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View Full Version : How do i hook up a kill switch?

01-10-2006, 06:41 PM
i juss got a tusk kill switch n want to kno how to hook it up...i read the instructions n didnt understand em......o yea i got a 300ex

01-10-2006, 07:27 PM
never listen to the instruction that come with thekill switches! you'll end up choping up your wiring harness into crap. take off your front plastic and look at the black box on the left side of your bike ( your right side if your sitting on it though) and find the black wire with a yellow stripe. cut into it and ataconnect one of the leads from your kill switch to it. connect the other lead to a ground and your good to go ( i connected mine to the plastic suport bract right next to the cdi)

01-10-2006, 07:50 PM
you don't have to cut any wire's. That black box zeppelin is referring to is your coil. the instructions should tell which wire is the ground and which one is the power/positve wire. Crimp a loop fitting on the ground wire and bolt it to the same place as the coil ground. Then take the positive wire off the coil and cut the wire plug fitting off, and get a new fitting and crimp the positve coil wire and killswitch wire in the same fitting and plug it back on the coil and your finished.