched in by one the other day. This is no BS. Makes me wonder how they have lived this long?

01-18-2006, 06:49 PM
i agree i know people that spend all there money on weed, and smoke everyday, and there ruining there lives, everyday in school i hear all the kids talking about it, its pretty sad

01-18-2006, 06:52 PM
^ some of the things I seen on my time with them make me NOW (CLEAR HEADED) wonder why I put my life in jepordy like that.its just all B.S and it goes on everyday 24 hours a day 7 days a week none stop.

01-18-2006, 06:54 PM
Yeee some of that stuff isn't cool.A couple of my friends smoke weed,I've tried it like a moron :rolleyes: .

Hey rookiex do you mind me asking what kind of stuff you were on?If you don't want it out in the open maybe PM me then.I would appreciate it,im just trying to save a couple of my friends life from this chit!

01-18-2006, 06:59 PM
Can you pm me it too, and like the things you did to get it, i just kinda want to know the eyes of my uncle and cousin. Do not worry i will not think anyything bad of you, because you were smart enough to quit!

01-18-2006, 06:59 PM
im 15..never done any drugs, cigarettes or alcohol...its so bad for u

01-18-2006, 07:01 PM
Ya bro,alot of props for quitting. :)

01-18-2006, 07:01 PM
Kids do it for the rush, it's the only thing that can make them feel better about their lives. My friends do that ****. They have some of the most screwed up families, I.E. mom dad fighing dad puts a gun to moms head kids walk out beer all over cigs all over cops there kids get treated like **** mom gets beat everynite ect, they are the only thing that makes them feel good. No one can help them. The shrinks at school can't change the father actions with abuse and stuff. I'm not saying it's okay if you do drugs but they are what these kids have left to make them feel normal and execpt from reality.
The kids that think there cool, have a loving careing family, populair, have everything they want, do it for attention and try to look cool. Theres where its gets wrong. Most of the jocks at our school do dip, cigs get high. They have a great life and there only doing it for attention and not for the rush. They are what screws everyone over.
The bottom line basically is to just stay away from them, its okay to use them once a while (IMO) but not do be spending your lunch money and crap on it (I should be the one speaking :ermm: ) .Its a waste of money time and a life.

I'm going to get flamed for this but its how I feel.

01-18-2006, 07:01 PM
I will speak of what ive done (An this is stuff im NOT proud of or showing off about) but this is a lesson.

Rolls AKA ecstacy- eat the saratonian right out of your head.You feel happy everything is great.......next morning...You wake up with no money in your pockets your phones lost and your back is HURTING.

Foot balls-bars AKA zanex.Same thing bad news

weed-the least harmful but the first time you think that youll be in trouble.

Opium-black tar-red rock...
haroine (never the needle)

On an on...


waste of money waste of time.

01-18-2006, 07:04 PM
Damn man you were on a lot of **** congrats for quiting.

01-18-2006, 07:07 PM
I cant agree more my bother is 41 years old and has lost nearly every job he has had due to drugs, and drinking. He got discharged from the Navy due to his problem. I tried pot for about a month while in college and realized I didnt like feeling stupid and thinking that feeling was cool. I just didnt understand the reasoning why.

01-18-2006, 07:10 PM
Alot of props bro for straighting your act up.

01-18-2006, 07:10 PM
I'm 14 and my friends are 14-17

some are smoking, dipping, getting high some of them are I know I cant get them to stop so I just dont bother I hang out with others it is just rediculous and it is getting worse with the younger kids

I know it is not drugs MOST of them are doing but it is still rediculous

01-18-2006, 07:12 PM
Congrats on quitting man!!!!! I have no respect for people that use drugs! Im am so glad I have never tried it!!! Im glad that im not just another teen staistic! RIDING IS MY ANTI DRUG!

01-18-2006, 07:16 PM
My friends and stuff smoke weed pretty often. While it doesn't change my friendship with them (yet anyway) because if its not effecting them that bad at the moment, I don't really care, but, it certainly makes me think of them differently. My best friend does it. I've told him how I felt about it, but he doesn't really care. I told him I thought he was stupid for doing it, and he got all mad....I still don't know why...

I'm never doing any of that..


01-18-2006, 07:27 PM
Thanks to all of you for the props I just wanna get the message out.

01-18-2006, 07:35 PM
we just got my friend some help cause he had a serious problem. Hes been clean for a while now and im proud of him.

The problem with drugs is this.

Marijuanna is a drug, and i dont think it is even as bad as alcohol. The problem with pot is that it is a gateway drug.

You start smoking pot and eventualy do more and more. Then you do shrooms, or painkillers. eventually u think coke isnt as bad anymore and ur mindset changes. Before you know it ur spending all ur money on coke and whatever else you can try cause they are now your life.

Its a little exagerated cause soem people can control themselves more than others. Others do coke once and are instantly addicted.

Recently a kid died in my town from a coke/heroin overdose and it shocked the whole town. The problem is often ignored but there is a huge drug problem in my area.

01-18-2006, 07:36 PM
I think it was a great idea to make a thread about this!

01-18-2006, 07:42 PM
ive done xanex a bit when I was a freshman. Made me sleepy. was pretty stupid. I did enjoy lortabs though

01-18-2006, 07:51 PM
i did drugs for a while and quit. people this **** ruins your life. you will loose all your friends and ****. its not worth it!

