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View Full Version : how would this work for ice racing

01-13-2006, 02:48 PM
a buddy of mine ice races a 250r and its got plus 2 aarms. i remember seeing a 250r setup for flat track. that had stock length arms on one side and plus 2s on the other side. would that setup work good for ice racing. and tommarrow were gonna head out to the marsh and do some practice. might try expeirement with it. thanks

01-13-2006, 03:13 PM
Could work good for Oval track. He probabyl ran an adjustable 0 to +4 axle, and ran it at 0" on the inside, and +2 on the outside.

Give you turning leverage, keep some more weight on the inside wheels, and keep you a couple inches narrower for passing. Might work well.