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View Full Version : Craziest night you've ever had

L & L Racing
01-13-2006, 07:07 AM
Myne would have to be at sound mountain in Utah. Me and my friend had way to much to drink and we met these girls. They said they wanted to pull their truck out away from camp and my friend told me to pull his out their to. So my friend rode with them in their truck and i pulled his truck out. I put his truck in park, and passed out. hahaha my friend got both of the girls!

01-13-2006, 07:28 AM
Originally posted by L & L Racing
hahaha my friend got both of the girls!

you and i my friend, have way different views on wild:p

01-13-2006, 07:31 AM
Mine would include lots of alcohol , a big party and 3 girls . Oh what a night that was !!!!! :devil:

01-13-2006, 07:34 AM
Originally posted by L & L Racing
hahaha my friend got both of the girls!

Sounds like you screwed urself out the deal my friend:p

01-13-2006, 08:12 AM
Originally posted by Titanium
Sounds like you screwed urself out the deal my friend:p

haha yea that sucks
i was hangin out with this 1 girl and i was drunk as ****,all i remember is i woke up next to her and i was naked!i dont even remember if i got any that night!

01-13-2006, 08:17 AM
I woke up once after a bottle or takela(spelling?) with two girls naked in bed. I remember most of it but some of it is a bit blurry. Thank god i remember most of it. But I did have a few repeats after that so it's all good.

01-13-2006, 09:18 AM
mine would have to be when I was away for the military, blonde polish girl got me smashed on Vodka and I remember kissing then it was lights out! Last time I ever saw her so I guess I will never know, and yes she was also in the military!

01-13-2006, 10:01 AM
Originally posted by L & L Racing
Myne would have to be at sound mountain in Utah. Me and my friend had way to much to drink and we met these girls. They said they wanted to pull their truck out away from camp and my friend told me to pull his out their to. So my friend rode with them in their truck and i pulled his truck out. I put his truck in park, and passed out. hahaha my friend got both of the girls!

So that would be a wild night for your friend! Nothing like a good hit and run!

tim colston
01-13-2006, 10:52 AM
Originally posted by daiglea
I woke up once after a bottle or takela(spelling?) with two girls naked in bed. I remember most of it but some of it is a bit blurry. Thank god i remember most of it. But I did have a few repeats after that so it's all good.

That is the most butchered spelling of Tequila I have ever seen.

01-13-2006, 11:02 AM
Originally posted by tim colston
That is the most butchered spelling of Tequila I have ever seen. And that would be why I put the "spelling" with the question mark. Wow you mom must be proud.

tim colston
01-13-2006, 11:07 AM
Originally posted by daiglea
And that would be why I put the "spelling" with the question mark. Wow you mom must be proud.

It was just an observation. Also it should be "your" mom not "you" mom. Again just an observation. And she is proud

01-13-2006, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by tim colston
It was just an observation. Also it should be "your" mom not "you" mom. Again just an observation. And she is proud I'm sure she is

01-13-2006, 11:11 AM
1 time at band camp

01-13-2006, 01:05 PM
My last weekend was pretty crazy. Got pretty drunk, bunch of freinds and I took an old skidoo sled downtown to the store to buy more booze, got chased by the neighbours pissed off rotties, and woke up the next morning next to a naked chick. Thats pretty much all I remember!

01-13-2006, 01:17 PM
I have had a couple of nights like that. one time my friend bet me that I couldnt down a half bottle of vodca, "the cheap big ones" anyways being the trooper that I am I did in a Half hour, all I got out of the night was finshing the bottle and saying. HAHa b!tch, then I woke up with My girlfriend next to me wearing a different pair of shorts. felt fine though, no hang over:huh . gota love it:)

01-13-2006, 01:58 PM
this thread is really sad, i bet only 2 or 3 of the responses arent bs

01-13-2006, 03:13 PM
Originally posted by zeppelin
this thread is really sad, i bet only 2 or 3 of the responses arent bs

One night I drank 3 1.75 liter bottles of captain morgan in like 45 mins and woke up the next morning with the swedish bikini team all around me. And they were all naked!