01-18-2006, 07:52 PM
I have tried pot, cigs, and alchohal. But will never do any of the stuff again. It is such a waste of money. I cant see my hard earned money going towards something that makes u feel better or "high". Nothin can feel better than winning a race, or getting 30 ft in the air over a huge tripple. Those are my highs. All the money i get either goes in the bank or into my quad not on sumthin stupid like drugs. But i have to admit every once and a while i will have a beer on like new years or occasions like that. Like some one said before Quading is my anti drug.:D

My drug of choice is Adrenalin.(spelling?) Nothing is better than that. It is so stronge that the average person only uses a Thimble (spelling?) full of it in their entire lifetime. Thats what i call a stronge drug.:devil:

01-18-2006, 07:58 PM
Last year i smoked pot like every day for a couple months and it made me really stupid. Im not a smart person to begin with and that made me completely useless.

But my parents were up my @ss and now im done. As much as i hated them then it was really good for me to quit.

01-18-2006, 08:07 PM
never done it never will

01-18-2006, 08:28 PM
hey rookie ur post about all the drugs....shrooms are free (just to let u know) u grow them on ur own. its a psychodelic drug, most RETARDS (not the people who are born like that, but the people who were born...THEN like that....no offense) use it just to see little fantisised awakening dreams. i dont know about the side effect of shrooms but for all you people who think marijuana is worse than tobacco and alchohol well guess what...do some research on nicotine and alcohol...ive smoked tobacco,pot, and ate shrooms but tobacco and shrooms would ruin my life...pot made me feel a little better about my life (DONT DO IT) because im pretty depressed about my parents getting a divorce and my dad taking EVERYTHING from my mom...now we have nowhere to live..hes evicting us from our home...its either my mom drops the domestic charges again him or he sues her for rent, lawyer fees, morgage(something like that), alot of other stuff to and it all equals out to 43,000...and he wants 97,000 for the house. My mom doesnt have that kind of money because of the ****ING HURRICANE FLODDED HER BUISNESS

thats alot of personal stuff that nooone really needed to know about but you know it was a time to tell my story:ermm:


01-18-2006, 08:34 PM
Yeah its good to stay away from all that no matter what.Some people think (well a lil here an there wont hurt) thats untill the cops get you slap you with some charges an just make your life a lil harder than what it needs to be.And to me its not worth all that.

even if your not seeing jail time....it makes it harder to get a job get privlages ect....

01-18-2006, 08:37 PM
Tell me about the shrooms effects were like and the coke, just curious.

01-18-2006, 08:41 PM
I hear ya man, but I have no sympathy for people who use drugs cause there "depressed" or there life "sucks" I have been thru lot's of ****!!!!! I been kicked out of my moms house! Parents are divorced, dad went to jail, girlfriend cheated on me and dumped me,my dad is being sued by my mom and if she wins we don't have a home anymore, etc, etc, etc!!! And I sill have not touched any kind of drugs, and I don't smoke cigs or drink alchoal or anything!!! THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR USING DRUGS!!!! or anything for that matter!!!!

01-18-2006, 08:41 PM
to be honest pretty much the same as everything else.just junk.

01-18-2006, 09:12 PM
One of my best friends, I have known the kid since second grade, (we are seniors now). About a 2 years ago he started smoking pot, nothing serious in the corse of 6 months he did it about 3 times, then it started getting worse the begining of last summer, when him and another one of my friends started smoking, and most of it I didn't even know about. This past summer, it got so bad that my best friend that I have known for going on 10 years, was choosing weed over me. That and alcohal was all he would talk about. He busted up a fender on one of our friends cars by slamming his shoulder into it, and he acted like nothin was wrong. In the last 7 months, I have pretty much hung out with him 3 times, 2 were snowboarding, and another was when I needed a ride cause I got my car stuck. He has no plans or ambitions for the future. He is going to be the kind of person that lives with his parents, and wasting thier money. Really no matter what your friends are doing drugs are just not something you want to get into at all. Whats bad is that I could easily write 4 times what I have wrote now about people I know, the mistakes they have, mistakes I have made, etc.

01-18-2006, 09:29 PM
yah, so many freakin potheads at my school, almost everyone...ppl ive know forever, im just findin out they smoke weed and crap, and i lose almost all respect for them. and i usually want nothing to do with the people either. I know some of you might swear weed is not bad and all, but you need to control yourself and get off that crap, cuz it is bad for you, in more then one way.....not always physically either.
And its a huge turn off, to hear a chick say anything drug related, for u ladies out their...

01-18-2006, 09:30 PM
Originally posted by rookiex
Yeah its good to stay away from all that no matter what.Some people think (well a lil here an there wont hurt) thats untill the cops get you slap you with some charges an just make your life a lil harder than what it needs to be.And to me its not worth all that.

even if your not seeing jail time....it makes it harder to get a job get privlages ect....

So true, last fall i was coming home from a party, and a cop tried pulling me over, like a dumbass i ran until i ran out of gas, and i got a way, but the cop indentified me. i did not get a dui. But now i lost my license for a year. and other stuff like communite service, and ramdom UAs. It sucks so bad, i have to get a ride every day to school from one of my friends. after school i have to get picked up by the parents. that is very imbarassing. Know i cant get a job. this just dint hurt me but my parents, i cant go get parts for the tractors or combine during harvest, cant haul grain into town anymore.
I still drink, smoke and chew. I dont do that other ****. I drink even more now that i dont have to drive. I like it, just hanging out with freind.

01-18-2006, 09:34 PM
people id never think would ever do drugs.I found doing, I met a ciroprater (spelling) that did some (stuff) on a daily basis an thats a DR. drove a caddi an everything (no lie).

01-18-2006, 09:42 PM
i know alot of parents and relatives of friends who are potheads. kinda amusing...

