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View Full Version : Drowned my quad!!!!! PLEAASE HELP!

07-07-2002, 10:37 PM
I was crossing a creek today and I droped off needless to say that quad stalled out.........got it to shore drained airbox that was fulla water..........drained the muffler that was full of water....... and checked the oil that was fulla water.........lucky enough we were close by to a friends house and got 4 literes of oil and dropped it 3 times there...... it wasn't milky no more drove back bout 30 km or so........got home and droped 2 more time and put an old filter back on it just that it wasn't water logged......I got 2 days till I can get real quad oil and a new filtre do u guys think that It is aight to sit........seems like nuttin wrong with it.....step dad raced bikes all his life said it should be fine.......prolly drop it 2 more times after get some real quad oil...........and hopefully good to go!!

any suggestions????

07-07-2002, 10:48 PM
It should be fine to sit. But I would drop it atleast 3 more times. But,thats just me. But,yes it would be fine to sit.

If you wanted to go THAT deep in the water you shoulda bought a boat.

07-07-2002, 11:26 PM
anyone else help me??

07-08-2002, 06:55 AM
From what you've described (and I'm assuming you mean changing the oil when you say "dropping"), change the oil filter, put in the oil you want to run, and the engine/tranny should be back to normal. If you have water in the oil it will get a milky look to it after the engine runs a little bit. If this happens, change the oil until it doesn't get milky on you.

If you water one out like that, in addition to draining the airbox and pipe, pull the sparkplug and crank the engine over a couple times. This will blow any water out of the cylinder, otherwise you can break the rod. Water does not compress.

Ex'r Marlin
07-08-2002, 07:05 AM
Originally posted by Milktits
prolly drop it 2 more times after get some real quad oil...........and hopefully good to go!!

any suggestions???? :confused: What do you mean by "dropping it"??

I personally have not seen or heard of the oil being full of water, but anyway.... I would remove all your oil drain plugs and let it sit for awhile until nothing else comes out, and remove the old oil filter and remove all the oil that you can with a cloth, then install a new oil filter. I would put the drain plugs back in, refill the atv with fresh oil. Start it up for about 3 minutes, then quickly drain the oil out again with all the oil drain plugs removed. Then I would replace the oil filter again, with a new one, and refill the atv with fresh oil again.

I could be wrong, but I would think all the water would be out by this time, right?:confused:

07-08-2002, 01:41 PM
if the water is real bad , you can drain the oil and fill the quad with diesel fuel and crank(not start) the engine a few times and drain the fuel....all the water should come out then...if not do it again.....diesel is a lot cheaper than good oil. this process is not good to do often because it will dilute the oil between the bearings.