01-13-2006, 03:37 PM
I dunno, its easy to get drunk and get laid if you hit on everything that moves, they never said the woke up to a good looking chick.

I wish I had partys that wild when I was 15......

Craziest? oh I dunno, falling asleep to full auto guns firing all over with body armor and a M-16 next to me on a dirt floor is probably as crazy as I care to get.

01-13-2006, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by polabareus

One night I drank 3 1.75 liter bottles of captain morgan in like 45 mins and woke up the next morning with the swedish bikini team all around me. And they were all naked!

:confused: I thought this happens everytime you drink alcohol and are under the age of 21.... ;)

01-13-2006, 04:44 PM
I don't drink to much,I like to remember what happens....most of the time I don't pass out....I fall asleep remebering what happened. :o

01-13-2006, 07:45 PM
Originally posted by ballz2thewall
mine would have to be when I was away for the military, blonde polish girl got me smashed on Vodka and I remember kissing then it was lights out! Last time I ever saw her so I guess I will never know, and yes she was also in the military!
do you still have both kidneys?

01-13-2006, 08:26 PM
The craziest nights ive ever had deffinetly are when me, trict_out, and quadmaster88 get together with a bottle of wild turkey and trict_outs's crazy unlce dave...

01-13-2006, 08:31 PM
Originally posted by polabareus

One night I drank 3 1.75 liter bottles of captain morgan in like 45 mins and woke up the next morning with the swedish bikini team all around me. And they were all naked!

that happens to me every once in a while..

01-13-2006, 09:04 PM
hmmm .... well I DRANK a whole BOX! of capari sun juice box's , then i took one long *** piss.... woke up next to my teddy bear!!!! no hangover at all:rolleyes:

01-13-2006, 09:09 PM
as far as I can remember I do:D

01-13-2006, 09:12 PM
i was hangin out with this 1 girl and i was drunk as ****,all i remember is i woke up next to her and i was naked!i dont even remember if i got any that night! your butt didnt hurt did it??? i was thinking maybe she got some of you!!!!! JK....

01-13-2006, 09:21 PM
Originally posted by xx3003xrdrxx
hmmm .... well I DRANK a whole BOX! of capari sun juice box's , then i took one long *** piss.... woke up next to my teddy bear!!!! no hangover at all:rolleyes:

your my hero, i wish my nights were like yours

01-13-2006, 09:24 PM
Originally posted by tim colston
That is the most butchered spelling of Tequila I have ever seen. THANKS, im laughing my arse off im crying, havent had this good of a laugh in a long time, this topic ROCKS

01-13-2006, 10:32 PM
Tonight was crazy, we went back to this gravel pit in my friends van and we were goin in it to go tobbaganing and we were goin up this hill, and something got up and walked behind a sand elevator and it was breathing heavily and was making whistling noises at us and we like all crapped our pants and rann away:eek2:

01-13-2006, 11:14 PM
any ever have moonshine? my dad bought a chit load like 4 jars from some guy in the mountains. it has like cherrys and pineapples soakin on the bottom that you eat. my question is how much to get you hammered?

01-13-2006, 11:26 PM
I have a few good story's but none of them compare to some of the nights you guys have had. :ermm:

But i believe most of you are full of crap anyway. :rolleyes:

01-14-2006, 12:01 AM
lots of beer+ 2 trucks+one big mudhole= one long night and one blown up truck

01-14-2006, 09:23 AM
i love how everyones story ends up with them waking up next to a naked chick...i bet 90% of you wouldnt know what to do if you realy did that.

my wildest night was almost 2 months ago, me and my gf went to a party, and i brought a bottle of jose cuervo, all for myself...i was playing beer pong with it, and was filling the cup up about 1/4 full...thats about 4 shots...between beer pong and chugging it, i had the bottle killed in 4 hours. After that i drink roughly 6 beers playing 2 games of 10 full cup beer pong...I remember puking...and i passed out on my gf, who was horny and got kinda pissed...she tried to wake me up and i punched her, not hard..but she got the picture. I dont remember punching her, in fact..anything after puking is all blurry..and i woke up the next morning still drunk.

anytime tequila is involved...its proven to be quite the night.