01-18-2006, 10:40 PM
i hate anyone on drugs!!! i have an uncle who is into crack really bad! his girlfriend used to try to get him off of it but to no avail. well, kinda twisty, she now deals it to him and his friends. he is supposed to have a major surgery on his heart(had a heart attack at 45) due to thjis problem. he does it all, crack, heroin(sp) weed, hard telling what else! i dont even talk to them anymore. i have lost to many friends from school due to drugs. i kick myself in the butt for even trying mary-jane 1 time. wish i never would have now! i learned so much about it in just that one time try. very good thread here!

kids, keep your mind on school, riding, and all else EXCEPT DRUGS!!!

01-18-2006, 10:59 PM
One thing ive learned is not to hate an out cast people who are family an friends.HELP them and dont wait.My cousin kody is into injecting harioine really bad at 17 an around here to be a ''snitch'' is bad BUT someday if I do tell his parents how hard he is into it im sure he will forgive me.Even if he hates me for years to come atleast my best friend is still breathing.

01-18-2006, 11:00 PM
Originally posted by TRXman86
i hate anyone on drugs!!! i have an uncle who is into crack really bad! his girlfriend used to try to get him off of it but to no avail. well, kinda twisty, she now deals it to him and his friends. he is supposed to have a major surgery on his heart(had a heart attack at 45) due to thjis problem. he does it all, crack, heroin(sp) weed, hard telling what else! i dont even talk to them anymore. i have lost to many friends from school due to drugs. i kick myself in the butt for even trying mary-jane 1 time. wish i never would have now! i learned so much about it in just that one time try. very good thread here!

kids, keep your mind on school, riding, and all else EXCEPT DRUGS!!!

i admire your attitude, but it would be a joke to compare crack to weed.

sometimes that is a problem putting all drugs into one category.

think about it, some of the prescription drugs are more abused than street drugs.

so i guess i have a problem with grouping all drugs together.

But, yes stay off crack, lol.

Meth is prolly the most abused drug now days. I'm pretty sure it makes your teeth fall out :confused: :ermm:

01-18-2006, 11:38 PM
I don't care what kind of drug it is! It is still used for the same purpose! Anything from cigs, beer or crack! It's all a "drug"!

01-18-2006, 11:39 PM
ive been there before too. I started using meth on a regular basis when i was 16 and continued till about a year ago. when i started i always got the money to buy it from stealing money at the store i worked at. that lasted about about 4 months and they fired me. then with no money I started selling it to make some money and get high. that went on for quite some time. I some how managed to finish highschool. after high shcool i moved out into an apartment with my gf and another friend. as soon as i moved out my life really got twisted. I lost my license, sold my quad, wrote out litterally about 5 grand in bad checks, basicly f**ked everything up that i could have, but what did i care? I was getting high. When i finnaly realized i need help I was up for 16 days with no sleep and i was driving 75mph down the highway and i passed out and woke up in the median of a 4 lane hwy. I got home and thought wtf am i doing to myself. I turned myself into an inpatient treatment program and i was there for 4 months.

when I think about those 16 days i was it almost makes me sick. it really messes with your head, you think your best friends are turning against you and have created some kind of master plan to bring you down. you start seeing things that arnt there, like shadow figures who you will think are ppl following, or the feds or just any kind of crazy crap. there is no way i can really explain it to you, basicly your nuts

Ive been clean from everything including alcohol since i got out of treatment. I still attend NA meetings once or twice a week. Now im working and paying for all my *** ups and just trying to fix everything i messed up.

01-18-2006, 11:43 PM
Originally posted by JUSTINcredible
ive been there before too. I started using meth on a regular basis when i was 16 and continued till about a year ago. when i started i always got the money to buy it from stealing money at the store i worked at. that lasted about about 4 months and they fired me. then with no money I started selling it to make some money and get high. that went on for quite some time. I some how managed to finish highschool. after high shcool i moved out into an apartment with my gf and another friend. as soon as i moved out my life really got twisted. I lost my license, sold my quad, wrote out litterally about 5 grand in bad checks, basicly f**ked everything up that i could have, but what did i care? I was getting high. When i finnaly realized i need help I was up for 16 days with no sleep and i was driving 75mph down the highway and i passed out and woke up in the median of a 4 lane hwy. I got home and thought wtf am i doing to myself. I turned myself into an inpatient treatment program and i was there for 4 months.

when I think about those 16 days i was it almost makes me sick. it really messes with your head, you think your best friends are turning against you and have created some kind of master plan to bring you down. you start seeing things that arnt there, like shadow figures who you will think are ppl following, or the feds or just any kind of crazy crap. there is no way i can really explain it to you, basicly your nuts

Ive been clean from everything including alcohol since i got out of treatment. I still attend NA meetings once or twice a week. Now im working and paying for all my *** ups and just trying to fix everything i messed up.

CONGRATS MAN!!!!!! I give you big props for turning your life around! And for everyone who has turned there life around!!!

01-18-2006, 11:47 PM
yea i smoked weed everyday for about a year...man thats some stupid ****....i havent touched it in the last 2 years...everyone around here smokes..i could sit here and name of 100's of people and i live in a rural area...meth is also real bad around here but i never got into that stuff...now when it come to smoking cigs, i cant say nothing..its bad and i dont do it..but i've diped for the last 5 years and im only 18...i also drinking so i cant bash anyone on that..just stay off the drugs..they'll drain your wallet and your body

01-19-2006, 04:53 AM

first of all i give you a lot of credit for being able to get outta that ****
2nd of all i give you a lot of credit and respect for trying to stop other people from doing it

i have a cousin that has been to countless rehab hospitals, juvy, jail, just over the past like 3-4 years
and he still does drugs

glad to see someone trying to stop people from f***ing up their lives!

01-19-2006, 05:29 AM
My brother had a gotten into some trouble when he was around 17 or so and got sent to this rehab/boy school. He played basketball for the school and even before that he was good, but he was averaging 22 points a game and they offered him a free ride to some college there and he turned it down. Now he has no job and nothing to show for anything, I can't even tell you the last time I saw him touch a basketball. I feel your pain, it truly does hurt when it's someone you know and love.

