View Full Version : Twist Throttle

07-06-2002, 08:29 AM
Tell me the pros and cons of twist throttles , I ordered a vortex throttle for my 400 ,tired of my thumb hurting .....thanks

2002 400ex
2002 250 ex

07-06-2002, 09:23 AM
The opinions are going to differ for everyone. I like a twist throttle because my background is in bike racing. The big negative I here from the guys that normally run a thumb then try a twist is they grab a handfull of throttle and can't let off.:huh

07-06-2002, 10:35 AM
hahaha...cant let off!! been there felt like that before!! its all a matter of practice...and what ya got used too. i think i have better control in the corners with a twist and dont mind one in the woods. but i cant get the whoop section and some jumps down with the twist.

07-07-2002, 04:55 AM
ive always used a twist from my 200x, blaster,400,and R. i cant ride with a thumb throttle i dont know why i just cant.twist works great for me, the one thing that i like the best is when im jumping my whole right hand is on the grip as apossed to just part like on a thumd that makes me so much more comfortable, the one neg that will take some getting used to is whoop's, its easier to loose control because your usually on and off the gas and going over those whoops kinda makes you chop the twist and that can get you out of control be you will get used to it.

07-07-2002, 06:11 AM
i have a twist and love it. i would want it any other way. some of the pros would be u have ur whole hand on the grips at all times, and its a whole different experience. some of the cons would be, my friend had this problem, left turns at first, when u turn ur wrist twists the throttle and u take off. like others r sayin in the whoops, i like mine for jumps though. so basically its more of a personal preference. if u grew up on bikes and stuff then it will feel natural, others, like me, just want it cuz they like it better.

07-07-2002, 07:14 AM
If you've got experience on bikes or with twist throtttles then you should be ok, if not, a 400ex is too powerful for you to learn on. I've been riding motorcycles for about 20yrs, and have had a twist throttle on my 400 for 1 1/2 yrs, and it still gets a little iffy on some high speed situations. But I tend to ride all out and it gets me in trouble sometimes. I personally wouldn't consider switching back to the thumb, but the twist does spook me every now and then.

07-07-2002, 09:42 AM
Just remeber to keep your elbows high, it helps alot for me. If you got some twist experience then you should learn fast. You will find on the quad that it is harder to keep a steady hand on the twist cause it moves you around unlike a bike that moves with you. Makes the whoops a pain in the azzzzzzz. I'm goin to the twist too cause I am getting a bike and don't want to switch back and forth.

11-20-2002, 10:36 PM
ive never heard a bike owner say "man this twist is scary im going to rig a thumb throttle on it" dont tell me its different cuz its not. over the whoops both machines moove against you the same. just another thing for people to gripe about

11-21-2002, 02:02 PM
You're right 250X, no dif between a bike and a quad for using the throttle. I've always used a twist and like it.

11-21-2002, 05:52 PM
What I ment was that when you corner with a dirt bike and you lean into it the bike leans too. A quad don't unless you got overly soft shocks. A side from setting up jumps I never had a prob. with the twist.

11-21-2002, 06:49 PM
i love my twist no more sore thumbs and it took some time to get used to. it becomes second nature after a while withe a twist you know what they say practice makes perfect. you learn to aadjust your hand during turns and stuff so you dont give it extra throttle. and the best part is that it will keep some people from even wanting to try out your bike because they are to scared of the twist(like my brother he flipped it once with my twist has not ridin it since) so yeah i like my twist and if i get another quad i will probaly get another twist

Lo flyer
11-21-2002, 08:22 PM
My 97 300 has a twist on it and its cool My 01 400 has a thumb and its cool.Livin in S. Fl. we have alot of sand whoops and I have wrist locked wfo a couple times in 4 years on the 300 and come close a couple times to wadding it up. I dont think I will change out the 400 just yet it feels ok for now.