01-14-2006, 10:25 AM
last summer my parents left and went to canada for the week end. it was the week end before school started. anyway we had a huge party most of it is kinda blurry. but what i do remember was people jumpin off our 2nd story balcony, one kid passed out and 2 guys pi$$ed on him. we woke up in the morning and looked at the damage. food spilled everyware, cans all over place we found them in my moms flowers in my driveway in the bushed, everyware. my lawn mower was on my pourch (riding mower). it was alot to clean up but it was so worth it

01-14-2006, 10:56 AM
This one time I was so hammered from drinking 2 bottles of blackhaus in about an hour I woke up with my buddy's mom and his sister. We were all naked. Now that would be an awesome story.

01-14-2006, 12:17 PM
Originally posted by enduro400rider
last summer my parents left and went to canada for the week end. it was the week end before school started. anyway we had a huge party most of it is kinda blurry. but what i do remember was people jumpin off our 2nd story balcony, one kid passed out and 2 guys pi$$ed on him. we woke up in the morning and looked at the damage. food spilled everyware, cans all over place we found them in my moms flowers in my driveway in the bushed, everyware. my lawn mower was on my pourch (riding mower). it was alot to clean up but it was so worth it if it was so blury..how do you remember if it was "so worth it"?

are you sure that wasnt a party that you attended and sat in the sidelines watching it all happen?

01-14-2006, 01:13 PM
Originally posted by zeppelin
this thread is really sad, i bet only 2 or 3 of the responses arent bs

thats exactly what i was thinking. i can almost guarante that the 15yr. olds in this thread that say they drank a bottle of vodka are full $hit. they would have been in the hospital getting there stomach pumped. and then they say that they woke up next to a naked chick. Yea that didnt happen either. It really is sad how hard some people try to impress other people on the internet.

01-14-2006, 02:15 PM
went to a party eh a year ago, I had a broken wrist and had my cast on and we were at our local bmx spot. Everyone was drinking and such and we have a 20ft hill cut out as a roll in and a 6ft high, 35ft long table top we hit, well everyone was out there drunk riding having a good time, I get on my bike having a bad accident 2 days before this party and I'm out and about trying to hit this table top with a cast on and a few beers in me lol..

then we got around to getting the trucks out to go mudding and trails, me and a buddy of mine jumped in the bed of a guys truck and he was doing dounuts and going wfo across this field and all me and my friend could do was just barley hold on and pray lol..

Later on that night we couldnt get a ride home so we had a nice fire going and we had just got done watching some trucks hook chains and such. My friend and I got in a pretty bad fight over who could sleep on which piece of plywood it was horrible lol we slept outside by the fire, it got really cold that night, we woke up in the morning and got all the beer bottles and put em in the fire and got home, our rents were PISSED!

another field party I went to, huge bonfire, 200 people easy if not more, people drunk everywhere, people getting it on in the woods. Some girl goes COPS! and we herd a siren, everyone runs like no tomorrow, me and my friend got in his truck and hauled *** thru random fields, Finally someone beeps us and says it was an ambulance, when we were driving thru the fields we saw a couple random cars just driving in random fields. A kid told us that the cops were looking for the party all night lol.. There was a couple badass fights too, a kid got hit with a beer bottle and all hell broke loose, A golf cart got stolen and tons of deer steaks and burgers were cooked lol..

After that party we went to a girls house and proceeced to party on, I had a bottle of vodka all to my self and I was just sitting there alone all night and kinda just thought about life and chit, It was kinda a life changing moment and I quit partying AS much as I use too because I dont want to end up like my mom..

That morning we woke up and hung over as hell I didnt sleep that night my buddy comes down and sees me in the basement watching a cowboy movie with my hood up and bottles of booze all around me lol, We got out in the trucks and did a few burnouts and a guy comes running across the road and starts screaming at us and we hauled *** out of there like no tomorrow lol

I've had some pretty cool times, And I cant say they will ever stop lol I aint never woke up next to a naked chick, or drank so much I didnt know where I was but really whats the fun in that?