View Full Version : Favorite President of all time??

01-06-2006, 02:30 PM
Now, I know this is a hard one because probably most of our greatest ones most of us were not around to witness.

So most of use will just be going by what we know and learned in history class. But maybe some of your favorites were around when you were alive.

So who is your favorite president of all time??

Mine, is Harry Truman

Your probably thinking that is the worse pick ever because he was not that great of a president. But he was the one that dropped the atomic bomb on Heroshima and Nagasaki (sp) which ended WWII.

And that is why I like him...:o


- Photo of the second atomic bomb dropped on the city of Nagasaki killing almost 70,000 instantly.

Photo courtesy of www.historyplace.com

01-06-2006, 02:34 PM
haha nice bomb lol

i liked JFK...i did a whole project on him
not only from his presidency did i like him but i found his whole backround.

im a replublican but still i thought he was a great man. he definetly shouldnt of died the way he did

"magic bullet" my @$$ lol

01-06-2006, 02:36 PM
I see, lol

I guess mine would be George Washington, all the previous leaders of countries/empires before him usually took advantage of there power "commi's, empires, etc." but he was the only one that actually cared for everyone and wanted equality, and it ended up being probably the best gov. plan this world will ever have, not saying its perfect of course.

01-06-2006, 02:36 PM
I think Mr Bill Clinton had to be one of the most entertaining presidents of all time..:devil:

01-06-2006, 02:42 PM
Originally posted by sickmojave
I think Mr Bill Clinton had to be one of the most entertaining presidents of all time..:devil:

agreed,entertaining and good guy
matt37 i like yur answer all though i knew nothing about that,i wish bush would nuke them and get the rest of our guys out of there...

01-06-2006, 02:45 PM
G Dubyah

nah jk, idk lol

01-06-2006, 02:49 PM
Originally posted by ImWhite
agreed,entertaining and good guy
matt37 i like yur answer all though i knew nothing about that,i wish bush would nuke them and get the rest of our guys out of there...

Yea, It was a tough call dropping those two bombs which killed almost 200,000 people and tons of women and childen but hey.....

You shouldnt have bombed Pearl Harbor ****ers!!!!

They learned their lesson.

01-06-2006, 03:04 PM
Yeah, this is gonna be unpopular, but it would have to be Reagan for me. He didn't take **** from anybody. Just ask Libya, Qadhafi was behind some terrorist activity, and Reagan sent the bombers in a surprise attack to blow up his palaces. Unfortunately he lived but it did kill his wife (or wives) and kids. You know what? He don't f*** with us anymore.

01-06-2006, 03:04 PM
Charlton Heston


01-06-2006, 03:11 PM
Originally posted by Rich250RRacer
Yeah, this is gonna be unpopular, but it would have to be Reagan for me. He didn't take **** from anybody. Just ask Libya, Qadhafi was behind some terrorist activity, and Reagan sent the bombers in a surprise attack to blow up his palaces. Unfortunately he lived but it did kill his wife (or wives) and kids. You know what? He don't f*** with us anymore.

I agree.

Also, Regans dealing with the USSR was amazing!

Def. one of our greats!

01-06-2006, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by Matt37
I agree.

Also, Regans dealing with the USSR was amazing!

Def. one of our greats!

I have to wonder how he would have handled 9/11, would he have waited as long as Bush did, or would the bombers have been flying right away? I don't think he would have handled Iraq the same either.

01-06-2006, 03:29 PM
Originally posted by Rich250RRacer
I have to wonder how he would have handled 9/11, would he have waited as long as Bush did, or would the bombers have been flying right away? I don't think he would have handled Iraq the same either.

it is interesting to wonder how some of our all time greats would have handled 9/11.

Teddy Rosevelt in my personal opinion was our most productive president all time.

he did sooo much for this country it was unbelieveable..

01-06-2006, 03:39 PM
I would say FDR, picked this country up when it was in shambles and almost single handedly put it back together economically.

01-06-2006, 03:39 PM
Ronald Reagan!!!! He took no chit from anybody.

01-06-2006, 03:43 PM
I too am with good ole' Bill Clinton. The economy was never better and I never had to worry when i watched the news whether or not one of my friends was blown up. I have only been alive for 4 presidents or so at least what i can remember but both bush's should have been pissed on then burnt. Neither one has done nothing but cushion his back pocket with money!!!!!!!!!! Go Clinton if you wanna provide jobs and keep america powerful and booming all while getting a lil skully then rock on!!!!!!

