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Honda TRX250ex
01-08-2006, 03:46 PM
how do you guys like banshees compared to other quads?

01-08-2006, 04:20 PM
I like the overall feel compared to the new quads, I only like 250rs and banshees, anything else feels like its bucking you over the bars and it just has a weird feeling to it. I do like 450rs though.

In the handling they arent as bad as people say, with some shocks in the front the handling is amazing.

The power is awesome, pipes and air fitler wake them up

Nose heavy, Mine hasnt ever nose dived, it got this because people that ride them dont know how to ride them yet mainy because it a 2stroke and has some lowend, but not much so they try and hit a jump lugging the motor and it nose dives just like anything else..

01-12-2006, 08:55 AM
I can say that too if you run it fast in the powerband the nose is realy light for sure
I tried that myself and if you hit the jump when you are on the meaty part of power the front goes up quick... and a lot sometimes:eek: