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01-13-2006, 01:37 PM
Are they really that bad? I thought about using them to get bigger quick, because right now I have reached a platuea to where I am not getting any more results. I have read it will give you this and that but from people I have talked to that have used them before just said you want to be alone and you want to work out all the time, and it makes you more aggressive. They said you just have more testosterone. I would still like to be much stronger than I am now and I train about 3 hours a day. I am not looking to grow boobs or get an ulcer and die, just stronger. I am already taking creatine.

01-13-2006, 01:41 PM
ya i wouldnt recomend doing them... i know i had some medicine that had steriroids in them and i was pissed of 24/7.. if something got on my nerves i got real mad and i always wanted to hitt stuff.

01-13-2006, 01:47 PM
I am not worried about roid rage as much as long term health affects. I know I will be able to control myt anger, and if it did get out of control I would realize it and deal with it or stop using them.

01-13-2006, 01:48 PM
well if u do get mad using them the perfect solution is plenty of riding to calm down but if it is too bad i wouldn't consider riding u might beat ur quad up or kill urself on it lol.......:ermm:

01-13-2006, 01:49 PM
if u know steroids and how they work 100% they are great for your body


if you dont know what your doing or know a bit about them it could be the worse then smoking crack

01-13-2006, 01:55 PM
you probably already do this but just incase, try doing different types of work outs. right know your body has learned more effective ways to do the workouts. there is nothing you can do about it its subconcious and your body figures out easier ways to do everything to conserve energy. by using different methods you can work out the same muscles and get aroung your bodies learned workouts

01-13-2006, 02:04 PM
Originally posted by Jake250ex
Are they really that bad? I thought about using them to get bigger quick, because right now I have reached a platuea to where I am not getting any more results. I have read it will give you this and that but from people I have talked to that have used them before just said you want to be alone and you want to work out all the time, and it makes you more aggressive. They said you just have more testosterone. I would still like to be much stronger than I am now and I train about 3 hours a day. I am not looking to grow boobs or get an ulcer and die, just stronger. I am already taking creatine.

You can look forward to ur kahuna's shrinking to.

01-13-2006, 02:07 PM
Originally posted by Titanium
You can look forward to ur kahuna's shrinking to.

yep, they turn your grapes to raisons

01-13-2006, 02:10 PM
DO NOT USE ROIDS! You will say u only will use them for a short time but then u wont quit and you will keep using them. They have way more negatative things about them than positive.

01-13-2006, 02:16 PM
Want acne all over your body? Wanna end up getting in fights and breaking things by being so pissed off? Want your nuts to shrink? Wanna become an addict? Go for it.

01-13-2006, 02:19 PM
all creatine really does is store fats in your muscles to make you look bigger but in term ur really not stronger.

DONT TAKE THE ROIDS we had a realllly great guy die here about a year ago from them. he used them back in his 20's and he died at age 54 do to the use of them.

01-13-2006, 02:43 PM
if you want the real low down on steroids,pm me and i'll give you the run down on every type and there pro's and con's.i've used them for about 5yrs now.PLEASE dont listen to people that tell you they get pissed off or want to kill everyone.MOST of it is a myth.over the counter medicine that has a "steroid" in it is not the same steroid that you would use for the gym.you cant or dont get roid rage or any other "side effect" from medical steroids.i DO NOT recommend them for kids or even grow men,but if you have on your mind that you would like to use them, then more power to you.pm me if you really want the run down.

01-13-2006, 02:46 PM
oh,by the way steroids aren't going to make you a travis spader or john natalie.it will help your energy and strength,but they will not teach you how to ride a quad!!!!!!!