01-06-2006, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by Matt400ex_17
I too am with good ole' Bill Clinton. The economy was never better and I never had to worry when i watched the news whether or not one of my friends was blown up. I have only been alive for 4 presidents or so at least what i can remember but both bush's should have been pissed on then burnt. Neither one has done nothing but cushion his back pocket with money!!!!!!!!!! Go Clinton if you wanna provide jobs and keep america powerful and booming all while getting a lil skully then rock on!!!!!!

Clinton was a ***** plain and simple! Remember Samalia(sp?)?

01-06-2006, 05:40 PM
Originally posted by AtvMxRider
Ronald Reagan!!!! He took no chit from anybody.

i agree, his personanlity was real cool and like jerry said, he takes nothing from noone.

01-06-2006, 05:45 PM
Washington, Lincoln, Andrew Jackson, Reagan.

01-06-2006, 05:51 PM
Originally posted by AtvMxRider
Ronald Reagan!!!! He took no chit from anybody.
word! ;)

01-06-2006, 05:55 PM
Washington, Lincoln, Reagan...Reagan spent communism into the ground and realized we were the only country that could ever do that. Think of the decisions wartime presidents make...:eek2:
I would never want the job, thank God for the crooks that do.:D

01-06-2006, 05:56 PM
Originally posted by Rich250RRacer
Yeah, this is gonna be unpopular, but it would have to be Reagan for me. He didn't take **** from anybody. Just ask Libya, Qadhafi was behind some terrorist activity, and Reagan sent the bombers in a surprise attack to blow up his palaces. Unfortunately he lived but it did kill his wife (or wives) and kids. You know what? He don't f*** with us anymore.

Ronald Reagan is the only man alive to drop kick Chuck Norris:devil:

Reagan basically stood up and told the Russians to lick his sack, and im damn proud he was our president!

01-06-2006, 06:10 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
Ronald Reagan is the only man alive to drop kick Chuck Norris:devil:

Ummm Reagan is dead Ken:ermm:

01-06-2006, 06:12 PM
Originally posted by AtvMxRider
Ummm Reagan is dead Ken:ermm:

i told ya the SOB was badazz:bandit:

01-06-2006, 06:15 PM
Originally posted by AtvMxRider
Ronald Reagan!!!! He took no chit from anybody.

Yep. By far the best President of my lifetime. He is the reason Clinton had such a good economy.

01-07-2006, 09:50 AM
right on with reagan. he was the best presedent of modern time. its quite disturbing that people would think bill C was a better presedent than washington or lincoln who i believe were the two best. what washington did for the country in the early days can never be topped, lincoln held it together, and reagon made it the richest most powerful country in history. FDR only effed things up. the scocial programs he started have been chocking the working people of this country for far to long.

01-07-2006, 10:29 AM
Bill Clinton enjoyed the fruits of Reagan's labor plain and simple. Reagan is the one who got the economy rolling and the surplus.

Bill Clinton managed to do nothing when he had three terrorist attacks under his presidency and gave up a chance to catch Osama Bin Laden in 1997.

Reagan is the man.

01-07-2006, 10:36 AM
Regan, Franklin Roosevelt(the one during World War Two) and Eisenhower.:macho

01-07-2006, 11:24 AM
Reagan. Clinton did not do anything good...as everyone else had said, everything thrived because of Reagan, not anything Clinton did.

01-07-2006, 01:40 PM
Originally posted by ZeroLogic
Regan, Theodore Roosevelt(the one during World War Two) and Eisenhower.:macho

The one during WW2 was Franklin Delano Roosevelt

01-07-2006, 01:50 PM
Originally posted by derekhonda
The one during WW2 was Franklin Delano Roosevelt

It's been a long day.:blah:

01-07-2006, 01:57 PM
Greatest of all time? Lincoln unquestionably.

Greatest more modernly? FDR. As mentioned, he almost singlehandedly restored the economy. Its a shame his programs werent scaled back once the economy was restored due to WWII.

01-07-2006, 02:59 PM
I'm gonna have to say James Buchanan cause i'm related to him!

01-07-2006, 03:13 PM

01-07-2006, 08:41 PM
Lincoln W/o a Doubt!!!!!!!!!

01-08-2006, 12:33 AM
i think i have to agree with everyone here basically. i like most all that have been mentioned, except for maybe lincoln. maybe its just cause i live in the south, and wish he would have left us alone. nonetheless i think he did what he thought was right, and honestly what more can we expect.