01-19-2006, 08:10 AM
I never drank, until my senior year of highschool, and thought that people that smoked weed was the devil. then.........i went to college. ALL the way through college i had my finger into something. I did make a conscious effort to make it a recreational thing and not a lifestyle, but i never dabbled with meth, heroin, crack, or freebase. there was always somewhere with shrooms, weed, tabs, bars, x, acid, jeeze, man!......looking back on it i was really taking some chances. i co-oped through school (worked a semester, went to school a semester) and my employer ALWAYS did drug tests.....I'd set everything down before work, then when i got back to school, party time! when i graduated, it all stoped. Like i said, I made it a point to be recreation, not a lifestyle. Don't get me wrong, i'm not condoning the use of anything. in fact...

rookiex, do you sometimes wonder, or feel like you have destroyed a piece of your mind? I wonder all the time, if i would be capable of some great discovery or invention if i had only not done.........

my ultimate point is stay away from them. i was told, but didn't listen. i played the odds, and while i never got "caught", i often feel like i sold myself short. i see these kids now at 14 out coked up. 14!!!!!!!!!!!! hell, i was 22 before sparked up a spliff. it just amazes, and quite frankly, scares me what kids are getting at such a young age. i'm sure i will have kids one day, and can only hope they have the self discipline and insight that i'm reading from most of you in this thread.

01-19-2006, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by MXRACER86
I don't care what kind of drug it is! It is still used for the same purpose! Anything from cigs, beer or crack! It's all a "drug"!

this is the kind of thinking that gets some people all f'd up. They honestly thing cigarettes and crack are equally as bad. Then they say wtf and try crack.

All drugs are not all the same. And if you say "drug" you have to include the prescription and otc drugs as well.

I am baffled how anyone could think all drugs are the same.


01-19-2006, 12:22 PM
I smoke cigs and never touched drugs and I also drink occasionally and still never touched drugs!

01-19-2006, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by ballz2thewall
I smoke cigs and never touched drugs and I also drink occasionally and still never touched drugs!

well i got news for ya ballz2thewall, if you smoke cigs and drink, then you take drugs, lol :eek2:

I think what you mean is that you never have used hard street drugs, which is a good thing.


01-19-2006, 12:42 PM
Originally posted by knighttime
this is the kind of thinking that gets some people all f'd up. They honestly thing cigarettes and crack are equally as bad. Then they say wtf and try crack.

All drugs are not all the same. And if you say "drug" you have to include the prescription and otc drugs as well.

I am baffled how anyone could think all drugs are the same.


When I mean they are they same I mean that it's all an addiction!

01-19-2006, 12:50 PM
Everyone has the choice to stop or keep going! I choose to smoke, and I choose to drink sometimes! No one is holding a gun to there head to do it!

01-19-2006, 12:51 PM
Originally posted by MXRACER86
When I mean they are they same I mean that it's all an addiction!

you still are wrong, but think what you want.

440ex kid
01-19-2006, 01:09 PM
A kid down the street from me died about 6 months ago from a meth and oxycotton overdose. Kind of stupid. He was a popular kid in his school. Its funny though that there is only about two people who quit doing drugs from their school because of him, one his sister, and another my gf only because I told her too. America is going down hill with this kind of stuff. Ive never touched drugs and never will, and I take pride in that. If you die in a car accident or something, rest in peace forever. If you die doing drugs, you get no tears from me.

01-19-2006, 01:10 PM
Originally posted by knighttime
you still are wrong, but think what you want.

How am I wrong? Is there a rulebook on this?:rolleyes:

01-19-2006, 01:12 PM
Originally posted by MXRACER86
How am I wrong? Is there a rulebook on this?:rolleyes:

i dont think so, and remember you are entitled to think whatever you want, so go for it

01-19-2006, 01:21 PM
Man I know that if I ever did anything I wouldnt come home for a few weeks. I'm too scared of my pops to do anything. I have too much going for me as well. I've been in sitsuations where kids would try to force me to drink, or to smoke, but all that happened was me getting into a fist fight. I don't understand kids who think drugs and the new click..which it isnt...my line will always go

" i dont do drugs because at least ill remember what happens that night"

Honda TRX250ex
01-19-2006, 01:51 PM
drugs are bad mmkay

01-19-2006, 01:58 PM
I wouldn't classify smoking cigs or chewing tobacco a drug because they don't alter your perception of reality. HOWEVER they are addicting,alcohol I firmly believe to be a drug because it is addicting and it does alter your perception.And is the most abused substance that does so.Mainly because its legal and you can buy it at any corner store anytime of the day.

Never the less both are bad for the body.Cigs get you addicted but you CAN quit and anyone that does I respect because its not as easy as one thinks.Some people are strong and can just say ''this is my last pack'' thats what I did and I STUCK to it.And your TRUE friends and family will help you through it easy or hard.As my friends and family have.

My dad gave me a choice.He said.

''Ill buy you your quad,Ill get you your trailer,I will HELP you make it to the pros,You quit the ****,you show effort in racing/riding/practice and life in general,Or you can keep on the road your going and get the F... out of my house simple as that''

To me my dream has always been to make it to the pros, just my shear love for riding and being givin the opertunity to have the strong backing from my dad/mom and the second chance after I hurt them and let them down was enough for me to QUIT.

Some people might not have this backing.But if your life is ROUGH and you dont want to go on, and this is your out.......Just remember there is always tomarrow...Keep ****ing around with the stuff and tomarrow might not come.Young teens have your whole lives ahead of you to make things happen,Life is what you make it....