01-13-2006, 02:49 PM
i used em for a short period of time(only like 20-30 cc's)and it was great,i had no side affects other than it made me happy(no roid rage that doesn't happen to everyone,i think just the toughguys who think its cool).be careful with it ,don't share needles or use the same one twice,and don't over do it,you can hurt yourself real easy cause you feel ALOT stronger than your body can handle.
I would stop eatin that creatine that **** is bad for you!get a good protien shake mix and drink that instead.oh yeah and do not take any pills(real bad for you cause you gotta take alot of em.
any way good luck and start off real small to see if you have any side effects(i used russian sest and every cc was a pound to a pound and a half,and i felt great on it).
but when u stop using it you will shrink fast if you dont work out as hard or as much as when you were on it.
Hope this helps any.

01-13-2006, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by JRP
ya i wouldnt recomend doing them... i know i had some medicine that had steriroids in them and i was pissed of 24/7.. if something got on my nerves i got real mad and i always wanted to hitt stuff.

If you were taking prescription medications with "steroids" in it then it was corticosteroids not anabolic steroids. Two totally different things.......

01-13-2006, 02:59 PM
A friend Of mine used roids it worked. After he stopped using them he did shrink fast.

So sense you do seem to have muscle shrink after you stop using them. And the fact that i have heard if alot of people dying in there 30s-50s yr old. I would say the cons by far out weight the pros.

01-13-2006, 03:08 PM
You should work out until you reach your maximum natural potential before even considering it. You would be suprised how much can grow working out, eating and supplementing correctly.

01-13-2006, 05:13 PM
They are illegal for a reason...

01-13-2006, 05:20 PM
Originally posted by wilkin250r
They are illegal for a reason...

True....I think try working out on a constand routine for three months or so,and see how much bigger you get WITHOUT steroids and what not....you might be amazed.

01-13-2006, 05:23 PM
Grab a book and work out your brain:chinese:

01-13-2006, 05:32 PM
It will also make your cartlegde more brittle. When I was heavy into lifting I was thinking about it also. The main problem is You never see yourself as getting bigger. So you use more for longer periods. Then when your off them you lose the size and suffer the long term affects for the rest of your life.

01-13-2006, 05:34 PM
Originally posted by Jake250ex
I train about 3 hours a day. I am not looking to grow boobs or get an ulcer and die, just stronger. I am already taking creatine.

Try switching your routine. 3 hours seems like too long to me. I lift and I don't spend more than 1hr to 1.5 hrs at the most. Have you tried changing excercises as well. I have found that sometimes the easiest way to get over a plataue is to just change some minor things. It usually always works. I did try steroids for a while and when I quit taking them I lost a lot of the weight I tried to put on. Also, too much creatine is a bad thing. Too much water weight. Maybe try changing your diet as well. Give your body some different scoures for the nutrients that it needs to build itself. The human body can actually predict (if you will) and know when i'ts on a schedule. If you change some things you will "shock" your body and shocking your body will promote new growth.

01-13-2006, 05:34 PM
on True Life on mtv, they had one thats night on people using steroids....one guy gained 12 lbs. of muscle in a month:eek2:

as soon as he started taking it, he could lift a lot more weight, easily several times which he used to be able to only do once.

but they were also showing the negative effects. everyone that was taking it, had a huge change in their emotions and stuff, they were depressed sometimes, and they got pissed of really easily, and everything angered them. one of the guys went so crazy he took like 20 tylenol tryin to kill himself

01-13-2006, 05:40 PM
Go to the Beverly International website,they make supplements
and do diets for people. If you serious about getting size , try there supplements.. They are pricey, but they do work ..And there people know what they are talking about when it comes do
what you eat and how you train..

01-13-2006, 05:40 PM
Originally posted by 400exrules
one of the guys went so crazy he took like 20 tylenol tryin to kill himself

yeah and he was so addicted that he went back to them after trying to kill himself

01-13-2006, 07:46 PM
Well i did a research paper on this last month.
some disadvantages:
-roid rage
-shrinkage of testicles (:mad: )
-liver problems
theres more but i dont have the paper in front of me..but over all doing this paper,i learned it is......NOT worth it,because i thought about it too.