01-08-2006, 09:43 AM
FDR did not restore the economy. He had nothing to do with it. WW11 brought back the economy. FDR programs acctually prolonged the great depression. All he did was increase the size of the goverment, which is never a good thing. Don't belive everythnig you learned in school from your teachers.

Reagon is in the top 3 Presidents ever for sure. Lincoln sucked. He trampled the consitution. The President is suppose to uphold it, not walk all over it. But ofcourse, the country is better with no states rights!! Yea right.

01-08-2006, 11:02 AM
I've just set back and watched this thread develop but now i'll post a fewopinions of my own.

I do like Ike because I'm a Kansas boy, not saying he is one of the greatest, he might have gotten vote for president because of his war efforts, much like Grant did.

I do think Reagan from what I have read and seen about him was great, top 3 of all time hands down. This man set the world straight and was the example of how all leaders should be at a time when the world needed leaders.

Clinton did nothing but sit back and allow the US to become a target for terrorism and get his nob slobbed on like he slobbed on what Reagan and the first Bush started. G-Dub is doing alright for what he has been dealt. Yes I may not agree with everything that he is doing but, he is trying to re-establish the US as a take no Chit country just like Reagan did. Clinton sat by for 8 years and let the world go to chit when yes people might hate this, but he could have policed it much like we are having to do now, and we are having to play catch up for 8 years of pu$$ie leadership and its costly.

The best is Washington nuf said.
Second might just be JFK. Just on the grounds that I don't know of another President that was so loved by both the democrats and republicans. My dad a die hard republican and his friends even will admit to liking this man as the president.

01-08-2006, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by Butters
i think i have to agree with everyone here basically. i like most all that have been mentioned, except for maybe lincoln. maybe its just cause i live in the south, and wish he would have left us alone. nonetheless i think he did what he thought was right, and honestly what more can we expect.

Ok, if lincoln did not step in you guys wouldnt be a part of the USA right now....

And Mrusk what the heck are you talking about. His programs DID restore the economy, with aid from the war. Everyone knows that wars create a better economy in the short run.

01-08-2006, 11:10 AM
Originally posted by derekhonda
Ok, if lincoln did not step in you guys wouldnt be a part of the USA right now....

And Mrusk what the heck are you talking about. His programs DID restore the economy, with aid from the war. Everyone knows that wars create a better economy in the short run.

i know we wouldn't, thats the point.

01-08-2006, 11:17 AM
Originally posted by Butters
i know we wouldn't, thats the point.


You do not want to be part of the USA?

01-08-2006, 11:18 AM
Originally posted by MOFO

You do not want to be part of the USA?

only on weekends.

01-08-2006, 11:20 AM
DerekHonda- Read the book FDR's Folley by Jim Powell. It might open your eyes up to some things you did not know.

FDR told people to save their money. If people arn't spending money, there aint to economy. He raised taxes taxes for the rich, passed strict regulations for private utilities, and subsidies for rural electrification.

Here is some other bad stuff FDR DID.

The seizure of private holdings of gold.
Unit banking laws — laws that prohibited banks from opening branches and thereby diversifying their portfolios and reducing their risks.
Massive increases in government expenditure in excess of revenues causing federal debt to explode.
The introduction of social security (1935)
The nation’s first comprehensive minimum wage law (1938)
Agricultural Adjustment Act
National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA)
Civil Works Administration
The Wagner Act
Massive inflation of the money supply.

These acts and programs resisted and prevented the things that needed to happen in order for the necessary market corrections to take place.

But hey i don't know waht i am talking about. FDR is GOD, RIGHT??

Hes responsible for creating this welfare state we live in today

I know my history. Do you?

01-08-2006, 11:23 AM
Originally posted by derekhonda
Ok, if lincoln did not step in you guys wouldnt be a part of the USA right now....

the south would probably be under french or spanish ruling. How many confederate governments are there int he world today??? NONE! why are there no conferderate governments? because they do not work. Our entire country was a confederate government in the begining (Articles of Confederation) but we realized it didnt work so we threw it out and got a federal government. I think its funny how over half the people who fly confederate flags dont even know what confederacy is.