In the words of joe dirt

''lifes a garden you dig it, you make it work for you''

That quote I believe strongly.

If im wrong in some eyes.Then so be it.that is my opinion.

01-19-2006, 04:08 PM
its really funny this was posted...today durin first our we had an assembly and these people called R5 productions were there and it was awesome...i mean....wow...jus wow....it amazed me at their approach to the subject and they all had success stories and reasons and it was jus so cool....check out their website and read some of the students testimonies


01-19-2006, 04:25 PM
From what I have experienced you don't realize its a problem until your sucked in and you don't care about anything but getting high. Pot is not really that bad when you compare its effects to the effects of alcohol. Moderation is the key. The other problem is who you are hanging around with. All I can say is stay away from the heavy stuff which is habit forming! Just my 2 cents

01-19-2006, 04:40 PM
I really don't understand how cigs and all that crap can be legal in this country. I mean hundreds of thousands of people die each year due to directly-related health conditions from tobacco usage. Pretty much all my friends smoke cigs, and i'm pretty convinced that it all stems from a social need to fit in and look cool; the addiction only follows and reinforces this pattern. There's this lady who lives next to me that constantly smokes cigs. She wouldn't even stop smoking while she was pregnant with her new child. It pisses me off how irresponsible those OLDER than you can be :mad:

I'll admit that I smoke a little reefer once in a while, but that, and that ONLY! I will absolutely not touch or come close to any other drug, and cigs. Being a college student, I also stray out of the stereotypical norm by limiting my alcohol consumption to an absolute minimum. I have had asthma all my life, so the bronchodilation effect of the reef really helps me sometimes. This is an exact opposite effect of what cigs will do being a bronchoconstrictor (lung passageways caved in).

I am not trying to be an advocate or anything as that is not what I would like to say. I am simply trying to say that it is the PERSON who makes the decision to do something, and it is the PERSON who makes judgements and exercises their will power. Just because I smoke weed once in a while does not mean that I have thrown my life, friends, priorities, ambitions, responsibilities, and intelligence away. It is so unfair to label someone a "pothead" and deem them just the same as the stereotype. I've been an A student and still am, I am a biomedical sciences major at an excellent university, and plan to go to a grad school when I graduate. Do I let it take over my life and make decisions for me? NO! Does smoking once in a while make me want to do other drugs? Hell no!

If a person chooses to make foolish decisions by blowing off their friends, hobbys, families, constantly doing drugs, and responsibilities, then that's only because THEY flaked out and have weak will power. Just make good decisions and don't be an idiot and you will do well in life.

It's the exact same thing as the gun issue. Possessing a gun does not make someone a murderer, it is the PERSON who is dumb enough to allow that gun to kill somebody that is the murderer. (and you know i'm not referring to the police/armed forces who are forced to use these means to protect us)

01-19-2006, 04:49 PM
yah, acouple years ago their were about 600 people in my class, at high school.......now theirs about 500, people are getting suspended almost every week for weed and crap, their droppin like flies, so many people have been kicked out. some have dropped out but i think we've had a larger amount of suspended students then any of the other classes

01-19-2006, 05:29 PM
I found out today my one friend that got expelled from my school for dealing vidiken(sp) was locked up for possesion of weed(4 ounces). My other friends both got busted with a lot of weed by the cops but they were not locked up.:chinese:

01-19-2006, 05:45 PM
What the hell is the world coming to!:huh

01-19-2006, 06:19 PM
i cant give ya a first hand account, but it was worse in the 60's and 70's. people were f'd up all the time, lol

01-19-2006, 06:47 PM
Originally posted by banshee91
Tell me about the shrooms effects were like and the coke, just curious.

i never did coke but shrooms you have closed (or opened) eye visuals...i really dont know how to explain it, it was amazing but i threw up about 3 times after that...


read abbout it here

01-19-2006, 09:58 PM
I could tell the things ive seen on them.but I dont want others to think its cool.Ive know people who have came near death because they got a ''bad'' batch someone delt them blue moss mushrooms (very poisinus) an they seriously (skin) turned a bluish white color an puked blood for hours at the hospitle.Some of these ''soft drugs'' can be just as dangerous get them off the wrong person.They will think its funny...but you wont..

01-19-2006, 09:58 PM
I could tell the things ive seen on them.but I dont want others to think its cool.Ive know people who have came near death because they got a ''bad'' batch someone delt them blue moss mushrooms (very poisinus) an they seriously (skin) turned a bluish white color an puked blood for hours at the hospitle.Some of these ''soft drugs'' can be just as dangerous get them off the wrong person.They will think its funny...but you wont..

01-19-2006, 10:24 PM
never done drugs and never will do them and im 19.....

my uncle when he was a kid went to the David Bailey school 2 years in a row for dirtbiking. once he got to the semi-pro level he got attatched to the wrong group of friends who introduced him to coke. he got attatched to coke and ended up getting rid of all his bikes to do it not to mention ruining his father's (my grandpa's) life. So my grandpa sent him off to the Navy and got rid of all his dirtbiking stuff....it just really sucks that something so stupid can ruin so much you have accomplished in your life...he was on his way to being in the gate with the pro's too.....now he wont even get on a bike (even tho he owns one that he hasnt started in 3 years) because of what he left behind

01-19-2006, 11:51 PM
^ I use to go to school with this kid back when I lived in albany NY 4 years ago.He was a fresh an I was a sophmore....my things have changed.