01-13-2006, 07:51 PM
Originally posted by Jake250ex
I am not worried about roid rage as much as long term health affects. I know I will be able to control myt anger, and if it did get out of control I would realize it and deal with it or stop using them.

you really think oyu can control yourself undre the influence of drugs and ther side effects?

01-13-2006, 08:49 PM
lets put it this way, steroids is the worst possible thing you can do to yourself when you want to gain muscle but stay healthy, its a very bad choice, and i would stay away from it, it may help at the time, but in the long run, it will really mess you up

01-13-2006, 08:51 PM

check out the steriod forum, and talk to jrd who posted here. If you old enough, have enough experience, and mature enough they could be a useful tool. YOU MUST KNOW WHAT YOUR DOING AND PUTTING INTO YOUR BODY though. Thousands of people screw themselves up horribly by stacking something wrong, or not using a post cycle, or coming off wrong or not at all, etc, etc, etc. Roid rage is almost a myth, and shrinkage of testicals only happen while your on cycle, when you come off and you test levels raise back up they return to normal. Liver problems, cancer, hair loss, gyno, and all kinds of other stuff depends on your cycle, what your pre-disposed to, and your own knowledge.

01-13-2006, 10:44 PM
i just got off of my first cycle of anabolic steroids and that sh*t is amazing. no side affects and incredible gains. i know some people that have taken roids and they lost everything after they got off of them. but talk to some people that take them and ull be alright :macho

01-13-2006, 11:08 PM
to me its like a scam, too good to be true
and your just cheating yourself
if you want more muscle just go on a diff diet or do diff workouts, get a trainer or something

01-13-2006, 11:10 PM
there are side effects, trust me. You can't see them now, but they're there and will show down the road when you have liver problems or you hair falls out sooner than you expected and develope man boobs. Know what your taking and dont take the easy way out.

01-14-2006, 12:30 AM
You guys are pathetic, putting your body on the line to look a little buffer. I hope your happy with yourself. You guys are trying to say cancer isnt a problem if you know what your doing? HAHA if your putting hazardous chemicals into your body that could cause cancer than it has nothing to do with how much you know, it comes down to wether on not the cancer starts to develope.

Your gonna look back on yourself many years from now thinking how stupid you were. :cool:

Why do most of you chose to take steroids? If it is to get big, why do you want to be big? What is your desire? Id really like to hear some of your responses.

01-14-2006, 02:09 AM
I didn't read everything that other people said.....but, sounds like to me your body needs a break. Your body needs a time to recover from your workouts. I'd take a couple weeks off, maybe even a month. During that break, do some cardiovasuclar workouts. Take in lots of protein in the time being to help your muscles rejuvinate themselves.

01-14-2006, 02:25 AM
Originally posted by Thump_It
I didn't read everything that other people said.....but, sounds like to me your body needs a break. Your body needs a time to recover from your workouts. I'd take a couple weeks off, maybe even a month. During that break, do some cardiovasuclar workouts. Take in lots of protein in the time being to help your muscles rejuvinate themselves.

a week yes, a month NO. After 3 weeks or so you body switchs to a catabolic state and starts to eat its own unnecessary muscle.

01-14-2006, 03:25 AM
i wouldnt get on straight up steriods its not worth it. i got some stuff from a local nutrition place calle pro-magnon 25 its pretty much the closest thing to a legal steroid but in pill forml. i started taking it yesterday so i can not tell of results but the stuff is supposed to work great. i also take no-explode, nox2, and some amino acids and take in alot of protein. try googling pro-magnon 25 and read alittle on it before the fda takes it off the shelf.

01-14-2006, 04:56 AM
Wilkin's right, anabolic steroids are illegal for a reason. Rages, acne, shrunken testicles, liver damage, etc. are all very real and common side effects of steroid use. This chit about that only happens if you don't use it right is utter garbage. Steroids are dangerous, period. Anyone interested in using steroids? Two words...Lyle Alzado.