As far as my favorite president i will have to say FDR. He was president for 16 years and helped our country out a lot and possibly even saved it from going broke

01-08-2006, 11:33 AM
Originally posted by Hondadudeehhhh
the south would probably be under french or spanish ruling. How many confederate governments are there int he world today??? NONE! why are there no conferderate governments? because they do not work. Our entire country was a confederate government in the begining (Articles of Confederation) but we realized it didnt work so we threw it out and got a federal government. I think its funny how over half the people who fly confederate flags dont even know what confederacy is.

As far as my favorite president i will have to say FDR. He was president for 16 years and helped our country out a lot and possibly even saved it from going broke

Are argument has wholes in it. There are communist goverments. Does that mean communisim works?

01-08-2006, 12:14 PM
Originally posted by mrusk
Are argument has wholes in it. There are communist goverments. Does that mean communisim works?

communism technically has never existed. The theory behind communism is the middle-lower class hard working average joe will have complete power over the economy from a bloody uprising. Communism was thought up in the mid 1800s, since then i havent seen a bloody uprising resulting in the average joe controlling the economy. Sure the communist are working towards it, but what they are working towards will probably never happen.

Im saying a lot of people complain about the civil war and how the south should be its own government. Thats fine and dandy but the confederate gov. probably would have only lasted a couple years before it was taken over by another country. The states having almost total control just wouldnt work.
Now i can see where you are coming from with the states deserving more power (i agree). The only thing is, our governemnt has worked quite well for over 200 years. You could and probably do know more about history than i do (im only 16 and have a lot of schooling left). Im just posting what i hate learned in my few years in history

01-08-2006, 01:16 PM
Im not gonna get into it, because I probably dont know all the facts about FDR, but I still think he is one of the best. What he did worked...and you cant argue success. He also was the only president elected 4 times (served 14 years straight) and helped win WWII. Not only that but he DID pull us through the depression, like i said...cant argue with success.

Just taking a brief look at your "things he did wrong" list:

The seizure of private holdings of gold.

Nazi gold maybe? Whose gold did he steal?

Unit banking laws? Oh...he prohibited banks from opening...perhaps the same banks that went under...could not pay out peoples money...etc. Oh..he stopped those banks from opening new branches until something like the FDIC could be put into place?

Like i said, I dont know my facts...but just looking at your arguments I can already see why he did those things.

01-08-2006, 01:17 PM
and not to be mean, but i have a hard time being told my argument is wrong by someone who uses the sentece "are arguments has wholes in it." :devil:

01-08-2006, 01:56 PM
Why has nobody mentioned Thomas Jefferson? Maybe he wasnt the most effective president overall, but he and George Washington were the two most influential figures when our country was founded.

Some of the greats are

The first four (Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison) because of the adversity and challenges they faced with a fledgling republic

Jackson- probably the biggest hardass to ever take office in washington. Also a Tennessean...

Lincoln- i shouldnt have to say anything

Teddy- more got done during his presidency than everyone else's terms combined (not seriously, but the guy got **** done)

FDR, Truman, and Eisenhower- their 3 presidencies shaped the mold for today's American society and infrastructure

Reagan- again, i shouldnt have to say anything.

Honorable Mentions:
John Q. Adams, Woodrow Wilson

Guys who just plain suck:
Andrew Johnson, Calvin Cooledge (sp?), and Jimmy Carter

And he sucked as a president, but i would pay to hang out with Bill Clinton for a night. He's just a cool guy.

01-08-2006, 03:14 PM
I'm dumb, can someone explain to me the Regan - Russia thing?

01-08-2006, 03:15 PM
Originally posted by nofearrider1
I'm dumb, can someone explain to me the Regan - Russia thing?

Pay better attention in school

01-08-2006, 04:00 PM
Originally posted by AtvMxRider
Pay better attention in school

Yea, I'm pretty sure that happened during the American Revolution.:rolleyes:

01-09-2006, 03:11 PM
the arguement over whether FDR was a good presedent or not will never end. just like the arguement over whether government or peopel should hold the power in the country. if you think government is the answer than you love FDR, if you think peopel are the answer you hate him. i dont like FDR i think things can be manipulated to make it look like he fixed the country, but the depression wasnt going to last forever, no matter who was in power. it wasnt a depression because the country was going down the toilet it was mainly a depression because people made very poor monitary choices.
lincon did perhaps muddy the constitution a bit, but he didnt really have a choice. he was left with stir things up a bit or split the country. did the south have some good points? yes, but the south wouldnt exist today if they had split and the north wouldnt be as prosperous. he stepped on some toes, but because he did the country is better today. he delt with the worst situation this country has ever had, and made it better in the end.