01-20-2006, 12:10 AM
dude when i get back into my riding groove this racing season from my injury i wanna go down to ohio for a week to ride the tracks i just gotta find a few friends that are willing to go down there with me

01-20-2006, 12:17 AM
I know its starting to get rediculous at my old high school. Im a senior in college and my lil bro is a senior at high school. It is now easier to get coke at high school than weed. My brother was recently caught at school (within the past year) with a small bag of weed on him. He claimed he wasn't smoking, but my parents had him tested anyways. Somehow he tested negative even though he smoked the day before. I told him it was a sign from up above or something to quit now! He hasn't smoked since. He did attend counseling though, and surprisingly most of the kids there were from his school, which is supposed to be one of the nicest and cleanest around. A girl in his counseling sessions said that she can walk into high school and get coke in less than 5 minutes. The kids do it in class now too, the girls wear little crosses on their necklaces (like in pulp fiction) and do coke righ tin class! I cant believe this crap man! I feel sorry for those kids that dont have any role models to look up to or any real parents.:ermm:

01-20-2006, 12:35 AM
im 18 and ive never thought about doing ANY drug, nor do i plan to

01-20-2006, 07:44 AM
good post

01-20-2006, 11:52 AM
I agree with this thread 100%. You just gotta wake up one day and realize its all false emotions that the drugs make you feel.

I see this sh*t every day in school. Just the other day my buddy showed me his black tar in class(opium). Im proud to say Ive never done anything worse than weed, especially when alot of my school(and I ton of kids I used to be good buddies with, but broke all ties with) is on coke, ecstacy, opium, etc.

I still smoke weed every once in a while, usually just a few times a month, and I dont see any problem in it. Its really not as bad as people make it out to be. Plus I feel like if I keep myself content with occasionally smoking weed in this town, then Im a winner for sure.

01-20-2006, 11:57 AM
Originally posted by rookiex
I could tell the things ive seen on them.but I dont want others to think its cool.Ive know people who have came near death because they got a ''bad'' batch someone delt them blue moss mushrooms (very poisinus) an they seriously (skin) turned a bluish white color an puked blood for hours at the hospitle.Some of these ''soft drugs'' can be just as dangerous get them off the wrong person.They will think its funny...but you wont..
Ive always been a little paranoid of **** like this, so whenever I smoke, I only smoke sh*t that my buddies have already done, so I know how strong it is before hand and Im sure its not laced.

01-20-2006, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by Atkins
I agree with this thread 100%. You just gotta wake up one day and realize its all false emotions that the drugs make you feel.

I see this sh*t every day in school. Just the other day my buddy showed me his black tar in class(opium). Im proud to say Ive never done anything worse than weed, especially when alot of my school(and I ton of kids I used to be good buddies with, but broke all ties with) is on coke, ecstacy, opium, etc.

I still smoke weed every once in a while, usually just a few times a month, and I dont see any problem in it. Its really not as bad as people make it out to be. Plus I feel like if I keep myself content with occasionally smoking weed in this town, then Im a winner for sure.

I agree with you Atkins. People can say all they want and believe the rediculous PSA's they see on TV, but a little of that stuff never hurt anybody. I even did a ton of research about it from government sites, testimonials from the former DEA head on the DEA site, and countless others because I am not going to be doing something unless I feel that it is not harmful to me. I mean cigs and alcohol, which ARE legal are soo much more harmful to your body and kill thousands per year from directly-related health complications. There has not been a single documented death from health problems directly related to cannabis usage. I don't even consider it a "drug" myself because it hasn't "taken hold of me",influenced me in any negative way, and it is from the earth just like good ole legal tobacco. I'd consider this great sport of ATV riding to be much more of a drug since it is all I think about sometimes, and it actually has taken control of my wallet :blah:

Now coke, meth, and all that other crap is an ENTIRE different story. That stuff is made up of nothing but synthetic chemicals; I can't believe people put that junk in their bodies. It's like drinking used motor oil and taking a bath in carb cleaner, just not a good thing at all to put into your body. I mean this stuff actually changes people and the way they think by screwing up their brain chemistry. Instead of working like it's supposed to, the synapses within the neurons in their brains do not convey the proper signals like they would in a healthy brain. Instead of neurotransmitters such as dopamine being recycled back into a transmitting neuron, it is blocked and forced to hang around in the synapse. Over time, a dependence develops that is very difficult for someone to overcome. Talk about wasting away your brain, the vital organ that makes you, YOU.

01-20-2006, 01:02 PM
I dont believe any of the BS PSAs that say weed is addictive, either. I mean, sometimes its just not there for months at a time, and I kinda forget about it until it comes up again. Anyone that claims they are addicted to it is either a.)trying to look cool in front of you, or b.)self-prescribing it to themselves to help subdue some kind of mental or emotional problem.

01-20-2006, 01:33 PM
this thread is one of the best on here now im only 15 and not as experenced as you guys but when i live in prov we werent realy doing all that good finantually and i needed cash so i got into dealing weed but then i became realy money hungry and before i knew it i was selling red tops (dope) and extacy one night i got a gun to my head and got robbed for 1100 worth of extacy and 1500 cash......after that night i quit doing everything now i got a job and am making my money the legal way it feels so much better and i moved more towards the country and the famila is doing good i love it..........rookie man i realy respect you for quitting riding is deff. my anti-drug

01-20-2006, 02:49 PM
I've heard something that there isnt anything addictive in marijuana. Its all in your head. If you say that your addicted its because you choose to be. I had a friend that smoked almost ever day for like 6 months. I told him he should quit and he did.

01-20-2006, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by m_townsgreatest
I've heard something that there isnt anything addictive in marijuana. Its all in your head. If you say that your addicted its because you choose to be. I had a friend that smoked almost ever day for like 6 months. I told him he should quit and he did.

You hit the nail on the head there. You can by psychologically addicted to anything; doing things because you enjoy it and wish to keep doing them because it makes you happy. Doesn't always have to be a physiological addiction either. Raise your hand if you're addicted to ATVriders.com..... raises hand :D

01-20-2006, 03:43 PM

i agree 100% with that, me being 14, i can honestly say I HAVE NEVER TRIED, PLANNED, OR WANNA TRY DRUGS

same here, same age, and i am the same 100%, never gonna try it, and never do, and never will

01-20-2006, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by 400exc

same here, same age, and i am the same 100%, never gonna try it, and never do, and never will

Good for you, make sure you stay that way :)

Also don't try to be "cool" and jump on the cig train later on. Years ago only a couple of my friends smoked, now most ALL of them do. Even the ones who hated cigarettes or never smoked them now hippocritically smoke just for the "social" aspect like to impress girls and chit :rolleyes: Me and my non-tobacco smoking friends call them "slaves to it" because they really are. They have to light up a cig every 15-20 minutes or they're pulling their hair out or b!tching "I need a cig", pretty sad if you ask me:huh

Just make sure you always have a strong will and don't let others pressure you into doing what you don't want to do. You are in control of your own life, not them.

01-20-2006, 04:24 PM
Cigs are horrible, sadly I'm addicted to it. It's horrible, I hate them. I need to have one atleast every two days or I'm freaking out. I am going to quit; this is going to be my fourth try. Its by far the hardest thing to ever do. IMO I hate them, they made friends mad at me ruined my grades and other thing as in running out of breath a lot and ****. STAY AWAY FROM THEM, THERE NOT WORTH IT!!!!!

01-20-2006, 04:34 PM
Exactly. I sincerely hope that you find success in quitting. Nothing like starting and contributing to your own emphysema/lung cancer fund by needing to spend $5-10 every day on a packs of cigs :rolleyes:

01-20-2006, 04:37 PM
Thanks? Cigs get expensive I just spent 10 bucks today to get two packs. There going to be my last pack.:chinese: Hopefully....

01-20-2006, 04:39 PM
i just wish more kids could get this through to their head
theres this kid in alot of my classes that does it just to be cool like he does it maybe every weekend(mostly weed and perks) and comes into school telling us how effed up he was and then i know another kid in my school that just deals to be cool its rediculous.
get a hobby stay away from that kinda chit i mean it also goes along the lines of overweight kids.the kids dont know wtf to do so they sit at home and eat their lives away. i was that way when i was 11,12,13 now i do football,dirtbike basketball and chill with my friends soooooo much more i get out i was at one point obese and im not afraid to say it cus i got my life straightened up im getting healthier,my grades are going up im getting out more ive dropped all my druggy drinking friends and ive realized we only get 1 life and we should live it to the fullest.without frigging it up 13-15 years into it.my family is way to important to me.
ive got a little brother i mean what kinda example should i set and alot of you have brothers and little friends that look up to you think about what kind of example you are setting for them and for there lives and there families.

im proud to say i have never smoked anything of anykind in my whole life and god help me that is gonna stay the same.

01-20-2006, 04:39 PM
You can dooo eeet! LOL
Make sure to post in the open forum if you do quit, that's definitely something to be proud of.

01-20-2006, 05:12 PM
Originally posted by ZeroLogic
Cigs are horrible, sadly I'm addicted to it. It's horrible, I hate them. I need to have one atleast every two days or I'm freaking out. I am going to quit; this is going to be my fourth try. Its by far the hardest thing to ever do. IMO I hate them, they made friends mad at me ruined my grades and other thing as in running out of breath a lot and ****. STAY AWAY FROM THEM, THERE NOT WORTH IT!!!!!

lol 1 every 2 days! haha im sorry but you my friend are not addicted.

01-20-2006, 05:18 PM
Originally posted by ZeroLogic
Thanks? Cigs get expensive I just spent 10 bucks today to get two packs. There going to be my last pack.:chinese: Hopefully....

how are you buying these:huh

01-20-2006, 05:26 PM
Originally posted by NacsMXer
I agree with you Atkins. People can say all they want and believe the rediculous PSA's they see on TV, but a little of that stuff never hurt anybody. I even did a ton of research about it from government sites, testimonials from the former DEA head on the DEA site, and countless others because I am not going to be doing something unless I feel that it is not harmful to me. I mean cigs and alcohol, which ARE legal are soo much more harmful to your body and kill thousands per year from directly-related health complications.

I agree,But I don't care what anyone says weed is a gate way drug.I started off with that and the next thing I know im spending 1000 a week on JUNK,and you do get sucked in just to feel the higher rush and it happens all the time.Some people can choose to do it and maintain just smoking pot, but I tell you what!there are allot of others who don't and keep trying more and more.And that's where the ''soft drugs'' get you, they get you started.And I know allot of people my age that see jail time/probation allot more for marijuana position rather than coke/crack an haroin.And there it is again! people start selling weed and move up to greater potant drugs thus more money involved.Its a truly vicious cycle.It can get you hurt take your freedom and kill you or others.

01-20-2006, 05:28 PM
Originally posted by Ralph
lol 1 every 2 days! haha im sorry but you my friend are not addicted.

Thats the least amount I can have before I rip someones head off. But I'm not extream addicted so it won't be as hard to quit.

01-20-2006, 05:28 PM
Originally posted by 400exrules
how are you buying these:huh


01-20-2006, 05:40 PM
Originally posted by rookiex
I agree,But I don't care what anyone says weed is a gate way drug.I started off with that and the next thing I know im spending 1000 a week on JUNK,and you do get sucked in just to feel the higher rush and it happens all the time.Some people can choose to do it and maintain just smoking pot, but I tell you what!there are allot of others who don't and keep trying more and more.And that's where the ''soft drugs'' get you, they get you started.And I know allot of people my age that see jail time/probation allot more for marijuana position rather than coke/crack an haroin.And there it is again! people start selling weed and move up to greater potant drugs thus more money involved.Its a truly vicious cycle.It can get you hurt take your freedom and kill you or others.

I know what you are saying, but i'm not convinced on the whole gateway drug thing. Maybe for some people, but I have very good self-control and like to stay that way. When I am not sure about something, the ball drops and I take control by saying NO. I am not easily convinced or swayed by peer pressure. I am also smart enough to know what I am doing, where I am going, what to do, and what not to do. I stick to my former argument that it all depends on the INDIVIDUAL. If you are weak-willed and all your friends or whatever are able to pressure you into doing harder drugs, then you will just be another PERSON who is supporting the whole gateway drug idea. If I was that type of person, then I would have started down that road years ago. Honestly, it's all about a person's self-control and education.

For the record, I started 4 years ago my junior year in HS. Graduated with high honors with a 3.5 cumulative GPA and was accepted into Marquette University (which is difficult to get into now btw). Have had A's and B's as a biomedical sciences student since. 0 speeding tickets, 0 DUI's, absolutely NO record with the cops. No family problems, no problems with friends. Hardly ever drink alcohol and have tried nothing besides pot. The stereotypes just don't apply to me because I don't allow them to be. Not trying to brag or boast, just trying to clue you in on the type of person I am.

The day I get busted, or the day problems start arising as a direct result, I will stop, simple as that. The way I do things, I really don't see that happening or it would have already happened years ago when I was much more immature and rash.

P.S. That's really cool that you got off all that stuff you were on. Good to hear that you're getting your life back on track :)

01-20-2006, 05:47 PM
Originally posted by NacsMXer
I know what you are saying, but i'm not convinced on the whole gateway drug thing. Maybe for some people, but I have very good self-control and like to stay that way. When I am not sure about something, the ball drops and I take control by saying NO. I am not easily convinced or swayed by peer pressure. I am also smart enough to know what I am doing, where I am going, what to do, and what not to do. I stick to my former argument that it all depends on the INDIVIDUAL. If you are weak-willed and all your friends or whatever are able to pressure you into doing harder drugs, then you will just be another PERSON who is supporting the whole gateway drug idea. If I was that type of person, then I would have started down that road years ago. Honestly, it's all about a person's self-control and education.

You just saved me a tone of typing...


01-20-2006, 06:41 PM
stupid stupid stupid. im a freshman in hs and about 3/4 of my school does drugs. it is so stupid people are getting caught everyday andyet they still do it. its a waste of money and a good life. ive tried it once and wuz like wow this is fun. never tried it since then. also drank too a while back but not anyomore. mabe a drink here or there on ocasion like new years or somthin. i agree toatly with everyone here.

01-20-2006, 07:21 PM
Originally posted by blasterman123
its a waste of money and a good life. ive tried it once and wuz like wow this is fun.

i'm not sure but i think there is something to what you said.:confused: :huh

01-20-2006, 07:22 PM
Originally posted by knighttime
i'm not sure but i think there is something to what you said.:confused: :huh

and im not talkin about crack, meth, stuff like that

01-20-2006, 08:40 PM
I don't get it. Lol.

01-26-2006, 06:46 AM
i tried weed man and i was being sarcarstict or however you spellthat it wasnt really fun.

01-26-2006, 07:20 AM
Originally posted by blasterman123
i tried weed man and i was being sarcarstict or however you spellthat it wasnt really fun. \

reaally maan?

01-26-2006, 10:24 AM
Originally posted by NacsMXer
I know what you are saying, but i'm not convinced on the whole gateway drug thing. Maybe for some people, but I have very good self-control and like to stay that way. When I am not sure about something, the ball drops and I take control by saying NO. I am not easily convinced or swayed by peer pressure. I am also smart enough to know what I am doing, where I am going, what to do, and what not to do. I stick to my former argument that it all depends on the INDIVIDUAL. If you are weak-willed and all your friends or whatever are able to pressure you into doing harder drugs, then you will just be another PERSON who is supporting the whole gateway drug idea. If I was that type of person, then I would have started down that road years ago. Honestly, it's all about a person's self-control and education.

For the record, I started 4 years ago my junior year in HS. Graduated with high honors with a 3.5 cumulative GPA and was accepted into Marquette University (which is difficult to get into now btw). Have had A's and B's as a biomedical sciences student since. 0 speeding tickets, 0 DUI's, absolutely NO record with the cops. No family problems, no problems with friends. Hardly ever drink alcohol and have tried nothing besides pot. The stereotypes just don't apply to me because I don't allow them to be. Not trying to brag or boast, just trying to clue you in on the type of person I am.

The day I get busted, or the day problems start arising as a direct result, I will stop, simple as that. The way I do things, I really don't see that happening or it would have already happened years ago when I was much more immature and rash.

P.S. That's really cool that you got off all that stuff you were on. Good to hear that you're getting your life back on track :)

You are one of the few who could honestly say that.but there are allot of others that cant.You take to hard core addicts and ask where they started.

The gate way drug theroy is correct,In its standing but people like you are the acception to the rule.Im not saying your wrong I agree with you but also on the other hand....for every one of you there is 10 of me.Or what had been of me........:(

01-26-2006, 11:30 AM
Originally posted by rookiex
You are one of the few who could honestly say that.but there are allot of others that cant.You take to hard core addicts and ask where they started.

The gate way drug theroy is correct,In its standing but people like you are the acception to the rule.Im not saying your wrong I agree with you but also on the other hand....for every one of you there is 10 of me.Or what had been of me........:(

Yeah I totally agree with what you are saying. It is very sad to say that those stats and gateway drug idea are there because of the many people who have reinforced it :ermm: Stereotypes don't invent themselves...